Separatist troops from the breakaway region of Somaliland, in northern Somalia, have moved towards the capital of the neighboring rival sub-state of Puntland, military and local sources confirmed to Garowe Online.
There was no credible information on the specifics of the troop maneuvering, including the number of soldiers and armored trucks.
Armed trucks locally known as "technicals"
But a press statement issued by the Somaliland ministry of information on Saturday confirmed the troop movement, claiming that locals "invited" the Somaliland armed forces to the village of Tukaraq, 35km east of the Puntland capital Garowe.
Reliable sources in Tukaraq tell Garowe Online that no Somaliland soldiers arrived in the village today.
Tukaraq has served as a temporary military base for Puntland security forces and allied clan militias since October 15 when Somaliland troops took control of Las Anod, the capital of Sool region.
Somaliland troops were reported to have reached a village roughly 10km west of Tukaraq on the main Las Anod-to-Garowe paved road. The soldiers set up camp there for a few hours but retreated back towards Las Anod as nighttime approached, according to local contacts.
A Puntland government source who spoke with Garowe Online on the condition of anonymity said today's military move is "more provocation" from the Hargeisa-based separatist government.
The latest military maneuverings in Sool region come at a delicate time with more than 120 Dhulbahante clan representatives kicking off a clan conference in the town of Bo'ame, approximately 30km south of the main Las Anod-Garowe road.
Somaliland officials in Hargeisa and Las Anod are anxious about the possible outcome of the Dhulbahante clan conference, sources said. The Dhulbahante is the native clan of Sool, with local support divided between Somaliland and Puntland.
Puntland and Somaliland have fought bitterly since 2002 for control of Sool and Sanaag regions, with Somaliland aiming to reach 19th century colonial boundaries that arbitrarily separated Somali families.
Source: Garowe
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Somalia: Somaliland Troops Move East Towards the Capital of Puntland
Posted by
Bahwaynta Saylici
5:37 AM
Labels: News
Friday, November 16, 2007
Rumsfeld kept bogey of terror alive to rally Americans for war
Former US defence secretary Donald Rumsfeld wanted his staff to “keep elevating the threat” of terrorism to make the American people rally behind the Bush administration in the Iraq war. In a series of internal memos to his staff, written between 2002 and 2006 and published in various US newspapers on Thursday, Mr Rumsfeld appears desperate to reshape public opinion of the Iraq war.
“Talk about Somalia, the Philippines, etc. Make the American people realise they are surrounded in the world by violent extremists,” Mr Rumsfeld urges his staff in a memo written in April 2006. People will “rally” to sacrifice. “They are looking for leadership. Sacrifice — Victory,” he writes. “Link Iraq to Iran” and develop “bumper sticker statements” to rally public support for an increasingly unpopular war, he argues. “Iran is the concern of the American people, and if we fail in Iraq, it will advantage Iran.” Such efforts, however, did not make the Iraq war popular.
In one memo, Mr Rumsfeld also blames oil rich Muslim nations for his troubles. He laments that oil wealth has at times detached Muslims “from the reality of the work, effort and investment that leads to wealth for the rest of the world. Too often Muslims are against physical labour, so they bring in Koreans and Pakistanis while their young people remain unemployed,” he writes.
The Washington Post, which was the first newspaper to obtain these memos, notes that the missives show how much Mr Rumsfeld was affected by criticism and how he worked to get the American public to support the Iraq war.
Mr Rumsfeld apparently wrote 20-60 of these memos a day. In an April 2006 memo, Mr Rumsfeld chides his aides for not doing enough to fight back his critics.
“Go out and push people back, rather than simply defending” the Iraq policy and strategy, he writes in a memo to his staff in April 2006. “I am always on the defence. They say I do it well, but you can’t win on the defence,” he writes. “We can’t just keep taking hits.”
In an earlier memo on the deteriorating situation in Iraq, Mr Rumsfeld argues that the challenges there are “not unusual.” Pessimistic news reports -- “our publics risk falling prey to the argument that all is lost” -- simply result from the wrong standards being applied.
In one of his longer messages, in May 2004, Mr Rumsfeld considers whether to redefine the terrorism fight as a “worldwide insurgency.” The goal of the enemy, he writes, is to “end the state system, using terrorism, to drive the non-radicals from the world.” He then advises aides “to test what the results could be” if the war on terrorism were renamed.
Neither Europe nor the United Nations understands the threat or the bigger picture, Mr Rumsfeld complains in the same memo.
The messages to his staff also delve into issues beyond Iraq and terrorism.
In a memo to national security adviser Stephen J. Hadley in July 2006, Mr Rumsfeld warns that the United States is “getting run out of Central Asia” by the Russians, who are doing a “considerably better job at bullying” than Washington is doing to “counter their bullying.”
Posted by
Bahwaynta Saylici
12:01 PM
Labels: News
The 'Great Circle of Crisis': Britain's War Plan Against the American System - Jeffrey Steinberg
At no point, since the end of World War II, have so many regions of the world been swept up in chaos, asymmetric warfare, and economic disintegration, as at the present moment. Coming at a time when the global financial system has also already collapsed, this combination of seemingly isolated, ``regional'' conflicts and destabilizations represents nothing less than a growing threat of a global, asymmetric World War III.
- The Mirror of History -
Popular myth has it that World War I came about as the result of a seemingly isolated event: the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand in Sarajevo. However, then as now, it was British geopolitical machinations that brought the world to the brink of general war--before the shots were fired in the Balkan capital.
It was Britain's King Edward VII, formerly the long-reigning Crown Prince Edward Albert, who was the architect of the late 19th- and early 20th-Century events that ultimately boiled over into World War I. Edward's overriding geopolitical goal was to quash the spread of the American System across Eurasia and Africa.
The post-Civil War United States had emerged as the greatest economic power in the world, and the American System of Political Economy, first codified by Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton, and further developed by the leading 19th-Century republican economist Henry C. Carey, his German collaborator and protege Frederich List, and others, had been adopted by leading circles in Russia, Japan, Germany, China, and France--thus posing an existential threat to the then-reigning British Empire. The great American Secretary of State and President John Quincy Adams had established an American foreign policy, based on the concept of a community of principle among perfectly sovereign nation states--directly challenging European colonialism and imperialism (see {The American Patriot}, this issue).
To prevent the emergence of sovereign nation-states, employing the national system of political economy across Eurasia, Britain's vast ``Venetian-model'' military/intelligence apparatus orchestrated regional, ethnic, religious, and tribal conflicts across all of the Eurasian fault-lines, creating the conditions of global instability, such that the Sarajevo assassination became the trigger for global war. A careful review of those late 19th-Century British long-term geopolitical machinations, offers a crucial insight into many of the hot-spot eruptions today--including the Kurdish crisis, the Israel-Palestine crisis, the Pakistan-Afghanistan crisis, and the looming wars in the Horn of Africa.
- The Other British Invasion of America -
The crucial factor that distinguishes the present global war danger, from the events leading to World War I, is the fact that the United States has now fallen deeper into the trap of the British geopolitical gamemasters and the larger cultural disease of Anglo-Dutch Liberal thinking, than was the case at the outbreak of the First World War. This, too, is the consequence of a longstanding top British geopolitical priority, manifested in the launching of the Rhodes Trust, the Roundtable Group, and other British projects, whose openly advertised mission was to recapture the United States, and bring it back into the British imperial fold. In a famous trip to the United States in the mid-1930s, the leading British Fabian operative H.G. Wells, the author of {The Open Conspiracy}, had boasted that the long-term capture of America was virtually guaranteed, because the American educational system had been thoroughly overtaken by British liberal thinking.
Today, through operatives like the British Arab Bureau's Dr. Bernard Lewis, synarchist economist George Shultz, and many other British System assets--including the entire ``neoconservative'' apparatus--the Bush-Cheney Administration has been molded into the near-perfect instrument for the longstanding British oligarchical goal of inducing the United States to self-destruct, and bring about the end of the Westphalian System of sovereign nation-states.
As the result of the Bush-Cheney Administration's disastrous ``preventive war'' actions in Iraq and Afghanistan, American political capital around the world is at an all-time low--and the danger is that things could get far worse if the Vice President has his way, and the United States launches military strikes against Iran.
Well-placed U.S. intelligence community sources have described the present British strategy as ``managed chaos,'' aimed at driving more and more nations of the developing world to ``failed state'' status, while carefully avoiding a full-scale outbreak of global general war. At the same time, British energy and raw materials cartels continue a global takeover spree, bolstered by the crash of the U.S. dollar and the relative strengthening of the British pound sterling. Such carefully calibrated games, however, have, in the past, led to world war.
- The Great Circle of Crisis -
From the Horn of Africa, to the Near East, to South and Central Asia, and the Caucasus, seemingly local crises are erupting on an unprecedented scale.
** A Turkey-Iraq border war is being fueled by a string of PKK (Kurdistan Workers Party) military attacks on the Turkish Army, from bases across the border in Iraq's Kurdish region. According to U.S. intelligence sources, the terrorist PKK activation was triggered, in part, by the fact that voters in the Kurdish region of eastern Turkey had voted in record numbers for the ruling party in recent parliamentary elections. PKK incursions are aimed at provoking a Turkish military response, thus fueling Kurdish anti-Ankara sentiments.
The Turkish military and the ruling moderate Islamist party agree that the PKK operations in the Kurdish region of northern Iraq, are being protected and backed by both the United States and NATO, because Kurdish insurgents are also carrying out cross-border attacks inside Iran, which is a Bush-Cheney Administration top-priority target for ``regime change.''
The recent visit of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to Washington has done little to cool out the Turkish-Kurdish crisis. The Bush Administration promised a crackdown on the PKK inside Iraq, but the Turks remain skeptical that any serious action will be taken, and any new PKK incursion into Turkey will almost certainly trigger a Turkish cross-border invasion, thus igniting another crisis inside American-occupied Iraq.
The roots of the Kurdish crisis trace directly back to late 19th-, early 20th-Century British ``Great Game'' manueverings, in which the Kurds were promised a ``Greater Kurdistan'' nation, at the same time that the British and French, by means of the Sykes-Picot Treaty, established the modern borders of Iraq, Syria, Iran, and Turkey, with Kurdish minority regions in all four nations. Today, according to U.S. intelligence sources, the British are committed to play the ``Kurdish card'' to maintain a permanent state of instability and chaos in all four of the vital Near East nations.
** The Pakistan-Afghanistan border area is blowing up, creating failed-state crises in both countries (see article this issue), at the same time that Afghanistan has emerged as a narco-state, with opium lords in every part of the country supplying 75-90% of the world's heroin.
** The entire Horn of Africa region is set to explode, with any instability in Sudan automatically spilling over into Egypt. On Nov. 5, the International Crisis Group issued a policy brief, warning that Ethiopia and Eritrea are on the verge of a full-scale war, worse than the conflict that engulfed the region from 1998-2000. Both countries have been engaged in a surrogate war inside Somalia, and, as of late September, Ethiopia was threatening to break the Algiers Pact, that established a border commission and ended the late 1990s war. The ICG warned that a resumption of fighting could occur before the end of November, unless there is concerted effort by the United States and the United Nations Security Council to enforce the Algiers Pact.
** In the Caucasus, Georgia's President Mikhail Saakashvili Nov. 7 declared a 15-day state of emergency, to crack down on demonstrators demanding his ouster, in three days of increasingly violent protests in front of the parliament. Saakashvili has accused Russia of fomenting the demonstrations, reviving tensions between Moscow and Tblisi, that could spill over into other separatist insurgencies in the region, which have long been fueled by foreign fighters, often recruited in Britain. In 1999-2000, the Russian government had filed a series of diplomatic protests to the British Foreign Office, over the fact that scores of Chechen and other separatist rebels had been recruited and financed in Britain, under London's longstanding policy of harboring international terrorists and separatists.
** The Dick Cheney-led faction inside the Bush White House continues to press for U.S. military strikes against Iran, an action which would trigger a regional explosion, likely to spread into a full-blown global religious conflict that would last for decades, like the Thirty Years War in Europe (1618-48), which finally ended with the Treaty of Westphalia.
The convergence of the global financial and monetary disintegration of the British-created post-Bretton Woods monetary system, with the eruption of regional crises all over the globe, is just the kind of conjuncture that puts the issue of a republican nation-state world, versus an oligarchical world, on the table.
Source: the People Voices
Posted by
Bahwaynta Saylici
11:49 AM
Labels: Opinion
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Mudane Guddoomiye, Birtii Ma La Gartay Wali?...Hiildan
Waxan u dan leehay guddoomiyaha gobolka Awdal (under the Microscope !), mudane Maxamuud Sh C/Laahi Cige. Salaan Awdalaysan ka sokowna, waxan weydiin lahaa guddoomiyaha, bal hadda inuun haddii wax uun uu nooga ifin karo haybta birtii la yidhi waxay ahayd gantaal habow ah ee hadana ku soo hambadhuudhsatay degaanka Sh Awaare ee degmada Gargoorray?. Dhammaan reerihii halkaa iyo Gargoorray ilaa iyo is daba taxnaa xaggaa iyo Quljeed, oo an wareystayna, waxay igu yidhaahdeen, “dee birta ma waxa ku qornayd ABCD (Axamad; B/celi, Cusmaan; Dudub) sideen ku garanaa qoladeeda”?!!! Markaa, mudane guddoomiye, adigu birtaasi masoo aragtay oo ma noo sheegi kartaa cidday ahayd iyo wixii ku qornaa?!!
Kaliya waxa ii hadhanaa inaan halkaa iyo Dila u sii duulo, oo an waraysto saaxiibkay Suleyman Cabdi Dugsiiye oo an idhaahdo, "Dugsiiyoow birta ma ‘N’ baa ku qornayd oo birtu ma birtii Xaajigay ahayd?” Hase yeeshee markii Guddoomiyuhu hadlay ayaan is idhi isaguu war ugu dhawyahaye bal hadda duqa aad u warayso, inta aanad cid kale ku danbaabin.
Guddoomiyuhu wuxu dhawaan si cadho leh ugu jawaabaybaa la yidhi Wargeyska Haatuf oo yidhibaa la yidhi, dhul Awdal ka mid ah ayay diyaarado maraykan leeyahay garaaceen. Hadaba cadhada lala beegsanyo wargeys yar oo waraaqihiisa sayaxa lagaga fadhiisto ama in muhiimad la siiyo, waxa igala qurux badnaan lahayd in diirada la saaro halka lanaga soo shiishay, iyo waxa ula muuqan kara ummadda reer Awdal argagaxsio iyo cabsi, oo si xilkasnimo leh looga wada xaajoodo. Sidoo kale Dadka reer Awdal inta lagu mashquulinayo dagaalka laascaanoodna waxa ka qurux badnaan lahayd in lagu mashquuliyo, itaal meel uu dhigaba ilaalada gobolkooda.
Hadaladii guddoomiyaha laga soo xigtay (, waxa ka mid ahaa: “Waa wax dhici kara in waxyaalo an la garanaynin iskasoo dhacaan, balse maaha in wax aanay ahayn lagu sheego”.
Hadaba Mudane guddoomiye, haddii ad qiratay inay iska jiraan waxyaabo yar oo iska soo dhacdhacaayi. Su aashu waxay tahay, waxan ba'as ee yaryar ee iska soo dhacdhacayi ma cirkay kasoo dhacaan?, ma dhulkay kasoo boodeen?, ma badday kasoo butaaceen?. Halkee la inaga soo qooraansiyay ayaad filaysaa mudane guddoomiye.?. Waan kugu raacsanahay oo Ummaddu uma baahna in la bajiyo oo waliba been lagu bajiyo. Hadana sidaas iyo si le’eg waxa la yidhi Sakaaro xaar muuqan doona ayay aasaastaaye, war jiraba cakaare. Balse hadal iyo dhammaan; mudane Guddoomiye, birtaasi wali ma la gartay?. Mise waligaaba maba ad gaadhin GarGoorray, oo dhulkaasi gaadiidba ma gaadhi karo?
Nabad iyo Caano
Abdiqani Ateyeh
Posted by
Bahwaynta Saylici
6:51 AM
Labels: Opinion
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Beyond politics, tribalism
Even in the worst circumstances, good people with a good plan can succeed.
A year ago, I wrote about four local men who'd started a cattle-exporting business in Somalia. Last December, Ethiopian troops, with U.S. backing, pushed out the ruling Islamic group and installed a new government, but fighting continues. Thousands of Somalis have been killed this year.
I would have packed my bags, but the Seattle entrepreneurs are unfazed and so far unharmed, perhaps because the key player, Ahmed (Rashid) Mohamed, understands the country's dynamics so well.
"Politics change," Mohamed said. He's back in Seattle for the first time in 10 months. "We try to be nonpolitical, transcending politics and tribalism."
In Somalia, being in a livestock-based business is an advantage. Mohamed says even warlords respect cattle raisers.
"We've never been hijacked or robbed," he said.
Mohamed focuses on business not just to stay out of political trouble but also because he says there would be less fighting with more prosperity. He's high on entrepreneurship and American ingenuity as solutions to poverty and war.
Mohamed came here to study economics at the University of Washington in 1973. He's married to a local woman and has a family here, but he's never given up on Somalia.
He went back in the '80s to start a business, but war drove him out that time.
Now he's back, in this new business with three African-American partners.
Their company, Urur Livestock, buys cattle from herdsmen, fattens them on alfalfa it grows and treats them for disease at its holding facility, then ships them to the Middle East.
It's a new take on a Somali tradition.
Mohamed says 80 percent of Somalia's economy is livestock-based, and before it fell apart, Somalia was the top supplier for several Middle Eastern countries.
Somali herdsmen still leave their cattle to graze on whatever nature provides, which in the dry season isn't much. The cattle they market tend to be thin, and often diseased.
Mohamed has spent the past several months in Somalia working on an expansion of the business to the northern part of the country.
This week he's meeting with other Somalis in the Seattle area, trying to persuade more of them to take back home what they've learned here.
"There is a vacuum now in Somalia," Mohamed said. "The educated have left, and that is why we have warlords and people who are not educated running the government."
Urur has expanded its own impact with advice on community development from Washington State University. Urur runs a health clinic, a day-care facility and a dairy to supply fresh milk to schools and restaurants.
It gives donkeys to local men chosen by village elders, to transport water from Urur's well to sell in their villages. The men get jobs, the villages get water, the elders reinforce their authority and Urur gets respect and security.
Everyone prospers when good people put a good plan into action.
Jerry Large's column appears Monday and Thursday. Reach him at 206-464-3346 or
Source: Seattle Times
Posted by
Bahwaynta Saylici
11:55 AM
Labels: Opinion
The Pitfalls of Historical Revisionism Excess...M. Awale
It is one of those painful moments when putting the pen and paper together becomes real struggle. Try to put historical veracities and according various sources or competing interest in prospective, and you have intractable challenge at hand.
All of sudden a myriad of mind-boggling questions come into mind. Questions like what sorts of history and according to whom? Why bother at all? Or why not stick with useful, mutual topics rather than wasting time and energy on controversial topics, etc.?
“ Ka hadh baan lahaa howsha iyo dhibkeedabakolka aan habeen qudha hurdo gama u seexdabasaw hees wal-waaleed hablo iima qaadaan…” Somali foklore Song by M. Ahmed Kuluc
In reality, there no such ideal peace of mind and rational debating stance in the world and circumstances we live today. No matter how hard one tries to desist, avoid and tip-toe around controversial issues, someone else will give a rude awakening by rubbing on his/her nose the most repugnant argument and through least appealing approach.
Now, let me get straight to the sticky point regarding with few comments and heresy made by some Awdalites on Col A/ rahman Toldiid’s history–the controversial figure — in a flawed attempt to polish his resume. Definitely an insensitive argument entitled Abdirahman Aw Ali — from Coast to Coast Candidate by Mohamed Ali of Ottawa is the one that comes in mind among many. The said notes are all about his murky past and qualification for the vice post of Kulmiye party.
In this particular instance the author, with all due respect, argues that by virtue by of being snm veteran, Mr. Farah is entitled to get the post, and thus possibly the vice president of SL if and IF Kulmiye wins forthcoming election. I have no qualms about his candidacy, be it for party or VP post, since SL is functional democratic system. Further, though I fail to see the rat race and significance of the post, I think any other candidate from the region except him deserves to be given the shot for the simple reason that none of others carries controversial baggage as A/rahman does or at least all other contenders are first timers with no prior failure track record in the office.
What bothers most, though, is the author’s quasi-messianic tone of the man’s dubious past and principals. No shred evidence of other merit and strength were cited. No mention of his past failure in the same post let alone new vision of political and socio-economic platform. No mention of his checkred track of record or accountability in the height of civil war, which many believe that he single-handedly engineered those pogroms in Awdal. Nothing matters about opinion, hearts and minds of majority of the Awdalites, the very same populace he desperately needs to court their votes.
To the author, all it needed for the candidacy is as being ex officio member of particular organization. Candidate needs only to flash old warlord card here and there while still staying in loyal with his close comrades in Hargeisa. And by implicit, the rest of the task will fall in line in way or another.
Few months ago, A/rahman uttered the most shocking but also candid words about where his loyalty and future political interest lies with, and they are not obviously with Awdal or with the rest of SL public. Asked where he belongs in interview by journalist in Europe, he said that he belongs to no specific region, people nor party but to snm tribe, whatever that means.
I don’t want to irate anyone with redundancy but unless someone is amnesiac or post-90s born generation, most people know bit about the ex-colonel’s history and misdeeds, what he stands for, what he aspires to and how he come to political scene. Citizens forgave but not forget it. People don’t mind to be among their revered sons, if he wishes to remain one. On the other hand, they don’t want an overbearing thug that stalks after their psyche for generations to come. Sorry to revisit this topic but Kulmiye’s political machine and its die-hard camp have chosen some how to recycle it perpetually.
Author wrote, among other things, “Hon. Abdirahman Aw Ali Farah, the son of Awdal …a helper of every one who needs his support, a savior for Samorone in its darkest days.” Whether he is savior or beta noire character, I will leave for the reader and the kin of innocent victims who lost their lives and limps to judge it. But all I can say now is that historical events should be left for credible historians to decipher without tempering with much emotions and short-term politicking scenarios. Moreover, the history of Awdal and its people’s have outlasted from centuries of socio-political upheavals, foreign conquest and oppression, and possibility many others difficulties are still on the road. History of Awdal is bigger than solo or trio of self-serving personalities who are masquerading as being holier-than-thou saviors.
Crux of the issue is aside whether the identity he prescribes to is agreeable or not as everyone has a right to associate with whom feels indebted to. Also whether or no the mentioned organization has involved some controversy in the past is irrelevant. Most people recovered from past wounds of the internecine. Citizens buried in the hatchet and that is particularly true since Borama’s peace convention of the ‘90s.
Various actors moved on which resulted in the current phase of the party system However, the important questions are: can he represent for the best interest and aspiration of Awdale people right now? Do A/rahman and cohort believe democratic ideals, free and election or…? If so, why he think he can get way with both ways? Why Kulmiye’s enigmatic leadership is obsessed with the known, divisive cards now and then? One can’t help but wonder why.
Overall, I don’t want to revisit this topic, but I believe that historical events and its facts should be better left for competent folks to deal with. There isn’t such thing as ‘correct and corrupt-free’ version. Every historical incident has two or more angles, many competing interest and legacies, and , at times, element of criminality. To indulge otherwise puts us on slippery slope of revisionism quagmire, which serves the best interest of no one.
Mohamed A. Awale
Email: Moe-awale@hotmail
Source: Harowo
Posted by
Bahwaynta Saylici
5:06 AM
Labels: Opinion
Reer Awdal Way ka Baxeen Somaliland - Ciye Ahmed - London
Maska waxa awoodiisa loosheegaa marka uusii dhimanayo; Awooda aan maanta gacanta ku haysanaa inama soo marayso mar kale. talo waa mar aad garanwaydo iyo mar aad gaadhi waydo.
Cuqaasheena, waxgaradkeena, aqoon yahankeena, dhalinyarteena, haweenkeena, culomaa'udiinkeena, yar iyo wayn inta aan isku nimaadno aan hal kalmad ku dhawaaqno bisha kowaad kowdeeda ee sanadka cusub 2008;
kalmadaasi waxay tahay - maamulka parliament-ka Somaliland waa in aan helnaa hadii aan reer sheekh Samaron nahay boqolkiiba 51 (51 %) ama waan ka baxaynaa Somaliland oo gooni ayaan isku taagaynaa inta ay Hargeysa toobad keenayso ama inta koonfurtu heshiinayso.waxaanahay gobol isku filan bad baan leenahay, aqoon yahay baan leenahay, iyo geesiyaal u diyaar ah dalkooda.Nabada Somaliland taala waa nabad reer Awdal keeneen. 100 (boqolkii) oday ee burco inta ay tageen heshiisiiyey habar yonis iyo habar jeclo weli way nool yihiin. nabadii ay keeneen waataa lagu caano maalayo.
Xukuumada Gobolka ka jirtaa inta ay ku shaqaynayso xaq daro in la'ictiraafaa inta cirkaas ayey u jirtaa waayo anagu 100% ma difaacayno maanta nin raba inuu kugu awr kacsado mana dhacayso inta uu xusulkaygu xabaal ka sareeyo.
Taariikh waa isla naqaanaa wixii dhacay waan ognahay; Soomaaliyi waxba ma kala qaado oo xamar baa wax kala qaadi lahayd. nabadu waa qaali xaqayaga si deg deg ah ayaan ugu baahanahay oo an baryo lahayn.hal mid ayaan faraya tolkay Reer Sh. Samaron: midnimo waa danteena waa in aan israacnaa oo aan dabadhilif inagu isku noqon.
waa in aan hal cadow yeelanaa caruurteena danbe maanta ayaan u hiilinaynaama waxaad rabtaan Africa oo aan xuquuqi jirin inay ku daalaan wax aan dani ugu jirin?maya weeyi jawaabtu!
Somaliland waxa ku nool yibir, tumaal, madhibaan, ciise, ogaden, dhulbahante, wersangali, ajuuraan, fiqishini, geri, madigaan, oromo, Gadabursi (oo ugu badan) iyo Isaaq (oo ugu badan).haddii inta kale la'isku daro Isaaq waa Minority!!
sideebaad xaq ugu yeelatay in aad qaadato 80% xukuumada jirta oo aad ku rabtaa in dawlad la'ictirafaa ka dhalato Somaliland?
Go'aankaygu wuu cad yahay hadal badana uma baahni waxaan kusoo gunaanaday; anigoo ku hadlaya magaca qoomiyada Gadabursi ee shanta Somaliya degta:Hawiye oo xamar is raacayxabishiyi miyey joogi lahayd? maya weeyi jawaabtuwaar inta an is eegayno hal arin ayaa inoo muhiim ah mar labaad aan ku celiyo iyo saddexba: waa in parliament - ka Somaliland aan ku yeelanaa boqolkiiba 51 ama in ka badan (51 %).
isku duubni waa sidan:
ninkii dhuuman ogaa
dhabarkiisu ma muuqdo
haddii aad dhugan waydo
iidoor inuu ku dhaliilo
dharaartay ka cadahay
dhirbaaxadayda u fiirso
waatii dhalandhoolka
Caada dhaaf iska daaye
is dhiib ay ku sigteen
Nuurkaa maanta is dhawri
geesiyaa ka dhintay
Qaasinkii dhaadan ogaa (AUN)
Reer maxamed buu u dhashoo
janaduu dhex fadhiistay
Xeeb jire wuu u dhanaa
Musefiin ma dhinayn
inay dhulka hooyo
dhamaantood u dhintaan
waarhoy!!! nabadaa aad dadku dhaaftay
nimankii dhaliyee
kula dhawri hadeerto
dhafoorkay taabanayaan
dhab u fiirso warkayga
dharaarta yoomal qiyaame
nin cadaalad ku dhaartay
naarta looma dhaweeyo
dhisideeda xukuumad
dhexda waa in la'inoogu dhuftaa (fifty fifty ama anagaa badsan)
kursi ima dhaafsan kartaan
hadii aad dhalanteed
hadalkayga ku dhaafi
dhaar waxaan ku maraaba
dhabadii aan isla gaadhnay
dhagax baan dhigayaa!!!
Ciye Ahmed - London, UK
Posted by
Bahwaynta Saylici
5:00 AM
Labels: Opinion
Somali president urges Mogadishu residents to fight rebels - AFP
NAIROBI (AFP) — Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed Tuesday exhorted Mogadishu residents to help fight Islamist insurgents or suffer in government crackdowns in the violence-torn capital.
"My government is doing all it can to save the lives of the Somali people, but insurgents are responsible for the continued violence," Yusuf told a press conference in Nairobi.
"People in neighbourhoods must also fight the Shabab and chase them away. Otherwise they are the ones who suffer in crackdowns," he said, referring to the radical armed wing of the main Somali Islamist movement.
Dozens of civilians have been killed and at least 114,000 displaced from Mogadishu in recent weeks in some of the worst fighting since April, when Ethiopian troops wrested control of Mogadishu from Islamists who briefly controlled large parts of the country.
Civilians have complained of indiscriminate shooting by Ethiopian forces, involved in their toughest clampdown against the insurgents. But the government says it is only targeting rebels.
"When two elephants fight, it is the grass that suffers," Yusuf said.
The recent clashes have worsened the humanitarian crisis that has dogged the nation for 16 years, with areas just outside the city struggling to cope with the latest influx of displaced people.
The Shabelle region -- known as Somalia's breadbasket -- has suffered its worst crop in 13 years and relief agencies have warned of major food shortages which threaten the lives of thousands.
Aid workers have also said that the few who remained in the worst-affected areas of Mogadishu were beyond the reach of the relief net and face dire conditions.
Yusuf also said he was in talks to find a new prime minister after the resignation of Ali Mohamed Gedi late last month.
Gedi was accused of failing to crush the insurgency and rebuild a nation that faces a mosaic of political, economic and cultural problems.
Bloody clan bickering and power struggles that intensified after 1991 ouster of dictator Mohamed Siad Barre have scuppered many bids to stabilise Somalia.
Source: AFP
Posted by
Bahwaynta Saylici
4:45 AM
Labels: News
Monday, November 12, 2007
Dr Hadi Oo Kale, Lama Heli Karo...Hiildan
Waan ka xumahay inuu is Casilo isu duwihii wasaarada Caafimaadka Gobolka Awdal, mudane Dr C/Raxmaan Jaamac Hadi. Haddii an talo ka dhiiban karo is casilaadan degdeg ahna, waxan kula talin lahaa Mudane Dr Hadi inuu la noqdo is casilaadiisa. Isla markaana kuwa isaga is hortaagaya ee macashu barartay ee duuni raacyada ah ee dheefta uun raadsada, dhibta dadkana an la qaybsan dhammaantood casilo oo shaqada ka eryo (To get rid of them).
Dhammaan ummadda reer Awdal ee Ilaahay garansiiyay wanaagiisuna aanay ka aqabalin is Casilaadaasi. Isla mar ahaantaana qaban qaabiyaan bannaanbax ay ku taageerayaan Dr Hadi.
Waxanan sidaas u leehay sobabahan soo socda:
Dr Hadi waa muwaadin dhammaan ummadda reer Awdal ku tilmaameen inuu yahay qof ilaahay siiyay karaamo, karti iyo kalsooni badan, daacadnimo iyo hufnaana ku dabaqa kuna darsaday xirfadiisa shaqo. Waxay dadka qaar badani asteeyeeen inuu saasaan badan la wadaago Allaha u Naxariistee XASAN DIIRIYE, oo ahaa nin qaali ah oo Nurse iyo Pharmasisit labadaba ahaa, oo isla markaana ku darstay dad jacayl iyo daacadnimo. Xasan Diiriye wuxu ku caanbaxay inuu wakhtigaasi oo an la aqoon waxa la yidhaahdo ‘Outreach’ isagu ku dhaqmo, oo guryaha Boorama ku wareego dadka bukaanka ahna wareysto halkoodaasna ku daweeyo. Dr Haddi isna sidaas oo kale ayuu sameeyaa laguna ammaanaa, oo habeenka kasta wuxu booqdaa bukaanka jiifa guryahooda iyo kuwa ku jira cosbitaaladaba.
Wasaarada Caafimaadka ee gobolka Awdal, waa wasaarada kaliya ee Gobolka dhan la ammaanay, dalkana ugu fiican ee si hufan oo hannaan leh u shaqaysa. Heerkaasna waxa gaadhsiiyay waa Dr Hadi iyo inta kale ee faro ku tiriska ah ee danta ummaddooda horeysiiya ee dantooda shaqsiyaad iska illaawa. Wasiir dhan ayaa qaadan waayay horumarka caafimaad ee gobolkan oo is casilay. Wasiirkaas oo ahaa C/Laahi Dirawal, hadaladii laga soo xigtay waxa ka mid ahaa “Dalku wuxu leeyahay labo Wasiir oo Caafimaad” , isagoo u dan leh Dr Hadi, isla markaana muujinaya in Wasaarada Caafimaadka Awdal tahay Wasaarad labaad oo iskeed u taagan una madax bannaan. Halkan waxa ka cad in Dr Hadi ahaa Wasiirka Caafimaadka ee gobolka Awdal. Walina xagayga wuu yahay oo waa wasiirka Caafimaadka Awdal.
Qaar ka mid ah Salaadiinta, cuqaasha, duqaytida iyo waxgaradka gobolka Awdal ayaa doortay Dr Hadi, oo gartay in Dakhtarkaasi yahay midka kaliya ee badbaadin kara baahida caafimaad ee gobolka. Iyagaana codsaday in isaga loo dhiibo shaqada ugu sarreysa ee Caafimadka gobolka. Ummadii sidaasi garatayna wali waa noolyihiin oo waa joogaan, lagamana dul tallaabsan karo. Qurba jooga Awdal iyaguna markii ay ogaadeen kartida iyo hufnaanta Dr Hadi waxay laban laabeen taageeradii ay u soo diri jireen cusbitaalada Boorama iyo Awdal. Waxyaabaha uu u taray gobolkana tayo iyo tiraba lama koobi karo.
Hadal iyo dhammaan; waxad moodaa in degmadan Awdal ku socoto dhalan geddis lagu dhaqayo dhallaan habaabis. Qofka ummadda si daacadnimo leh ugu dhiidhiyi kara ee laga waayo inuu dhacdhaca la quuto dhuuni raacyada is dhiibay ee dhiig uus toona an lahayn. Waxa lagu hayaa dhabar jabis iyo dhibaato an dhammaanin, ilaa iyo dhulka hoostiisa lagu hubsado. Nasiib wanaag dhalinyarada reer Awdal intooda badani waxay leeyihiin dhaayo iyo dhego, ay kaga dheregsaanyihiin xaqa iyo xaqiiqda. Odayo dhaqmeedadii wanaagsanaa iyo wax garadkii fiicnaana dalka wali kama dhammaan iyaguna, si kastaba hallayskugu dayo in la muquuniyee.
Sidaa daraadeed, Ummadda inta hagaagsan, hawlabaa u taalla, hawshaas u taalina waxay tahay; waa inay si wada jir ah oo ka baxsan reer Hebel iyo reer hebel ugu hiiliyaan dadka inta wali hanuunsan ee gobolkan ka saari karta hogan madoow ee loo qoday, ee lagu sii hogaaminayo. Waana inay ogaadaan in Dr Hadi oo kale Aan la Heli karin, loona baahanyahay in la hubiyo inuuna kuwa haabaanaada ah ee hunguriga weyn, uga cararin karin hawsha hor Ilaah iyo hanuunsani uu ku hayay mudada dheer.
Abdiqani AteyehLondon UK
Posted by
Bahwaynta Saylici
4:55 AM
Labels: Opinion
Somali Clan Leader Hiding After Ethiopian-Backed Government Launches Crackdown
By Alisha Ryu Nairobi 12 November 2007
Ryu report - Download MP3 633K Listen to Ryu report
The top leader of the Hawiye clan council of elders in the Somali capital Mogadishu is believed to have gone into hiding, after he accused Somalia's Ethiopian-backed interim government of trying to silence opposition. As VOA Correspondent Alisha Ryu reports from our East Africa Bureau in Nairobi, a government crackdown on leaders of the most dominant clan in Mogadishu is likely to further fuel public anger against the government and its Ethiopian allies.
Local media reports say before he went into hiding, Haad had publicly criticized leaders of Somalia's transitional federal government for arresting Dirie, accusing them of trying to silence opponents through force and intimidation.
On Sunday, the police in Mogadishu raided the home of Ahmed Dirie, arresting him, two of his sons, and another clan elder. The Somali Internet Web site, Garowe Online, reports that government sources told Garowe reporters that the police discovered a cache of weapons and explosives in Dirie's home.
The claim could not be independently verified.
A cabinet minister in the transitional federal government, Ahmed Gagaale, says he does not know why the police targeted Ahmed Dirie. But he says he is certain the arrest was not politically motivated.
"The people that have been arrested, if they are not guilty, they will be released," he said. "Dirie is one of the elders and if there is no evidence against him, he will be released, I assure you of that."
Since the interim government took power nearly a year ago with the military help of neighboring Ethiopia, the dominant Hawiye community in Mogadishu has been divided between those who support the Ethiopia-backed government and Somalia's former Islamic Courts rulers.
Haad and Dirie led a group of Hawiye elders in the council, who have been vocal in their opposition to the presence of Ethiopian troops in Somalia, prompting some government officials to accuse them of supporting radical Islamists, the core group behind a bloody nine month anti-government, anti-Ethiopian insurgency in the capital.
In an interview with VOA, a member of the Hawiye elders council, Abdullahi Sheik Hassan, says Somalis who oppose Somalia's traditional enemy, Ethiopia, are being automatically judged as being enemies of the government.
"We want a government. We are not refusing a government. But Ethiopians, they are killing our children. They are arresting our people. We cannot support that," he said.
Many Somalis in Mogadishu accuse the Ethiopian army of committing atrocities against civilians, a charge the government in Addis Ababa denies.
But anti-Ethiopian demonstrations in the capital have been growing. On Sunday, hundreds of stone-throwing Somalis, including women and children, staged a mass protest in the same neighborhood in north Mogadishu, where an angry mob dragged the dead body of an Ethiopian soldier through the streets on Thursday.
Posted by
Bahwaynta Saylici
4:43 AM
Labels: News