Saturday, October 27, 2007

Sawiro iyo warbixin kale - Dahabshiil iyo Sh. Cali Jawhar - Abdifatah Ahmed

Dahabshiil oo lacag gudoonsiisay dugsiga Sheekh Cali Jowhar ee Borama.
Maamulaha Shirkada Dahabshiil ee Borama Ismaaciil Cabdi Riiraash ayaa maanta xafiiskiisa magaalada Borama lacag deeq ah ku gudoonsiiyay dugsiga Sheekh Cali Jowhar ee magaalada Borama.

Ismaaciil Riiraash oo ka hadlay goobta uu lacagta ku gudoonsiinayay dugsiga Sheekh Cali Jowhar ayaa sheegay in shirkadooda mar walba aysan daneyn inay faa’iido hesho oo ay awooda saarto waxqabadka bulshada.

Waxa uu sheegay inay waxyaabo badan ka qabteen xaaladaha bulshada ee gobalka Awdal iyo guud ahaan Somalia isla markaana Dahabshiil ay u taagan tahay daryeelka bulshadeeda.

Riiraash ayaa sheegay inay ka qeyb qaadan doonaan dhamaan waxyaabaha horumarka gobalka Awdal ku saabsan ee shirkadooda loogu soo baahdo mar kastana ay diyaar u yihiin inay dhexda u xirtaan horumarka bulshada.

“Dahabshiil waxaa iska leh bulshada, waxeyna u taagan tahay habeen iyo dharaar horumarka bulshada” ayuu yiri Maamulaha Shirkada Dahabshiil ee Borama Ismaaciil Cabdi Riiraash.

Maamulaha ayaa sidoo kale sheegay ka qeyb qaadan doonaan mashruuca lagu dhisayo wadada isku xirta Borama iyo Dilla oo dhawaan gudi loo magacaabay ka shaqeeya dhismaha wadadaan oo halbowle u ah horumarka gobalka.

Riiraash ayaa deeqdaan lacageed gudoonsiiyay Maamulaha Dugsiga Sheekh Cali Jowhar Xaamud Ibraahim Barqadle oo aad u soo dhaweeyay deeqdaan wax ku oolka ah ee Dahabshiil ugu deeqday.

Xaamud waxa uu sheegay inay deeqdaan maanta guddoonsiisay shirkada Dahabshiil ay ku baqan doonaan dhismaha darbiga dugsiga Sheekh Cali Jowhar.

“Aad baan ugu faraxsanahay deeqdaan wax ku oolka ah shirkada Dahabshiil inoogu deeqday waana ka fileynay mar kasta inay na garab taagan tahay” ayuu yiri Xaamud Cabdi Jabriil.

Waxa uu sidoo kale sheegay in Dugsiga Sheekh Cali Jowhar dhigtaan arday aad u fara badan isla markaana waxbarashadiisa ay tahay mid aad u wanaagsan dadka ku dhaqan Borama iyo guud ahaan Gobalka Awdalna aad ugu riyaaqeen.

Si kastaba ha ahaatee, Dahabshiil ayaa mar kasta deeqo noocaan oo kale ah guddoonsiiso goobaha wax tarka u leh bulshada sida goobaha waxbarashada, Isbitaalada IWM.

Abdifitahaam Ahmed

Borama, Awdal

Ogeysiis: Dhamaan Taagerayaasha Iqra/Read NGO

Osman Douale Dirir - Gudoomiyaha Ururka Iqra:

Ka dib markii la habeeyey maamulkii fulinta ee Iqra waxaan marka hore aad iyo aad u salaamaynaa dadkii ka qayb qaatay ka midho dhalinteeda oo dibada iyo dalka hooyaba kala jooga ee uu ugu horeeyo walaalkeen Dr. Abdirahman Jamac Hadi.

Marka labaad waxaan idinka codsanaynaa inaad kordhisaan taageeradii aad uruka siin jirteen iyo aad dadaalkiina intaas ka kordhisaan.





Telephone - Africa Online - 252 6 240 238

Warbixin kasoo baxday EELO University - Haatuf

Masuuliinta Jaamicadda Eelo American UnVeristy oo Jawaab ka Bixiyey Warar Sheegaya Dib U Dhac ku Yimid Furitaanka Jaamicadda.

Masuuliinta qabanqaabada mashruuca jaamacadda cusub ee Eelo American University ee dhawaan magaalada Boorama lagaga dhawaaay, ayaa sheegay in aanay jirin in cid furitaanka jaamacadasi carqalad ku haysa, isla markaana loo diyaar garoobayo furitaanka Jaamacadda.
Masuuliintan ayaa ku tilmaamay inay furitaanka jaamicaddu ku beegantahay dhamaadka sannadkan ilaa bilowga sannaka cusub ee soo socda, waxayna intaa ku dareen in aanay jirin wax maanta ka dhiman oo hakin kara socodkeeda.

Axmed Xaashi Abiib, kana mid ah hawlwadeenada sarsare ee Jaamacadda oo ka hadlay warbixin dhawaanta ku soo baxday Shabakada wararka ee iyo wargeysada dalka qaarkood oo waraysi siiyey Shabakada, ayaa waxa kale oo uu ka warramay heerka diyaargarowga, agabka waxbarashada, nidaanmka iyo waxyaabaha jaamacaddani kaga duwantahay jaamacadaha kale ee ka furan Soomaaliland ama Soomaaliyaba. Axmed Xaashi oo ka hadlay waxa ka jira warbixintan lagu sheegay dibudhaca ku yimid furitaanka Jaamacadda ayaa yidhi:

"Waxa marka hore wanaagsan in institution kasta oo la doonayo in warbixin laga diyaariyo lagala tashado hawlwadenada xogogaalka u ah, runtiina waan la yaaby warbixinta dhawaan kusoo baxaday shabakadaha iyo wargeysyada qaarkood ee lagu sheegeyo inay jirto carqalad dhinaca dawladda ka timi iyo duruufo kale oo hakiyey furitaanka jaamacadan wakhtigii loogu talogalay, waxa inta la socota hawsha Jaamacadda iyo inta dani kaga xidhantahayba la socdsiinayaa in aanay jirin cid dhibaato nagu haysa ama duruufo kale oo dibu u dhigi kara furitaanka jaamacadda."

Axmed wuxuu intaa ku daray "Dawladdu way na siisay rukhsaddii, wakhtigii furitaanku noo qorshaysnaana wali lama gaadhin, qalab iyo agabki waxbarashada aan ugu talogalayna badi wuu noo yaallaa, diiwaangelintii way socotaa ilaa 30ka bishan Noofambar, macallimiintii iyo masuuliyiintii kale oo isugu jira ajnebi iyo soomaaliba waa u diyaar, welina waxan dhismaha cusub ee jaamacadda ka nadiifinaynaa wixii ka hadhay dhismahaasi." Sidoo kale, Axmed Xaashi Abiib oo ka warramay waxayaalaha jaamacaddani Eelo American University kaga duwantahay jaamacadaha kale ee ka jira Soomaaliland ama Soomaaliya, ayaa sheegay "inay jiraan waxbarasho cusub oo aan hore dalka uga jirin marka loo eego qalabka loo adeegsanayo, nidaamka maamul, macalimiinta iyo awoodda qalab ee wax lagu bari karo bulshada iyo xidhiidhka caalamiga ah ee ay la leedahay dunida inmteeda kale."

Axmed Xaashi oo faahfaahin ka bixinaya qorshaha Jaamicadda, ayaa soo qaatay qodobadan soo socda:

1. Jaamacaddu waxay xidhiidh la leedahay ama ku xidhantahay jaamacadda weyn ee loo yaqaan Washigton Sate University ee dalka maraykanka.

2. Waxay jaamacaddu u furantahay arday kasta oo waxbarasho doonaya oo ku nool geeska Afrika.

3. Qaabka waxbarashada EELO-AMEERICAN UNIVERSITY waa maqal iyo muuqaal loo adeegsanayo, taasoo ka amid ah wayaabaha cusub ee ay jaamicaddani kaga gedisantahay Jaamicadaha kale.

4. Macallimiinta jaamacaddu waa ajnebi iyo Soomaaliba.

5. Maamulka Jaamacaddu wuxu gacanta ugu jirayaa guddi (board) ama selection Committee.

6. Cidda soo geleysa waxa lagu soo xulayaa nidaam waxbarasho oo dugsi sare ah, iyadoo la baadhayo dugsiga sare ee ardaygu kasoo baxay si loo caddeeyo inuu kasoo baxay dugsigaasi u sheegeyo iyo inaanu kasoo bixin.

7. Jaamacadda waxa diiwaan gelinteeda gacanta ku haya profeesarro ajnebi ah oo aan qarabo iyo qabiil ku lahayn Soomaaliya ama soomaaliland.

8. Jaamacadda waxay leedahay website u gaar ah ooah EU-AU.ORG.

9. Jaamacaddu waxay xidhiidh la samaysaa jaamacadaha ka jira dalalka caalmka qaarkood iyo ururada caalamiga ahba, sida Ururka Jaamacadaha jaamacadda Carabta, kuwa muslinka, dalalka saaxiibka ee Afrika iwm, iyadoo ardayda ugu sarreysa waxbarashada abaalmarin loo siin doono aqoon korodhsiyo debedda ah.

10. Laybreeriga weyn ee Jaamacaddu, waxuu u furraan doonaa dadweynaha waxbarashada jecel iyo ardayda, iyadoo lagu dhiqi doono sharciyo kala duwan.

11. Ardayda kusoo baxda aqoonta sare, waxay jaamacaddu ku xidhaa shirkadaha ama wershedeha ka jira dalal badan oo dunida ah iyo dalka Somalilandba si loo shaqo geliyo.

12. Arday kasta oo ka diiwaangashan jaamacaddu wuxu yeelan doonaa Email u gaar ah oo jaamacaddu leedahay si loola socodsiiyo wax kasta oo ka jira jaamacadda.

13. Ugu dambayntii jaamacadda EELO-AMERICAN UNIVERSITY, waxay arday kasta culuunta u baranayo u siinaysaa kombiyuuter u gaar ah.

Maxamed Cumar - Hyena
Source: Haatuf

Borama, Awdal - Somaliland

Coast to Coast Candidate - Mohamed Mouse

As the election fever gripped everyone and emotions are getting higher and higher and the competition has already started in a society marked by deep divisions based on tribalism, the lobbying for president and VP has become personal and nasty. The political parties of Somaliland are exploring their candidates and examining their resumes of the political candidates who have shown interest in the election.

In the upcoming election in Somaliland, the fever is more acute in the Kulmiye opposition party, where the presidential and vice presidential tickets are among the most urgent issues. Supporters of various potential candidates have already started polishing their choices and talk about the positive attributes of their men while at same time spreading rumors and false accusation against their perceived adversaries.

It is part of the democratic process of our time.
However, we know from past experience that all politicians running for office are not in the same category: their moral character and their commitment to the well being of their constituents and their country for that matter are not the same. Some keep their promises to the public while others will do or say anything to get elected. The questions then become how do we choose the right person for the highest offices in the land. That is where precisely educating the public on the qualifications of the various candidates vying for the top posts in the Kulmiye party presidential and vice presidential slates becomes more important in this election cycle than before.

All indications suggest that the next presidential election in Somaliland will be a defining moment as the new democratic experiment in Somaliland comes to a dangerous crossroads. The stakes couldn’t be any higher; this election will determine whether the democratic process in Somaliland matures into a routine procedure where party politics supersede tribal divisions or country relapses into ethnic fiefdoms like the rest of Somalia where tribalism and politics are synonymous as usual.

Among all the declared and undeclared individuals in the Kulmiye party hierarchy, one debate stands above all other issues discussed among party supporters and that is where Hon. Abdirahman Aw Cali Farah stands in the party.

Hon. Abdirahman Aw Ali Farah is the son of Awdal, a friend of every one who knows him, a helper to every one who needs his support, a savior for Samarone in its darkest days, a warrior who puts his country and its people first. Any one who knows him regardless of his/her political affiliation and clan will agree with on those descriptions. Abdirahman is a seasoned military and political adventurer. During his days in SNM, he endured a lot of hardships among people who have no sympathy for Gadabursi at the time. He fought for his life and his people in so many occasions in the SNM struggle. He had little support from his people and he survived alone among foes and friends. Abdirahman is among very few Gadabursi people who knows every one from Borama. Abdirahman is a rare commodity in Somaliland and he deserves to be recognized as such.

Abdirahman in Politics:

In politics, Abdirahman is in Kulmiye. Kulmiye is a political party like any other party in Somaliland and each one of us has the right to choose the political party of his/her choice. Without any sensitivity, we have to respect each other in the choices we make. Abdirahman is one of the leaders who created Somaliland and its political structure of today. The political parties of today’s Somaliland have not come from the thin air. People have fought and sacrificed for their lives for the sake of the peace the people of Somaliland are enjoying today.

He is one of those people who is suffering and enduring the hardships of the past and present struggle. Abdirahman is a uniter not a divider. He has been busy in uniting the Somalilanders since the start of the struggle for Somaliland. He is respected by the MAJORITY of Somalilanders for his role in the struggle for Somaliland and in the establishment of the Somaliland political and governmental institutions.

He is a seasoned politician and enjoys dealing with friends and foes. He fights for Somaliland to remain independent and he believes in the struggle ahead of Somalilanders. He is a fighter for his rights and the rights of his people. His leadership has been tested as a military leader and VP. He saved Somaliland from civil war among some Isak clans when we needed peace the most. These traits can be witnessed by the MAJORITY of Somalilanders. Abdirahman is man of principle who dislikes those who lack reasonableness and who are self-interested and whose deliberations is logically flawed.

Abdirahman and the coming election:

Somaliland is in the election mode and the political parties are in full swing of the election campaign. The parties are competing for the majority and each one is trying to win in the coming election. Among the big posts are the Presidential and VP posts. The parties are aligning their candidates for the election. Awdal people are busy choosing candidates for the presidency and the VP and thinking of who to support. Awdal people are in critical period in the Somaliland politics and in global Somalia. They have to discuss and evaluate their present and future interests and know the kind of candidates who could benefit Awdal most and defend its’ welfare and safety.

The competing Awdal clans must and should know where the general interest lies and test and examine the candidates who represent not a particular clan but Awdal as a whole. The people Awdal wants to elect will be representing Awdal people in local communities, regional, and national level. The saying: “You crawl before you walk” is very true in politics and decision making. Some one cannot be a politician unless tested through a wide range of experiences. Electing someone is not just sending him/her to earn one’s living. It is more complicated than that.

Abdirahaman has all the characteristics of a politician. He has already tested the waters and knows his shortcomings and successes. Some people criticize him for his shortcomings but know that he has the capacity and ability to win and to lead. He has big dreams for Awdal and Somaliland in general. He is loved and respected by the majority of people in Somaliland and if he goes for election, there will be a large percent of Somalilanders in every local community, region, and National Level who will be very happy to vote for him. Abdirahaman has the resume, credentials, charisma, and vast experience of a candidate.

Abdirahman and Kulmiye:

Abdirahman and his colleagues fought together for a common goal: to get rid off a dictator and seek for Somaliland independence. They partially succeeded and Somaliland has been in peace since then. However, the unity of Somalilanders is at stake because of the behaviour of certain people in all the three political parties. They are heading to where the dictator destroyed Somalia: DIVIDE AND RULE.

Kulmiye has about to destroy itself from within and has become a divided party. Instead of uniting the parts constituents, it plans to sideline some of the old comrades, including some of those who fought hard for Somaliland to be where it is today. It underestimates the weight of certain members. The party has succeeded to splinter the Awdal people and made them to compete for a vice president in the thin air for which some of the Isak clans within the party want it seriously. Their argument about Abdirahman is that he is cut from a tree ( Tolaawe ) and has no where to fall back to. This assumption is false and misleading. If Kulmiye thinks that without Abdirahman, the party can succeed in the coming election, it is sure that those who give this advice are working for the destruction of the party and see themselves in the ditch.

The challenge of Kulmiye Party is to focus on the most important issues of this time: the fight against the Party’s destruction. The party is under scrutiny and its actions are watched by all people who care for Somaliland and its’ struggle for sovereignty.

The activities going on inside the party are on the contrary of its’vision: Unity of Somaliland. Siilaanyo wants to sideline his deputy, his friend, and supporter in the past and present struggle and lacks the right judgment and reasonableness in order to avoid his downfall, the party’s failure in the elections, and the elimination of the party in the political arena.

He has to look forward and should not listen to the self-interested and tribal-minded elders who cannot survive in a peaceful society. Some of our elders are evil and they create problems among clans so that they earn their living on the expenses of our society. They create problems every day and every minute under the cover of negotiation, integrity, and loyalty to their clans. Siilaanyo and his advisors should not fall into the trap created by those evil people who believe in DIVIDE AND RULE POLICY and should stand beside those individuals who stood beside him through thick and thin, such as Abdirahman and his likes in the party.

Abdirahman and Awdal: Of course Abdirahman is the son of Awdal and by all means deserves to be respected as such. Some people in Awdal argue that he led SNM forces into Awdal and conspired against them. That is far from the history of events and his activities in the SNM. He put himself in very dangerous situations within the SNM command for the sake of the safety of his people.

In certain circumstances, his colleagues suspected him of being dishonest but he kept on going and considering the safety of his people, he defied all odds and endured insults from his SNM colleagues. In many times, with the consent of his comrades, he sneaked into Borama to consult with the elders and to warn them either to defend themselves or be part of the movement and fight to liberate Awdal from the remnants of the dictator’s army which were still in control in Borama. However, no one heeded his advice and eventually the lack of acceptance lead to the fall of Borama by SNM forces. Today, most of the people in Adwal, except a minority of the people, understand the truth of the events and give the credit to Abdirahman.

In conclusion, Abdirahman is a man of word, trust, experience, a person to be reckoned with. As all other candidates, he is expecting support from his clan first and secondly from all other Somalilanders who believe in the occurrences of events in the past, present, and future struggles.

By Mohamed Ali Mousa

Ottawa, Canada


Source: Ahmed

Friday, October 26, 2007

Khadra iyo Juba oo aad u Da' yar - Daawo - Saylici Blogger

Khadra dahir Cige iyo Cabdiqadir Juba heestii waa deeq ilaah!!!

Khadra oo ka mid ah fanaaniinta dalka loogu jecel yahay ayaa heestani ka mid tahay heesihii ay qaaday markii ay aad ka u da'yarayd iyada iyo fanaanka Juba oo isaguna wax yar ka danbeeyey Khadra.
SayliciPress - Suugaan

Two soldiers killed in Somalia

Two soldiers killed as gov't official survives assassination in Somalia:
Two Somali soldiers were killed and eight others wounded Thursday while a government official survived an assassination attempt separately in central and southern Somalia, police and witnesses said. "Two government soldiers died after a roadside bomb exploded as their vehicle was passing," Muse Yarow, a Beledweyne resident, told Xinhua by phone.

"Two other soldiers were severely wounded in the explosion." Hospital sources in the town bordering Ethiopia said the wounded soldiers were being treated at the hospital. In Afgoye, a town in Lower Shabelle province 30 km northwest of Mogadishu, the Afgoye District Commissioner, Mohamed Omar, survived an assassination attempt but six of his bodyguards were wounded in the blast.

"The Afgoye DC survived an attempt on his life but six of his bodyguards were wounded in the explosion," Abdullahi Ibrahim, Somali police spokesman, told Xinhua. "An investigation in underway and the culprits will be put before the law." Soon after the explosion Ethiopian and Somali troops based in the small town cordoned off the area and carried out searches for explosives and suspected insurgents. An upsurge of violence has been going on since early this year in southern Somalia, particularly the capital, where almost daily attacks on foreign and Somali government soldiers and officials claimed lives of many people including civilians.

Meanwhile, in the southern Somali town of Baidoa, the seat of the transitional federal parliament, a group of members of parliament supporting the Somali Prime Minister Ali Mohamed Gedi, formed an alliance which they say is designed to "protect the rule of law."

Abdullahi Shiek Ismail, deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Constitution and Federal Affairs, told reporters in Baidoa that the alliance "will work to insure the separation of powers." The formation of this grouping comes as the differences between President Abdullahi Yusuf and his Prime Minster Gedi is deteriorating, with Gedi on Wednesday flying to Addis Ababa for the second time in two weeks.
Source: Xinhua

Kiiskii Borrel Djibouti .. Qalinkii: Zakaria Hussein

Kiiskii Borrel .. baroortu orgiga ka wayn ! Qalinkii: Zakaria Hussein

Riyaad - gabadh adhi jirto ah ayaa maalin maalmaha ka mid ah dacawo ka cuntay orgi ka tirsanaa xayn adhi ah oo ay daajinaysay, gabadhii dhacdadaasi waxay u aragtay mid dabiici ah wax dareen ah oo murug ka turjumi karana kamay muujin, laakiinse markii ay fiidkii xoolaha soo hoysay ee ay doleedka soo gaadhay ayay ogaatay arooska wiil dhallinyar ah oo ay isku degaan ahaayeen oo ay iyadu isku wadday oo mid kale aroostay, gabadhii iyada oo dareenkeeda qarinaysa ayay oohin bilowday markii sobobta la waydiiyayna waxa ay sheegtay inay u ooyayso oo ay ka sabri kari laadahay orgigii maanta dacawadu cuntay, haseyeeshee aabeheed oo gartay dulucda oohinta ayaa ugu jawaabay (baroortu orgiga ka wayn).

an ka gudbee, waxaa maalmahan dalka Djibouti ka socday bannaanbaxyo si wayn looga qayb gelay oo lagaga soo horjeeday eedeeynta labo iyo toban jirsatay ee ay xukuumadda Faransiisku u maleegtay madaxwaynaha Djibouti mudane Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle ee ku aaddan kiiskii garsoore Bernard Borrelkii ku bakhtiyay Djibouti 19 oct. sannadkii 1995, islamarkaana uu taliska faransiisku Madaxwayne Geelle oo xilligaasi ahaa madaxa nabad- sugidda qaranka ku eedeeyay ka danbaynta dilka ninkaasi, bannaanbaxyadan cadhaysan ee ay dad waynaha reer Djibouti soo abaabuleenna waxay ahaayeen kuwo ay ku garab istaagayeen madaxwaynahooga Mr.Geelle.

Bernard Borrel oo ahaa garsoore u dhashay dalka Faransiiska oo dawladda Djibouti gacan ka siin jiray dhinacyada habaynta amuuraha caddaaladda islamarkaana ka mid ahaa la taliyeyaasha wasiirkii caddaaladda ee xilligaasi Mumin Bahdoon Faarax ayaa maydkiisa laga helay meel u jirta 80 km caasimadda Djibouti, xaqiiq radin iyo baadhitaanno loo dhammaa oo wakhtigaasi la sameeyayna waxaa ka soo baxay inuu garsooruhu arrimo shakhsi ahaaneed isku dilay, arrintaasina waxay keentay in kiiskaasi xidhmo.

haseyeeshee muwaadin reer Djibouti ah oo magangelyo ka rebay Faransiiska oo la yidhaa Saalix Al- Xamiiqaani ayaa sannadkii 2000 arrintan soo nooleeyay oo waxyaabo uu ku tilmaamay caddaymo sugaya in madaxwayne Geelle garsoorahaasi khaarijiyay u gudbiyay faransiiska, dhacdadaasina waxay keentay in uu faransiisku huriyo kiiskaasi markale.

xidhiidhka Faransiiska iyo MR.Geelle ka hor intaanu hanan madaxnimada Djibuti ayaa la sheegaa inuu ahaan jiray mid aan fiicnayn, iyada oo ay jirtay marar uu Faransiisku shirqoollo dhicisoobay u maleegay madaxwayne Geelle sida bashqad ay ku jirtay cajalad Video ah oo lagu soo lifaaqay waxyaabaha qarxa oo Mr Ismaaciil looga soo diray magaalada Marseill 13 kii December ee 1994, cadaawaddan Faransiisku Mr.Geelle u hayana waxa loo aaneeyaa madaxwaynaha oo ah siyaasi ruug caddaa ah oo aan marnaba lagu dabo rogi Karayn shuruucda siyaasadda iyo iskaashiga labo geesoodka ah ee ka dhaxayn kara labo dal oo uu midkood ka kale gumaystay.

Dhinac kale, arrintan la baxday (l`affair du Borrel) markii si hufan loo diraaseeyay waxaa caddaatay sida ay ilo xog- ogaalihi sheegeen inuu garsooruhu gacantiisa isku dilay, maxaayeelay waxaa la xaqiijiyay caddaymo ay ka midyihiin in Borrel maalmihii u danbeeyay noloshiisa uu walbahaar iyo fakir badani ku furnaa, kaasoo sida la sheegay ka dhashay muran qoyseed u dhaxeeyay isaga iyo xaaskiisa Elisabeth Borrel oo baryahan danbe xoojisay dadaalka ay ugu jirto dhalleecaynta madaxwayne Geelle.

Sidoo kale waxaa la sheegay markii ay tiisu gashay ee uu gurigiisa ka baxayay inuu quraarad gaas ah qaatay dabadeedna raqdiisa oo dhinac ka gubatay laga helay deegaanka Qubbat –Al Kharab, waxa kale oo ka markhaati kacaya arrintaasi sida la sheegay dardaaran uu garsooruhu xaaskiisa uu qoray oo ku wajahnaa habka loo maarayn doono hantidiisa geeridiisa ka dib.

Isku soo wada xoori oo arrintan 12 jirsatay ee haweenaydii ka hadhay garsoore Borrel jiifka u diidday ayaa u muuqata marmarsiinyo siyaasadeed oo meel hoose laga dhiraan-dhirrinayo, ujeedada laga leeyahayna ay tahay in lagaga aargoosto madaxwayne Geelle oo tallaabada lagu qoonsaday tahay hanashada madaxnimada dalkiisa iyo codka shacabkiisa isaga oo aan haysan raali ahaanshaha Faransiiska, kiiskanna waxa uu noqday mid looga ololeeyo warbaahinta dalkaasi, markasta oo uu Faransiisku jalleeco geeddi socodka siyaasadda iyo horumarka Djibouti oo ah goob juqraafiyeed muhiim ah oo dowladaha waawayn ee caalamku usoo kala badiyaan sidii ay xidhiidh iyo iskaashi ula yeelan lahaayeen.

Si kastaba ha ahaatee sida ay dad badan oo siyaasadda ku xeel dheeri qabaan Mr.Geelle ayaa ah siyaasi magac wayn ku leh qaaradda Africa, waxana la sheegaa inuu ka khibrad badan yahay nolosha siyaasadeedna ka yaqaan madaxwayne Nicolas Sarkosyga Faransiiska oo si dardar leh uga shaqaynaya arrintan taageero buuxdana la dabo taagan Elesabeth Borrel, waxaasa xaqiiq ah sida ay dad badani qabaan inaanu kiiskani saamayn xun ku yeelan doonin masiirka Djibouti iyo Mr.Geelle toona maadaama ayna qadiyaddaasi cuskanayn sida la sheegay caddaymo sugan oo ay tahay been abuur aan geed loogu gabban iyo tallaabo khilaafsan qawaaniinta caalamiga ah.
Ugu danbayn ma mooddaa in Mr.Sarkosy damac kaga jiro haweenayda ka hahday Borrel maadaama ay maalmo ka hor kala tageen xaaskiisii hore ee Cecilia Sarkosy, oo uu baryahanba doob ahaa? Dhacdadaasi ma hubo tafaasiilna kama hayo wuuse dumaali kara Sarkozy duqda Elisabeth haddii ay ilaa haatan madax bannaan tahay oo uu isleeyahay xaas ahaan tii hore way kuu dhaaami doontaa iyada oo aan dacwado kale oo been abuur ah lagu wareegaysan.

Zakaria Hussein

Thursday, October 25, 2007

At UN, Chad and Somalia Preemptively Bid Out

At UN, Darfur No-Bid Contract Spun by UK, Chad and Somalia Preemptively Bid Out

Byline: Matthew Russell Lee of Inner City Press at the UN: News Analysis -
<--UK's Amb. Sawer and Ban Ki-moon and file, Lockheed contract not shown

UNITED NATIONS, October 25 -- As the UN Security Council threatened action against anyone who impedes the Darfur peace talks scheduled for Libya this weekend, Sudan's representative criticized the UN's $250 million no-bid contract with Lockheed Martin for infrastructure for the Darfur peacekeeping mission as a "clear violation of UN rules" akin to "the Oil for Food scandal." Inner City Press asked Ambassador Abdalmahmood Abdalhaleem Mohamad what Sudan intends to do about the contract. "We will raise it in the Fifth Committee," he said. "And in the General Assembly."

By contrast, permanent Security Council member the United Kingdom does not believe it has any responsibility for the no-bid Darfur contract. Inner City Press asked Amb. John Sawers if he thought there should have been a competitive process -- some argue that the sole-source award to U.S.-based Lockheed Martin has needlessly handed Sudan an issue. Amb. Sawers said, video here at Minute 4:54, "I don't have a particularly strong view on that. The Secretary-General was asked a question on that and he responded. I think it's a matter for the UN."

Who is "the UN," if not the UK, permanent member of the Security Council and drafter of the Council's Presidential Statement on Darfur? Does Amb. Sawers mean that the UK feels it has nothing to say about the propriety of UN procurement and contracting? In fact, in a purportedly off-the-record breakfast held primarily for the British press, the Lockheed no-bid contract was defended, as necessary due to the need for speed after the Council passed its Darfur mission resolution.

But this defense is undermined by a recent addition to the UN's procurement website, soliciting "Expressions of Interest" for "Provision of Multi Functional Logistics’ Services for Darfur, Chad/Central African Republic and Somalia," with a deadline of November 15.

In part the solicitation, here online in full from Inner City Press, reads:

2.1 Darfur - The United Nations Security Council Resolution 1769(2007) established the United Nations African Union Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) of approximately 31,000 personnel (military, police, civilians) to improve the security situation in Darfur. There are approximately 35 existing logistic bases and camps. More camps are planned to be constructed. Under the MFLS contract (following from this EOI, some of those existing camps will either need to be upgraded or replaced with new camps are expected to be constructed. The MFLS will also include operation and maintenance services for these camps. These camps will vary in size to accommodate from 100 to 2,000 personnel. The actual surface area of the respective camps will be dependent on environment. The final mixture of detailed work requirement is still being determined at this stage.

2.2 Chad / CAR - The United Nations Security Council Resolution 1778 (2007) on 25 September 2007 established the United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad (MINURCAT), authorizing the deployment of approximately 500 UN personnel to assist European Union troops to assist refugees and to counter threats to humanitarian activities, in accordance with the resolution. Although of a smaller scale, a MFLS will be implemented.

2.3 Somalia - In its Presidential Statement of 30 April 2007, the Security Council requested Secretary General to “immediately begin appropriate contingency planning for a United Nations mission to Somalia”. At this early stage it is planned to have a UN logistics base at Mombassa, Kenya to support the main supply line from Mombassa to Kismayo, Mogadishu and Hobyo, which will serve as secondary logistics bases in Somalia. At this early stage the number and location these sites is unknown, but it is envisaged that approximately 24,000 personnel may be required.

It is explained to Inner City Press that this solicitation, made after the rules had already been waived to allow the transfer of $250 million to Lockheed Martin for six months in Darfur, is intended to try to clean up the process after-the-fact. But in fact more questions are raised: if the UN can ask for Expressions of Interest for infrastructure for a UN peacekeeping mission in Somalia which the Security Council has not even yet decided on -- despite the EOI's estimation of a 24,000 troop force -- why couldn't this have been done for the Darfur hybrid force, which was talked about the planned for as far back as previous Secretary-General Kofi Annan? Developing.

Source: Inner City

QooysLand Ma Noqdo QaranLand ! - Hiildan

Waa maqaal kooban oo an u hibeeyay dadka walaalahay eh ee jidbaysan ee aaminsan qiirada riqiiska ah ee odhanaysa Qabsashada xududuuha, sida Sool, Sanaag iwm; waxay Somaliland dhaxalsiin doontaa Ictiraaf usoo deg-dega. Dadkaasi, waxan ugu bishaarayn lahaa in wax la yidhaahdo aqoonsi caalami ah, oo la siiyo Somaliland, u jiro Somaliland inta Dhulka iyo Cirku isku Jiraan. Waa dhulka xagiisa ugu hoosaysa oo cidina aanay gaadhin, iyo cirka xagiisa ugu sarreeysa oo cidina aanay gaadhin. Labadaba cidihifba Ilaahay uunbaa gaadhay oo oge.

Hadii waxa loo “Qam iyo Dig” leeyahay, dhiigana loo Qubayi tahay in Somaliland hesho Aqoonsi. Iyadoo waliba la tuhmayo inuu Ingiriisku kula taliyay Somaliland inay horta xuduudaheeda sugaan si ay aqoonsi u helaan. Waxad ogaatiin, in Ingiriisku ogyahay dadkan sheegtay Somaliland inay yihiin Qooys is ballaadhiyay oo raba inuu Qooysas kale ku adeegsado, isaga dhexdiisuna is dulmo. Iyo Qooysas kale oo raba inay Qooyskaa is ballaadhiyay ku kala adeegsadaan, dhexdoona is dulmaan.

Ummadda Soomaaliyeed oo ka kooban qooysas (Clans) noqday Qabiil weyn (Tribe) ayaa sameeyay Qaranka Soomaaliyeed. Hase yeeshee Qooysaskaas sii kala jabay marnaba ma samayn karaan Qabiil kale oo weyn oo la mid ah midkan Soomaaliyeed, oo deeto noqda Qaran. Ma I fahmanteen mise waan idiinku celiyaa?.!!. Waxan ka wadaa Ummadda Soomaaliyeed markoodii horeba waxay ahayd qabiil noqday Qaran. Wixii intaas kasii jajabina waa qooysas, Qooysna noqonmaayo Qaran.

Hadalka waxan kusoo gabagabaynayaa inaan idhaahdo: Sooomaaliya waa Qaran jira oo an u baahnayn Aqoonsi Caalami ah, Somalilanda waxay ka mid tahay Qarankaas jira ee aqoonsigana haysta, iskeedba ha u madaxbanaanaatee. Somalilandna waxa guul u ah Lix iyo Tobankaa Sanadood ee ay nabad ku caano maashay ee horumarka ku gaadhayna inay iska dumin oo imika dib usoo noqon. Sobabtoo ah Somaliland oo iskeed ahi, waa is ogtahay oo waa QOOYSLAND, kaasna ma noqon karo, QARANLAND.

Sidaa daraadeed Qooys ma helo Aqoonsi Qaran; Qaranna ma raadsho Aqoonsi Caalami. Qabsashada Soolna iyo dhiiga lagu qubo xuduuduhuna iskaba daa aqoonsi ugu soo deg-dega Somalilande, waxay dhaxalsiin doontaa aqoonsi, ka deg-dega Somaliland oo ku dara SoomaliWeyn. Qeyrkaa wixii dilay ha doonin. Wixii dumiyay dawladihii hore ee lagu siray inay dhul ka maqnaa raadsadaan (sida dawladii Siyaad Barre), kadiba looga baxay, ee iyagiiba hadana lagu dumiyay, Somaliland ha iska jirto, hana ku qabweynaato oo ha iska iimaansato inay tahay QooysLand.

Nabad iyo Caano.

Abdiqani Ateyeh

London UK

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Somalia: What next in Laascaanood?

By Mohsin Mahad
The capture of Laascaanood by the secessionist militia of Somaliland and their local collaborators has, as was to be expected, unleashed widespread jubilations and unbecoming gloating among all sections of the population in the separatist heartland. Indulging in vainglorious heroics and phoney triumphalism has always been innately ingrained in the psyche of the people of that part of Somalia. Although there is nothing new about this, it has this time gone over the top.

The glory accruing from the defeat of the regime of Siyad Barre in 1991 was appropriated not by its true claimants, General Aideed and his USP, but by the SNM and its secessionist supporters when in reality distinguished themselves in killing unarmed and defenceless non-Isaaq civilians but were otherwise nothing more to the Siyad Regime than irritating pinpricks. When the State collapsed and the national army disintegrated, the SNM simply emerged from their hideouts in the bush and took over what was given to them on a plate. Ever since then, the carefully contrived larger-than-life SNM image had been idolised in the secessionist folklore with almost everyone from the area claiming to be an SNM "Mujaahid", an accolade that has since been added to the Somali lexicon.

Since the capture of Laascannod, the people in the secessionist area, true to their habit, are falling over themselves in their unsavoury, lavish praise and glorification of the SNM, with leading Sheikhs attributing to them divinely ordained missions. Their former tormenter and pet noire, â€Å“President” Riyale, not one to be left out of the act, has also shamelessly joined the spree as one of their born-again fans. But there is something surrealistic about this mesmerising spectacle as if this partying over the capture of Laascaanood was here to stay for ever, with everyone closing their eyes to what lies ahead or what their irresponsible actions might lead to.

It is like watching the Titanic film where the passengers, the captain and crew are all having fun partying and decidedly oblivious to the looming dangers ahead-, the iceberg that will bring a brutal and tragic end to their ephemeral merry-making Invasions, whether they are undertaken by one country over another, or one clan against another as is the case now in Sool, are misguided adventures that are often based on miscalculations, misinformation and short-sightedness and hence invariably end in disaster. Hitler thought he could invade and occupy every country in Europe but in the end it was his own defeated country that was occupied. Napoleon of France did the same thing and ended in failure and disaster.

The USA went to Iraq believing it would be a walk-over and expecting the Iraqis to welcome their soldiers with flowers but instead showered them with bullets. President Bush was to rue his unseemly haste to claim victory in Iraq and prematurely proclaim â€Å“mission accomplished” when years later, they are desperate for an exit that would minimise their humiliating defeat, a replay of their disastrous defeat in Vietnam over 30years ago.

Meles Zenewi had the same perceptions over his invasion of Somalia and reckoned his mission would be accomplished in a matter of days. He too is in the same quackmire as the American.
The lessons of history are that invading a country is easy but to remain there and face the resistance on its own ground can only lead ultimately to defeat. Only the timing of that defeat is questionable but not the outcome. The same fate awaits the invasion of Sool by the one clan-dominated secessionist administration based in Hargeisa.

Just as Iraqi collaborators misinformed the Americans about their reception in occupied Iraq, so had the collaborators from Sool misled their paymasters in Hargeisa. Contrary to their expectations, the ordinary residents of Laascaanood have risen up against the oncoming invaders and their collaborators and it is this impromptu uprising that kept the invading Isaaq militia at bay and denied them to set foot in Laascanood.

Contrary to their expectations, the Isaaq invasion and occupation of Sool, in particular its capital Laascaanood, has done more than anything else to unite the entire Dhulbahante clan against this invasion. The looming struggle will be between them and their Puntland allies on one side and the invaders and their collaborators on the other side. Preparations for liberation of Sool - whether at the level of Puntland forces, clan militia, or possibly the establishment of a Darwiishland liberation front - are either on place or in the pipeline. Time is on the side of those who own this land and against those who are trespassers. With their bases in Burco, Berbera and Hargeisa hundreds of miles away, and bogged down in a hostile territory, their camps and supply lines will be subjected to regular attacks by Puntland or other paramilitary forces. How long can the bankrupt Somaliland government continue to maintain this unsustainable situation? Not for long.

The invasion of Sool and the occupation of Laascaanood have wider clan ramifications. It is the first time that the whole Issaq clan invaded the Dhulbahanta. Hitherto, clan fighting had been confined at any time to two neighbouring clans without other third parties joining the fray. This time it is different. In normal times, it would have been the duty of the national government to deal with the problems of this secessionist enclave and counter its aggressive forays into other parts of Somalia. But in the absence of an effective Somali government, Somalia is simply reduced to an amalgam of clans each responsible for the running of its area. It therefore falls upon the SSC clans to fend for themselves and defend their territory. But it will also involve other Puntland clans as they are collectively bound to defend Puntland and liberate any part of it occupied by an outside enemy.

The Isaaq aggression in the SSC territory has one single main driving reason: to enhance the prospects for its recognition. It believes that the main reason for the absence of recognition after 17 years since its declaration of secession was because the SSC area were outside its control and served as the obstacle to its recognition. As such, occupying the SSC regions and in particular its capital would serve that purpose. It would also serve another concomitant purpose which is to de-stabilise Puntland as the only other functioning regional administration which in turn could unravel the end of the TFG. If these aims are achieved, it reckons, it will emerge as the only functioning entity which might merit recognition in the eyes of the international community which might give up on Somalia and its incurable problems.

What the secessionists fail to reckon is that they are setting ablaze a hitherto peaceful part of northern Somalia whose adverse consequences could be detrimental to them more than any one else. The sooner they realise they are player with fire, the better for all concerned. But for now, no one is in that mood as the partying over the capture Laascannood goes on. But sooner or later, the chicken will come home to roost and when it does, many political heads will roll including that of Riyale who is now temporarily riding high on the invasion euphoria.

Mohsin Mahad,

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Wararkii ugu danbeeyey ee Somaliya oo goos goos ah: Abdifatah Ahmed - Borama

Jaamacada Carabta oo ergay cusub usoo magacowday Somalia .

Ururweynaha Jaamacada Carabta ayaa shaaciyay inay ergay cusub usoo magaceeb arrimaha dalka Somalia .

Kulan madaxda Jaamacada Carabta ku dhex maray magaalada Qaahira ee caasimada dalka Masar ayay isku afgarteen in la magacaabo Ibraahim Al-Shawweyni si uu wakiil ugu noqdo Jaamacada Carabta arrimaha cakiran ee dalka Somalia .

Ibraahim Al-Shawweyni ayaa la sheegay inuu dhawaan booqasho gaaban kusoo gaari doono magaalada Muqdisho ee caasimada dalka Somalia si uu kulamo ula yeeshay Madaxda DF iyo Ururada bulshada rayidka ee Muqdisho ka jira uguna hadlo xaalada Somalia .

Ibraahim Al-Shawweyni ayaa badali dooni ergaygii hore ee Jaamacada Carabta u qaabilsanaa arrimaha Somalia Cabdalla Mubaarak Al-Cureymi.

Cabdalla Mubaarak Al-Cureymi ayaa eedeyno xoogan kaga imaadeen madaxda Dowlada Federaalka kuwaaso sheegay inuu taabacsan yahay Maxkamadaha Islaamiga Somalia .

Cabdalla Mubaarak Al-Cureymi ayaa lagu xasuustaa inuu Muqdisho toddobaad walba imaan jiray xiligii ay ka talin jireen Maxkamadaha Islaamiga, taasoo iska cad oo cid walba ku macneyneysa ammaanka ka jiray xiligaasi Muqdisho inay keeni jirtay in cid walba timaado caasimada.

Warar aan la hubin ayaa sheegaya in Xoghayaha Guud ee Jaamacadda Carabta iyo ergayga cusub ee Jaamacada Carabta Ibraahim Al-Shawweyni magaalada Muqdisho kusoo fool leeyihiin toddobaad gudahiisa, iyagoo kadibna gaari doona magaalada Baydhaba oo ay ku sugan yihiin madaxda DF.

Si kastaba ha ahaatee, Jaamacada Carabta ayaa howlihii dalka Somalia ka caajistay tan iyo markii xukunka laga tuuray Golohii Maxkamadaha Islaamiga oo lagu tirin jiray inay aad u taageeri jirtay.

Geedi iyo xubno la socday oo loo diiday inay Baydhaba ka baxaan.

Ra’iisul-wasaaraha Dowlada KMG ah ee Somalia Prof. Cali Maxamed Geedi iyo xubno lagu qiyaasay 87 Mudane oo siyaasadiisa taabacsan oo doonayay inay xalay kasoo ambabaxaan magaalada Baydhaba ayaa loo diiday.

Xubnahaan uu Geedi hogaaminayay ayaa waxaa is hortaagay inay Baydhaba ka baxaan ciidamada Ethiopian-ka oo guud ahaan dhinacyada Baydhaba lagu wareejiyay maalinimadii shalay aheyd.

Xildhibaan Muuse Suudi Yalaxoow oo ka tirsan xubnaha taageersan Prof. Geedi ayaa Saxaafada u sheegay inay damacsanaayeen xubnahoodii inay u guuraan magaalada Muqdisho balse ay is hortaageen ciidamada Ethiopian-ka.

Waxa uu sidoo kale sheegay in isla xalay ay kulan la yeesheen saraakiisha sare ee ciidamada Ethiopian-ka ayna warsadeen sababa ay ciidamadooda isku hortaageen balse ay ku gaabsadeen inay tahay amar ay ka heystaan taliskooda sarre ee Madaxweynaha Somalia Cabdilaahi Yuusuf Axmed.

Geedi ayaa sida lagu soo waramayo damacsanaa in isaga iyo xubnaha taageersan ay u gaaraan magaalada Muqdisho kadibna halkaasi ugu dhawaaqaan inay labada dhinac u kala jabtay Dowlada KMG ah ee Somalia .

Baydhaba maanta waxaa ka socda abaabulo xoogan oo sababi kara dagaal dhiig badan ku daata, iyadoo Geedi uu ku adkeysanayo inuu u guurayo magaalada Muqdisho.

Arrintaan ayaa kusoo beegmaysa xili cod bixin shalay Barlamaanka uu sameeyay loogu adkaaday Ra’iisul-wasaare Geedi oo dhowr iyo labaatan u codeeyeen halka qorshaha Madaxweynaha uu helay 115 cod iyo in ka badan oo taageero ah.

Si kastaba ha ahaatee, xaalada Baydhaba ayaa maanta murugsan iyadoo uu jiro qax ay bilaabeen shacabka Baydhaba oo arkaya abaabulka ciidan ee gudaha magaalada iyo daafaheeda ka socda, waxaana maanta la filayaa inay magaalada soo gaaraan Wasiiro Ethiopian ah.

Askar ka tirsan DF oo saakay ku geeriyootay qarax Muqdisho ka dhacay.

Qarax miino ayaa saakay lala beegsaday Askar ka tirsan ciidamada booliska Dowlada KMG ah ee Somalia oo marayay agagaarka kulyaddii hore ee Jaallle Siyaad ee magaalada Muqdisho.

Goobjoogayaal ku dhaqan agagaarka goobta uu qaraxa ka dhacay ayaa saakay inoo xaqiijiyay inay arkayeen meydadka Askar qaarkood oo wadada yaala, isla markaana qaar kamid ah ciidamada ay rasaas dhinacyada oo dhan u rideen kadib qaraxa.

Goobjoogayaasha ayaa ku qiyaashay tirade askarta qaraxaan ku dhimatay 3 askari, halka uu jiro dhaawac soo gaaray qaar kale.

Xiriir aan la sameynay saraakiisha dhinaca Warfaafinta u qaabilsan ciidamada gobalka Banaadir ayay sheegeen inay ogyihiin dhimashada labo qof iyo dhaawaca afar kale, balse aysan ogeyn dhimashada saddex askari sida ay sheegeen dadka deegaanka.

Goobta uu qaraxa ka dhacay ayaa waxaa aad usoo buux dhaafiyay ciidamo ka tirsan booliska DF oo qaaday meydadka askarta isla markaana baaritaan xoogan halkaasi ka bilaabay.

Nabadoon Max’ed Salaad oo kamid ah odoyaasha degan goobta uu qaraxa saakay ka dhacay ayaa Saxaafada u sheegay inay jiraan saddex ruux oo rayid ah kuwaaso dhaawac kasoo gaaray rasaas ay qaraxa kadib fureen ciidamada booliska DF.

Nabadoonka ayaa sheegay in sidoo kale qaar kamid ah dhalinyarada deegaanka ay wateen ciidamada booliska DF isla markaana aysan ilaa hada ogeyn sababa loo watay balse ay u maleynayaan sida caadada u aheyd ciidamada DF inay ugu shakiyeen qaraxaan.

Qaraxaan ayaa kusoo beegmaya xili askarta DF ee kuwada sugan magaalada Muqdisho khilaaf xoogan u dhaxeeya kaasoo salka ku haya khilaafka u dhaxeeya Madaxweyne Yuusuf iyo Ra’iisul-wasaare Geedi.

Max’ed Dheere “Madaxa WFP ee Somalia sharciga ayaa lagu qaadaya”.

Maxamed Cumar Xabeeb “Maxamed Dheere” Guddooomiyaha gobalka Banaadir ahna duqa magaalada Muqdisho ayaa ka hadlay xariga ay ciidamada DF u geysteen mas’uulkii WFP u qaabilsanaa Somalia Idis Maxamed Cismaan.

Max’ed Dheere ayaa sheegay inaysan jirin cid sharciga ka weyn isla markaana marnaba suurta gal aheyn in si qaldan ay usoo xireen ciidamada DF mas’uulkaan WFP ka tirsan.

“Cadaadis kasta oo naga soo gaara caalamka kama hakin doono inaan shacriga horkeeno mas’uulkaan WFP ka tirsan, waxaana lagu qaadayaa dambiyo lagu hayo” ayuu yiri Max’ed Dheere.

Waxa uu sidoo kale sheegay in xariga loo geystay mas’uulkaan uu ka yimid mas’uuliyiinta dhinaca ammaanka ugu sareeya DF, isla markaan ay jiraan dambiyo iska cad oo lagu hayo dhawaana la maxkamadeyn doono.

“Anaga mar walba muhiimada koowaad waxaa inoo ah ilaalinta sharciga iyo sugida nanabdgelyada, haddii WFP galey cagaarta ay bixiso ay ka qiimo badan tahay sharciga dalkeena, ha iska ceshato galeyda iyo “ ayuu yiri Max’ed Dheere.

Waxaa horey lagu wareersanaa cida sida rasmiga ah u xirtay mas’uulkaan WFP ka tirsan balse hadalka Max’ed Dheere ayaa dadka qaarkood u fasirteen inuu isaga ku dambeeyay xarigaan waloow ay jireen hadalo badan oo WFP ugu tilmaamay mid argagaxiso ah isla markaana aysan cunno u qeybin Karin dadka ka qaxay Muqdisho
Dhinaca kale, Maxamed Cumar Xabeeb “Maxamed Dheere” Guddooomiyaha gobalka Banaadir ahna duqa magaalada Muqdisho ayaa xalay ku amray ciidamada nabad sugida ee ku sugan dekada Muqdisho inay halkaasi isaga baxaan.

Maxamed Dheere ayaa yiri “Ammaanka dekada cid walba waxey sheegta inay sugeyso taasina macquul ma ahan maamulka gobalka Banaadir ayaa ciidamo tiro yar oo qalabeysan usoo xulamaya sugida ammaanka dekada, waana in laga wada saaraa dhamaan ciidamada ku sugan”.

Waxa uu sidoo kale sheegay in askarigii aan maamulka gobalka Banaadir usoo xulin sugida ammaanka dekada oo lagu arko isagoo ku sugan la toogan doono is warsi la’aan.

Max’ed Dheere waxa uu sheegay in maamulkiisa gobalka Banaadir uusan saameyn ku yeelan doonin khilaafka u dhaxeeya madaxda DF.

Hadalka Max’ed Dheere kadib ayaa waxaa soo ifbaxay in ciidamo ay hogaaminayaan Darshiiw iyo Ina libaax sanka ka taabte ay isaga baxeen magaalada Muqdisho iyagoo gaaray magaalada Baydhaba.

Ilaa hada lama yaqaan sababa ay ciidamadaan oo badankood degnaa dekada Muqdisho ay u baxeen iyo in hadalkii Max’ed Dheere saameyn ku yeeshey ayaa xiriiro kala duwan oo aan la sameynay saraakiisha dhinaca Warfaafinta u qaabilsan askarta DF ay ka gaabsadeen inay ka hadlaan.

Isku soo duuboo, waxaa Muqdisho ka jira is aruursi dhinaca ciidamada ah iyadoo uu sii xoogeysanayo khilaafka u dhaxeeya ciidamada ku wada sugan Muqdisho ee kala taabacsan Madaxweyne Yuusuf iyo Ra’iisul-wasaar Geedi oo xurguf xoogani u dhaxeyso.

Galgaduud: dagaal qasaaro geystay oo dhex maray reer Miyi.

Dagaal qaraar ayaa reer Miyi ku dhex maray tuulooyin ka tirsan gobalka Galgduud waa waqooyiga Somalia .

Dagaalkaan oo salka ku haya aanooyin qabiil oo labada dhinac ee dagaalamay horey dilal isku geysteen ayaa lagu soo waramayaa inay sababtay dhimashada 5 ruux oo rayid ah iyo dhaawac in ka badan 7 ruux.

Dagaaladaan labada qabiil dhex maray ayaa ka dhacay Tuulooyinka Buurjeet iyo ceel-magaad oo hoos yimaadaan degmada Guriceel ee gobalka Galgaduud.

Dadka arintaan ku dhaawacmay ayaa hada lagu daaweynaya isbitaal ku yaala magaalada Guriceel, iyadoo qaarkoodna xaaladood ay aad u daran tahay oo loo soo qaaday dhinaca magaalada Muqdisho.

Guddoomiyaha degmada Guriceel Cali Sheekh ayaa Saxaafada ugu warbixiyay xaalada hadalka ay mareyso waxuuna sheegay inay labada dhinac wadaan is aruursi lxoogan kuwaaso mid walba mida kale ku doonayo inuu aargoosi u geysto.

Waxa uu sheegay hadii ay yihiin mas’uuliyiinta Guriceel inay arintaan xalinteeda wadaan isla markaana ay la kulmeen odoyaasha dhaqanka oo ay kasoo kala jeedaan labadaan maleeshiyo beeleed ee dagaalamay.

Waxa uu raja wanaagsan ka muujiyay qaboojinta xiisadaan ka aloosan tuulooyinka hoos yimaada magaalada Guriceel ee gobalka Galgaduud.

Ma ahan markii ugu horeysay oo beelo wada dega gobalka Galgaduud is ugaarsadaan iyadoo gobalkaasi caado ka noqotay dagaalada qabaai’ada wada dega dhex mara.

Muqdisho: baaritaan xoogan oo saakay ka socda degmada Waaberi.

Ciidamada Dowlada KMG ah ee Somalia ayaa saakay aroortii baaritaano xoogan ka bilaabay qeybo kamid ah degmada Waaberi ee magaalada Muqdisho.

Ciidamadaan ayaa lagu arkayaa waddooyinka soo gala degmadaasi, iyagoo baaraya guraha iyo goobaha ganacsi ee degmadaasi ku yaala.

Aamin Mai oo ka tirsan dadka ku dhaqan degmada Waaberi ayaa inoo xaqiijiyay in gurigeeda saakay la baaray balse aysan jirin wax laga qaaday ilaa hada.

Waxa ay sidoo kale sheegtay in ciidamada ay wateen Imaanka Masjid Muuse Boqor ee ku yaala degmadaasi, iyo culumaa’udiin kale oo masaajidka ku sugneed xiliga baaritaanka bilaabanayay.

Ilaa hada ma jirto qarax lala beegsaday askartaan sida Muqdisho maalmihii ugu dambeeyay ka dhaceysay marka ciidamada ay howl-galka wadaan in qarax lala beegsado.

Xaalada degmadaasi ayaa kacsan iyadoo ay dadka dhib ku noqotay inay shaqa tagaan maadaama guryahooda la baarayo ayna ka baqayaan in alaabo laga qaato sida dadka qaarkood sheegayaan.

Ilaa hada lama oga sababta keentay baaritaankaan ciidamada ay saakay ka wadaan degmada Waaberi, iyadoo aysan wali arintaan ka hadlin saraakiisha DF ee dhinaca Warfaafinta u qaabilsan.

Muqdisho: Askarta Uganda oo la wareegay gacan ku heynta xabsiga dhexe.

Ciidamada Uganda ee ku sugan gudaha magaalada Muqdisho ayaa shalay galab lagu wareejiyay guud ahaan gacan ku heynta xabsiga dhexe ee magaalada Muqdisho.

Ciidamadaan oo aad u hubeysan isla markaana wata gaadiidka gaashaaman ayaa shalay galab fariisin xoogan ka sameysay gudaha iyo daafaha xabsiga dhexe ee magaalada Muqdisho.

Ciidamadaan qaarkood ayaa lagu arkayay dibada xabsiga iyagoo ka qodanayaa godod waa weyn oo ay difaac ka galayaan hadii ay dhacdo in lasoo weeraro.

Ilaa hada maamulka gobalka Banaadir iyo saraakiisha ciidamada Uganda kama aysan hadlin arintaan ay xabsiga dhexe ammaankiisa kula wareegeen ciidamada Uganda halka horey ay u joogi jireen ciidamo ka tirsan Dowlada KMG ah ee Somalia .

Xiriir aan la sameynay Afhayeenka ciidamada Uganda ee Somalia jooga Captain Paddy Ankunda ayay inoo suurta gali waysay inaan helno telefoonkiisa oo xirnaa owgeed.

Arrintaan ayaa kusoo beegmaysa xili Max’ed Dheere shalay uu sheegay in maxaabiis ku jira xabsiyada Muqdisho 48-saacadood gudahood hadii Maxkamad lasoo saari waayo inay dibada u bixinayaan.

48-saacadood oo uu qabtay Maxamed Dheere ayaa hada wax yar uun ka harsan yihiin, iyadoo xabsiga dhexe ay ku jiraan tirade ugu badan maxaabiista lagu soo qabqabto howl-galada ay ciidamada ka sameeyaan qeybo kamid ah magaalada Muqdisho.

Si kastaba, xaalada ayaa u muuqata mid cakiran lagana yaabo inay isku dhacaan ciidamada Max’ed Dheere iyo ciidamada Ugandhees oo aan is afgaraneynin kadib marka uu dhamaado waqtiga uu shalay qabtay Max’ed Dheere.

Abdifitahaam Ahmed
Tel: +25224455566 or +25265500099
Borama – Somaliland

Monday, October 22, 2007

Hanoolaaato 21kii Oktober - Yassin Meraneh

inkastoo dawladii MAXAMED SIYAAD aaney ahayn mid loo baroorto hadana marka loo eego kooxa badaley waxay ku sifoobaysaa odhaahdii ahayd (salaamulaah calaa xijaaj). wadanku hoosta haka burbursanaado laakin waxa uu lahaa oo shaqaynaysay haykal dawladeed oo isku xidhan,awood dhaqaale, iskuxidhnaan umadeed, calan kaliya iyo umad kaliya.

HADABA maxaa badaley?. jabhaddo qabiil ku saleysan, oo aan lahayn hadaf ay dalka ku maamulaan. Gaas dhagoolayaal ay madax martay qabyaalad iyo nacayb jinsi. kooxo askar ah ay caadifadi hagayso oo dilka xariifiin ku ah. Intaas oo as biirsaday oo barbar taagan boob iyo qaran dumin ay wadanku gacanta u galey walina ka soo kaban laayahay. hadii dhan kale laga eego, madaxda maanta haysata ee DAAHIR RAYAAL, CADO MUUSE IYO C/LAAHI YUUSUF iyo dhamaan qabqablayaasha oo dhami waa midhihii kacaanka.

fikirkooda iyo ficilkooduna wax badan kama foga tii maxamed siyaad ee ay badaleen. way xidhaan siyaasiyiinta ka fikir duwan, saxaafada iyo wariyayaasha ma jecla, qaarkood dil badheedh ah ayay ku hayaan umada. waliba mida ay uga sii daran yihiin dawladii siyad waa wehelkooda iyo jaalahooda waa dawlada itoobiya. oo ay marwalba u dhoofiyaan kolayo ummad soomaali ah inta ay iskugu xirxiraan. dhamaantoodna waxay aaminsan yihiin xiriirka itoobiya oo la hagaajiyo in uu kursiga ku waarinayo.

mida labaad,madaxdan waxay ka siman tahay ,dhamaan waa askar aqoontu ku yar tahay iyo furfurnaanta siyaasadeed. waxayna aaminsan yihiin in umada la cabudhiyo ,lakala soocsooco xoogna lagu haysto. tusaale, DAAHIR RAYAALE oo xukunka ka dhaxley marxuun cigaal markii dambana, ku soobaxay doorasho aan sharcigeedu dhaneyn, madmadow badana ka buuxo ayaa isku diyaarinaya inloo soo doorto shan sano oo kale.

iyada oo aanay jirinwax horumar ah oo lagu xasuusan karo shantii sano ee uu hayey xafiiska. hadaba, ma inagaa waalan mise cadan baa laga heesayaa? maxaan ku canaantaa macalinkii hore marka ardaydiisii xukunka ka dhaxashey ay ka daran tahay isagii ama aad moodeyso in uu ku dardaarey inay hawsha halkii ka wadaan?

Yassin Meraneh
Djibouti - Republic of Djigouti
SayliciPress Blogger

Awdal is Calling You - Mohamed Mousa

Awdal is crying, sobbing, and grieving on lack of UNITY and INACTIVITY of its people. It is lamenting on the decisions of its elders who serve on their self interests and on clan affiliation.

Awdal Cries


Awdal Laments:

  • “You are too heavy and I can’t carry you any more….
  • My children are hungry and need to be fed and nourished…
  • I am pregnant ( with resources ) and can’t deliver to you ….
  • I would rather die with my unborn baby( Minerals ) unless my people help me in easy delivery…..
  • I would rather cease to exist and move myself from beneath you or swallow you all and go in despair with my unborn baby in my womb …., etc.”

Awdal is dying for your UNITY.

UNITY is the mother of success and it has been proved through the history of mankind. Where there is UNITY even devil has no place in it. We have one enemy and that is DISUNITY. And DISUNITY can’t survive without spices. The influence and actions of special interest groups among us is the best spices for DISUNITY to continue and to be tasteful.
They will work hard to earn their daily living and destroy us. They continue to divide us along clan and sub clan lines. They will flourish on the expenses of the innocent among us.

You all know what is happening today in Awdal:

There is a plan reached by the political parties dominated by certain clans. And that plan is to divide us and make us to fight among us for nothing so that we are crippled and remain in disarray forever. Agents are working hard to fulfill their agenda. They have already succeeded to splinter us into more sub clans and divert us from the big umbrella:. Even if those clans in the big umbrella go in different directions but united without being subdivided, it would have been a partial success. Without UNITY, individual clans will go nowhere.

UNITY is the STRENGTH in which the world today has reached to the present civilization. You all know that:

  • Unity of sand makes huge deserts through migration of sand
  • Rain drops unite to make floods and then lakes, seas, and oceans
  • Seven colors are united and make mesmerized and bewitching rainbow… Etc.
  • Unity of people makes a strong nation and protects people, land, and resources. Together you can accomplish a lot and more than what a sub clan can do.

Awdal deplores:
That you stop believing in division and subdivision and strive hard for the unity of my people… That my intellectuals and the educated among my people to reject division and advocate for UNITY…
That those among you who are the webmasters of internet websites, writers in newspapers, and in other media to reject tribalism and subclanism and not publish anything against that unity.
That you stop writing something like REER NUR, MAXAAD CASSE , Jibril Younis, etc. in the websites and newspapers. This shows that we are not yet awakened by the tornadoes yet to come…
That you for your sake, work for your peace, unity, love, and fun and not for division and more division…

In politics, Awdal questions:

Are you united in one cause and in one party or are you following the special interest groups who are working in our destruction? The present three political parties are competing for Awdal’s destruction. They are dividing us into minute sub clans with no strength and weight in politics. The winners are the special interest groups among us and the enemy number one, DISUNITY.

I want you to work hard to create and plant in me Autonomous Government in the context of Somaliland or Somalia which ever comes first or I will remain DESTITUTE forever.

I want you to unite and serve for me and for your destiny

“Please, I deplore you, to form: United We Stand and make network among yourselves and be proud at least once.” Awdal says.

“Now I am nowhere. However, I am praying for you to become the mightiest force……”. Awdal said. “ Please complete the mission I set for you.

From the writer:

I heard the call from Awdal and encourage you to listen and hear its cries with me. It suggests to us that we form “United We Stand.” But have no idea what it is. Can you help to decipher that message and contribute ideas to what the hell it is? Is it a Political Party, Organization or what…? I do not know.

AWDAL is waiting for you to answer that call .Please do not send to me but to all audiences scattered around the world through publishing your ideas and suggestions in the internet. I will meet you there…….

Mohamed MOUSA


Sunday, October 21, 2007

Prof Ismacil Mumin Aar Waa Nin Meel Madow U Muuqato Muraadkiisu Yahay Cadho Hunguri Ka Kacdey Cafis Ma Leh - By Habib

Waxaa bilaamey wakhtigii loo diyaar garoobayey doorashadii madaxtooy-ada iyo dawlahada hoose rag baa damacooda soo bandhigey ragas waxaa ka mid ah Ismaciil Muumin Aar oo ka soo jeeda ardaayada reer Nuur, reer Nuur markana leeyahay waa la yaqaana cida u talisa ee hogaanka u haysa oo Duqeytiga iyo Salaadiinta uu hogaamiyo Suldaan Saleebaan oo run ahaantii ku hadaley hadal macquul ah oo miisaan leh ayaa u taliya ee inan yar oo oodan ka bood ahi uma taliyo taas waxaa kuu cadeyneysa markuu yidhi Suldaan Saleebaan: reer Nuur hadaa nahay Udub waa hooyadayo xisbiyada kalena waxey noo yihiin Aayo waa hadal dhaxal gal ah oo macno weyn ninkii garaya ugu fadhiya.

Marka aynu ka hadleyno dawlada Somaliland saamiga uu reer Nuur ku leeyahay maanta reer Samaroon ah oo ku leh ma jiro hadey tahay Wasiirka Macdanta iyo Biyaha, hadey tahay Agaasimaha Guud ee Maaliyada waa wax laga xishoodo in nin Madaxweyne ah raguu seediga u ahaa kurisi madaxweyne ku xigeen hurguri ka galo waa wax laga yaqyaqsado waar hadaad Daahir Rayaale ka xishoon weydeen maxaad u qadarin weydeen gabadhiina Huda Barkhad Aadan somalidu waxey ku maahmaahdaa seediga ha coleysan walaashaa sidey yeeli mooyi waa hadal murti qiima leh ku fadhiya waxaan leeyahay Ismacil Muumin Aare iyo inta yare taagersan ee ay ugu horeeyo Ahmad Sheikh Omar good dadkiina iyo tolkiina dhinac ka raaca oo rag guumeed la iniguma ogeynee is bahdilaada aan qiimaha ku fadhiyin iska daaya.

Runtii waxaa wax laga xishoodo ah in ragii ay reer Nuur lahaayeen Dila ayey dumiyeen manta Ismaaciil Muumin Aar iyo raga la socdaa u dudaan RAGNIMOOY NINKAAGII NACASNIMO MAXAA BADEY waxaan leeyahay Ismaaciil iyo inta beenta ku afuufeysa ee kharashka yar kaga cuneysa waan ku dooraneynaa oo anagaa ku dalacsiineyna halkaa manta tolkiin mareen mara oo midnimada tolka ka taliya sxbkey Ahmad Good waxaan leeyahay ixtiraam darada ka daa odayada, bahdilaada ka daa Suldaanada ninkii dhintey kabihiisaa dhaama maantase majaraha raga reerka u haya ee taladu ka go,daa waa Suldaanada ay ka midyihiin Suldaan Saleebaan iyo Suldaan Nuur Dheere, bal u fiirso maalinkii uu Kulmiye ku biirey Ismaaciil Muumin iyo ragii la socdey Abdirahman Aw Cali inta uu qosley ayuu yidhi nasiibkiina ayaad qaadeysaan ee dadaala oo qadaadka ha u seexanina runta ayuu Ina Aw Cali og yahay meesha ineyna wax uuga banaaneyn ayuu si dadban u bayaanshey.

waxaan hadalkeyga ku soo oodayaa Ismaaciil Muumin Aar inader miskiincadhoodey madaxaa wareeree xafiiskii madaxda aad ka aheyd ee UNDP dib baan kuugu fureynaa ee ka digo rago ragii dila dumiyey inaad darmo ku wada fadhiisataan.

wabilaahi tawfiiq