Cindy E. Harnett, Times Colonist
A worldwide shortage of medical isotopes used to diagnose cancers and heart problems threatened to cancel more than 200 tests in Victoria next week- but a last minute deal was struck Friday afternoon, lessening the critical impact.
The Vancouver Island Health Authority has just secured an extra supply of medical isotopes allowing doctors to provide another 60 tests and cancel only 140 next week.
Isotopes are injected into patients and light up specific activity in the body which helps doctors diagnose disease. They are not used in diagnostic imaging tests such as CT scans, MRIs, or x-rays.
Each week both Victoria General Hospital and Royal Jubilee Hospital receive one generator of isotopes - each generator serves about 100 patient tests.
With no generators on the horizon, VIHA was set to cancel 200 diagnostic tests next week, but have now secured one generator, about half the size of the regular ones, to eke out a few more tests.
With some economizing and stretching out the supply, Kevin Forkheim, VIHA's medical director of nuclear medicine, estimates he can get another 60 tests in next week.
The shortage could go on another two weeks or two months, he's been told.
"Two weeks without activity is a disaster and two months is just unthinkable," Forkheim said. While working around the clock, his sympathies are with patients, he said.
VIHA's nuclear medicine office will call any patients whose tests will be rescheduled.
VIHA is caught in a global crisis caused this week when Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. announced that the National Research Universal reactor at Chalk River, near Ottawa, which supplies more than two-thirds of the world's supply of raw material used to produce medical isotopes, wouldn't re-open until mid-January.
The Chalk River facility was shutdown for regular maintenance work but extended its inactivity to complete work on the electrical back-up system for regulatory purposes.
The shortage of isotopes caught nuclear medical doctors off guard. Some have called the situation life threatening while cancer groups and patients say the delays are intolerable.
In the House of Commons this week, Health Minister Tony Clement said this week he was "very concerned" about the problem and that work is underway to "resolve the situation."
Source: Times Colonist
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Isotope shortage forces cancellation of medical tests
Posted by
Bahwaynta Saylici
8:31 PM
Labels: News
Canada Reactor Woes Delay Medical Tests
TORONTO (AP) — Thousands of cancer patients in the U.S., Canada and other countries have had their medical tests postponed because of a problem with a Canadian nuclear reactor that produces medical isotopes used to diagnose and treat such cases.
The isotope shortage is the result of a prolonged shutdown of the reactor in Chalk River, Ontario, which supplies about two-thirds of the multibillion-dollar medical isotopes market to hospitals around the world.
Doctors warned that a shortage of nuclear material due to the shutdown of the federally owned reactor is getting worse by the day, causing many patients to worry.
"Last week, I guess you could describe it as struggling. This week it's devastating, and next week potentially catastrophic," said Dr. Chris O'Brien, president of the Ontario Association of Nuclear Medicine.
When injected into patients, the isotopes allow medical imaging equipment to track the spread of cancers in the body. The isotope is also used in about 90 percent of all imaging studies in nuclear medicine.
More than 20 million patients in Canada and the United States, most of them with cancer or heart disease, undergo nuclear medicine procedures every year.
The isotope shortage is also being felt in Asia and South America.
"A lot of places are typically operating at 20 to 40 percent capacity," said Dr. Alexander McEwan, president of the Reston, Va.,-based Society of Nuclear Medicine. "It's approaching very dire. Within the next one to three weeks, there will be very real adverse impact on patient care."
The unplanned, indefinite shutdown of the federally owned Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. reactor has crippled Ottawa-based MDS Nordion, which supplies up to 45 percent of the world's medical isotopes used in diagnostic tests.
The shortage began Nov. 30, 12 days after the AECL facility shut down for what was supposed to be five days of safety-related maintenance.
Nordion spokeswoman Shelley Maclean was "pleased" that AECL, which appeared before nuclear regulators Thursday, still appeared to be on track to get its reactor up by "early to mid-January."
Nordion informed its customers as soon as it learned about the reactor outage, and AECL told Nordion of the problem as soon as it could, she added.
Canadian Health Minister Tony Clement said the government's plan to deal with the situation involves looking for supply sources abroad, looking at alternative isotopes and considering alternative procedures.
The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission said it would try to expedite import requests for isotopes and is willing to convene on short notice as required to approve the startup of the AECL reactor.
Natural Resources Minister Gary Lunn, who is responsible for AECL and the safety agency, said he is concerned about the safety issues surrounding the reactor and urged a quick resolution to the shutdown.
Posted by
Bahwaynta Saylici
8:29 PM
Labels: News
UDUBta Bokhokhday Iyo Inta Kale
Xisbiyada KULUDUBCID, oo iskugu jira KULMIYE; UDUB iyo UCID, ee dalka isku magacaabay Somaliland ayaa waxa haatan loo kala qaadi karaa, UBDUBta Bokhokhday iyo inta kale:
(1). UDUBta Bokhokhday
UDUBta Bokhokhday: Waa xisbi an ku sifayn karno, sida faaladii fiicnayd ee wakhti dhexdaasiya uu soo gudbiyay wariye Xaashim Sh. Cumar Good, ee ahayd; “Bisadaha Naaxaayi, Madaxay ka qarxi doonaan”. Calaamadaha UDUB oo dhan waxay ku tusayaan inuu yahay Xisbi xaabsaday xoolihii dadweynaha oo qarqarada iyo qawlasha kaga naaxay, dhawaana bururi doona sida barradhe aad iyo aad u bislaaday. !
Waa xisbi ay ku wada qadhaabtaan, qawle iyo qawsaar iyo qabiili iskugu qayshaday inay qudhqudhiyaan dhiiga danyarta iyo maatada iyo masaakiinta. Waa xisbi qiimaha iyo qaayaha muwaadiniinta dalka u dhashay, ku quudhsada laaluush iyo qaybi oo xukun. Waa Xisbi iyo xukumad, quuta oo ku nool qaadhaanka xoog iyo xaqdarro lagaga soo qaado dumarka caloolaha qufaha (gasaarro), ee quutal daruuriga carruutooda ugu qallalay sarriibadaha. Waa xukumad iyo xisbi qaldhabaya oo qarka u saaran inay qarxaan dhawaan.
Tiro laguma soo koobi karo inta xaq darro iyo xasuuq xisbigani iyo xukumadisu ku kaceen. Dhacdadii ugu foosha xumayd dhawaannahana ee ugu danbaysay, waatan aynu dhadhasan kari laanahay ee dhagaheena iyo dhuunteenaba dhaafi la’a. Taasi oo ah in dhalinyaro suxufiyiin ah oo xamar ka soo baxsaday, la yidhaahdo dalka ka baxa. Kuwaas oo lagu eedaynayo in sii joogitaankooda ay sii joogayaan dalkooda Hooyo ee Somaliland (illeyn waa dalkoodii hooyee, yaa i odhan kara ma aha?) uu xumaynayo xidhiidhka Xabashi iyo S/Land u dhaxeeya. Subxaaaaana Laah. Wallee waa taariikh foolxun, oo xusbuganu waxay tartanka doorashada ku galayaan inay Xabashi kaga cabsiiyaan muwaadiniinta iyo masaakiinta dalka u dhashay.
Waa xisbi u badheedhay in haddii uu doorashada dalka waayo, Dalkubaba aanu ka hadhin, oo gobol Itoobiya ka mid ah noqdo. Taariikhda xisbigani iyo xukumada UDUBta bokhokhday way madoowdahay waana gabagabo. Su’aashuse waxay tahay, Kani Galbaye, inta kale ma dhaammaan?
(2). Inta kale:
Inta kale waxay ka kooban yihiin asxaabaha kale ee dalka ka jira kuwo muuqda sida Xisbiga KULMISaysan ee KULMIYE iyo UCIDa Dhanxiiraysan iyo kuwa an muuqanba ama soo socda.
Layskuma hayso xisbigan KULMIsaysan ee Axmed–Siraanyo hogaansho, inuu uu yahay xisbi xawaare badan ku socda oo taageerayaashiisu soo kordhayaan maalinba maalinta ka danbaysa. Waxase laysku hayaa in Xisbigani uu awood iyo karti u yeelan doono inuu wixii UDUB dumisay dhisi karo, waxay dhistayna dumin karo?. Marka an leenahay waxay dhistay Dumin karo, waxa ka mid ah xadhkahii musuq-muusaqa ee UDUB isku xidhxidhay ee wali taxan iyo booraamaha hadimo ee ay qodaysay mudadaa 16 ka sanadood ah, ma kala guri karaa KULMIYE?.
KULMIYE waa xisbi laftarkiisu ka yimid xanjo iyo jawaano laysku xidhxidhay, oo dhawr kooxood oo midba gooni magac u lahaayeen ku bahoobeen sid a SNM (oo xibsiyada KULUDUBCID midna an ka maqnayn); ASAD, Hormuud, iwm. Kuwaasina kaliya laga yaabo inay ku bahoobeen uun inay mucaarad ku noqdaan xukumada iyo xisbiga iyo xukumadda UDUB balse aanay isla meel dhiginba qorshe dhammaystiran oo marka UDUBta Bokhokhday bururto sida baradhe bislaaday, iyagu dhariga baaqiga hadhay dib u dhaadhaaraan isagoon dhammaantiin bururin.
Ma sidii SNM oo kale ee ay odhan jireen Siyaad Barre (AUN) dalka haka tago, iyagoon nidaamsan, nidaam nidaamsan, oo ku wajahan waxa markuu tago le yeelayo iyadoon dhiig daadan. Kadibna Uubta ugu dhaceen markii Siyaad Barre tagey oo kale, ee dhiigna daadiyeen oo dadkii dariska ah ka daadiyeen kadibna colaad sokeeye iyagii dhexdooda iskugu dileen ayay ku danbaynayaan asxaabaha mucaaradka ah ee KULMIYE ugu weyn yahayhay?.
Haaatan waxay bilaabeen nidaam beelaysi wax lagu qaybsanayo, waa “too little too late”. 16 sanaddood ayaa dadka xaqooda la qarinayay oo la lahaa Xisbiyo jaan wax ku qaybsada oo ku salaysan danaysi hunguriyaysan, xuquuqda beel waliba leedahayna la dulmayay lana daboolayay. Iyadooy sidaasi tahay hadana mar kasta oo wax qaldamaan, waxa layskugu qayshanayay qaylo dhaan qabiilisaysan.
Diinta Islaamka ah ka sokow, Qabiilku waa tiirka labaad ee dhaqanka Ummadda Soomaaliyeed ku dhisan yahay. Sidaa daraaded in qabiil kasta iyo qooys kasta xuquuqdooda la simo oo laga dhigo salka labaad ee lagu dhiso Qaran Soomaaliyeed waa lagama maarmaan, mana aha wax imika deg-deg iyo dusha lagaga iman karo. Si kale haddaan u dhigno qabiilka laftarkiisa oo la sharciyeeyo oo xeer lagu fadhiisiyo ayaan ka wadnaa ee kama wadno kan makhaayadaha iyo guryaha loogu arrimmiyo.
Tani waa midda kaliya ee aynu kaga hor tagi karo falsafadda ay aamisan yihiin walaalaha ilma samatar (Samater Brothers) ee ku salaysan Diin iyo Diimuqraadi isla socda. Innagu waxaynu aamminsannahay in Diinta iyo Qabiilka oo isla socda oo la isku fahmaayi dhalin doonaan Diimuqraadiyadda an rabno ee ka islaaxi karta geeska Afrika.
Waxa dad badan tuhunsanyihiin in KULMIYE, dan gooniya ka wataan oo ah u sad buursi reer gooniya. Haddayse daacad ka yihiin oo wada simayaan beelaha dalkoo dhan wakhtina u haystaan waayo aragnimana u leeyihiin. Dee taasi waa mid dhaxalsiin karta in Somaliland gobol kasta iyo beel kastiba yeelato maamulkooda gudaha oo u madax bannaanaato. Hargeysa iyo Boorama iyo Burco iyo Laascaanood iyo Ceerigaabana yeeshaan xuquuq siman. Waana haddii iyo haddii KULMIYE, leeyahay kartida iyo kalsoonida iyo karaamada, Beelaha layskugu keeni karo, oo dib u heshiin danbana la samayn karo iyo saami qaybsi xalaal ah.
Xisbiga UCIDa Dhanxiiraysan: Isagu waa xisbi dhinacyo badan leh sida DHANXIIR oo kale oo marka aynu fahmno dhinciisa ugu fiican ayaanan ka hadli doonnaa..Insha Allah.
Nabad iyo Caano.
Cabdiqani Yuusuf Caateeye
London UK
Posted by
Bahwaynta Saylici
4:27 PM
Labels: Opinion
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Waa Mooge iyo Madaxwareer iyo macnayare oo reer awdal ah - Sigad
Qormadani waxay Ku saabsantahay sadex nin oo reer awdal ahaa walaalana ahaa magacdoodana lakala odhanjiray “MOOGE” iyo“MADAXWAREER”iyo MACNAYARE. Waxayna la dagaalami jireen cadaw laakiin ugudanbayntii waa laga guulaystay. Sobobta lagaga guulaystayna iyagaa iskugu wacnaa.
Waana tan sheekadii dhexmartay Mooge iyo Madaxwareer iyo Macnayare iyawaliba colkii kusoo duulay. Akhris wacan iyo siday tahay in loo fahmaanan idinku dardaaray.
Mooge; Waar yaadaheen colbaa inagu soo socdee diyaar garooba oo hubkiinii soo dhawaysta. Madaxwareer; Yaa waayahay! Waayahay! anu diyaarbaan ahay.
Macnayare; Allah ha soo dhawadaane u kaadiya anaa jab lamaagane. Mooge; Waa kuwaa dixda ka soo talaabaya waar diyaar garooba. Madaxwareer; hayaaaay oo yaa maanta beertaydii dhixmaray , kolay waa mooge aar ninkaa sideen kayeelaa.
Halkaa markay xaajadu marayso ayay Macnayare iyo Madaxwareer sheeko gaar ahi dhexmartay.
Macnayare; kkkkkkkkkkkk Madaxwareerow ma maqashay aniga colka soo duulay way isaamaxeen oo waxay yidhaheen adigu saamax baad naga tahay ee iska seexo waar adiguna ani isoo raac anaa odhan ninkana iska daaye.
Madaxwareer; waar nimanka waxa isku keen diraya Moogaan umalaynayaa ee bal aan la hadalo.
Macnayare; inamari wakaa colkii halkaa dagaye, aynu utagno oon la hadalnee.
Madaxwareer; wayahee inamari. Madaxwareer iyo Macnayare ayaa colkii u tagay sheekadan baana dhexmartay.
Macnayare iyo Madaxwareer; Colyahaw ma soo nabad hoyateen.
Colkii; haa waan soo nabad hoyaney duulimaadna waanahay geeliniina badhbaan maanta qalanay.
Madaxwareer; yaa hayaaay! war maxay leeyihiin Macnayaroow sawdigii nalahaa Mooge uunbay rabaan.
Macnayare; kkkkkkkkkkkk waar geela intii candhada lahayd uunbay qasheene maxaa kaagalay Mooge uunbaan kajaraynaaye.
Colkii; maxaad soo doonteen miyaanad ogayn in aan idinka idinku soo duulnay oo aan rabno intan maanta qalanay maahee xoolihiina oodhana in aan beri usocono inaan dareersano.
Madaxwareer; yaa iguwalee inaanad xoolahayaga dareersanayn, ma inaan isdilaad rabtaan.
Macnayare; kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk aar bal kan eega waar nimanka sidaa ha ula hadlin ee ula heshii sidaan ula heshiiyay hadaad tuur iska kicisana way ku tooganayaan. Xabaduna nimankan qaali kuma aha oo waligoodba way ridi jireen.
Madaxwareer; waarbal kan nacaska ah eega ma ninbaan xoolahayga kula heshiiyaa.
Colkii; waar imika ikhtiyaar ma lihidinee midkiinee Mooge madaxiisa noo keenaya isagaa fadh fadh badane.
Macnayare; dee haduu madaxwareer ila soo qabanayo anigu diyaarbaan ahay laakiin ninkaasi kaligay masoo qaban karo.
Madaxwareer; ma walaalkayaad soo qabta na leedihiin waar wuxu may waalanyihiin.
Colkii; ina walaale hadaanu ku saamaxno maxaa kaagalay adi walaalkaa.
Macnayare;anigu geelisaan markaan soonoqdo badh inii keeni isaga kaligay ma soo qaban karee.
Colkii; imika horta hilibkan yar ee hambada giiliina ah cuna inskana taga waxba maanta ini yeeli maynee, laakiin soo noqodkiina warkan wardhaama layimaada oo Mooge madaxiisa noo keena.
Halkaa markay xaajo marayso ayay ayay soo noqdeen Madaxwareer iyo Macnayare. Waxayna kusoo bexeen Mooge oo wali dhufays kujira shiishkana meel ku haya oo heegan ah.
Mooge; ISTAAG oo iscadee .
Macnayare iyo Madaxwareer; waar waa anaga ee ha na laynin ateero baas uunbaad kujirtaa ilaa kalayaaciiye.
Mooge; Oo dee anu cadawgaan inaga ilaalinayaaye waaxay xagaad kasoo socotaani waa dhankii cadawgee siday wax ujiraan nimankii miyaad eryateen.
Madaxwareer; wager! Eryateenaa.
Macnayare; shuuush aar naga aamu adu madaxwareer haa Mooge colkii waan laynay halkii ay fadhiyeen baanan hada ka soconaa hilib geelna waan ka soo cunay.
Mooge; Allah oo hilib geel baabad kasoo dhacdeen, waxaasaa raga waan ogaa in uu abahay dhalay halyayo.
Madaxwareer; wager waar nagatag Macnayare ninka aan runta u sheegnee, warayaa moogow walaal ma been mise run anagu nimankii waan la soo heshiinay madaxaagayna rabaan.
Macnayare; kkkkkkkkkk isagaa yidhi anu ma aan odhan.
Madaxwareer; Allah manaad igu soo riixaysaa imika, waar waanagii kula heshiinay nimanka in aan ninkan mooge madixiisa ugayno ee maxaad la cabsan aan qabano ninka.
Macnayare; dee wayee ila qabo.
Markay xaajadu halkaa marayso ayaa laga xoogroonaaday Mooge oo dhulka ladhigay markaasoo moogi ambabaray markaasuu kuyidhi walaalihii waar nimanyahow walaalahay baad tihiine intaad idinku idili lahaydeen cadawga nolol iigu geeya iyagu ha idilaane.
Macnayare; waar naga tag haday iyagu ku dilaan iyo hadaan anagu kudilno waa isku mid uune.
Madaxwareer; waar heedhe allah macnayare macna yaraa ma waxa iskumida inagoo walaalkeen gacanteena ku dilna iyo inagoo issagoo nool iska libdhina cadawgu hadilee, waar nolol ayaan iskaga gaynaynaaye naga tag.
Hadaba sadexdii nin Mooge iyo Macnayare iyo Madaxwareer ayaa utagay colkii oo meel fadhiya. Colkiibaa uqaadan waayay waxayna layaabeen nasiib wanaagooda markasay yidhaahdeen waar maxaad soo doonteen.
Madaxwareer; Dee sawnagii balanay waxan idiin sidnaa Mooge oo nool
Macnayare; kkkkkkkkkkkk ma'aragtaan isagoo nool baan idiin sidnaa.
Colkii; haa waayahaye soo fadhiista.
Madaxwareer; mayee fadhisanmaynee waan iskalabanaynaaye beertiibay lo’idii nooga daadanaysaaye dee salaamada oo wakaa mooge qasha.
Macnayare; haa waan sii soconaynaaye iska qaata mooge.
Colkii; maya maya maya ma aad fahmine hadaanan sadexdiinaba isku darin oonaan dhagta dhiiga udarin bari baad cadawkale nagu dhalaysaan oo mag bay nawaydiinayaane iska fadhiista dhimata e.
Macnayare; kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk aar mala way kaftamayaane .
Madaxwareer igu walee inaanay indho kaftamayaa lahayn waabay indha cas yihiine malaha waabay nagu darayaan.
Mooge’ GA GA GA GA GA allah yaa iiqosla waar nimanyahaw aabahay muxuu nacas dhalay aar qoorta isoo garabdhigta oo waliba dhanka midigta iga mara xagaasaa lagu soo horeeyaa marka wax la qalayee.
Halkaa markay xajo marayso ayaa nimankii xadhig loo soo qaatay lagu xidhxidho markasaa lagu horeeyay madax wareer markasuu yidhi.
Madaxwareer Wagareey waaba kadhab aar gacanta hana jabinina.
Waxa ku xigay macna yare wuxuna yidh sedan.
Macnayare; kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaax aar qoorta isii daayay waar wuxu ma cadawbaa.
Waxa udanbeeyay Mooge wuxuuna yidhi.
Mooge; hadaan ogaanlaha iyagaaban ka ordilahaaye hadayse igaba horeeyee baga igudara anigana.
Sadexdii nin ee reer awdal ee walaalaha ahaa halkaasaa lagu laayay.
Colkii wuxu yidhi .
Colkii; waar maanay maqal walaalkii loo xiiryaw adna soo qoyso.
Sheekadii halkaasay kusoo dhamaatay dhamaan dadka reer awdal ee akhristayna waxan rajaynayaa in ay isgartaan meesha ay kaga jiraan sheekada ama Mooge uun baad tahay ama Madaxwareer ama Macnayare
Cabdale Faarah Sigad
Posted by
Bahwaynta Saylici
4:20 PM
Labels: Opinion
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Somali president ill, won't meet with Rice
The Washington Post
MARKA, Somalia — Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf checked into a Nairobi hospital Tuesday complaining of difficulty breathing, according to Western diplomats in the region, who said his health problem is unlikely to trigger a new political crisis in this fragile Horn of Africa nation.
Yusuf, who is 72 and had a liver transplant in 1996, was expected to fly to London for medical treatment today, when he had been scheduled to meet Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa, U.S. officials said.
His newly appointed prime minister, Nur Hassan Hussein, will represent him in that meeting, the officials said. Rice will be in Addis Ababa for consultations with leaders from the region.
Yusuf's health scare came on a day when his government blocked at least 2,500 tons of U.N. food aid from being unloaded. No explanation was given, said Peter Smerdon, of U.N. World Food Program.
The food is intended for thousands who have fled to Marka and hundreds of thousands more Somalis who are facing one of the worst harvests in years.
Yusuf's weak transitional government has been battling a persistent insurgency in the streets of the capital, Mogadishu, since Ethiopian-backed government troops ousted a short-lived Islamic movement last December. The urban war has unleashed the worst humanitarian crisis this country has witnessed since its last central government fell in 1991.
Monitoring groups allege that Yusuf's government, Ethiopian troops and insurgents have committed widespread human-rights violations in the latest conflict.
Posted by
Bahwaynta Saylici
8:23 AM
Labels: News
Somali leader still in hospital; Islamist rejects talk
(Adds radios, details)
By Guled Mohamed
NAIROBI, Dec 5 (Reuters) - Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf spent a second day in hospital on Wednesday with what government sources called a minor chest problem but others described as very serious.
In a tumultuous week for Somali politics, an exiled Islamist leader rejected a call by Somalia's new prime minister for talks to try to stem a year-long insurgency that has killed some 6,000 civilians.
And the prime minister, Nur Hassan Hussein, was considering his next move after the resignation of five ministers from a cabinet he named only on Sunday -- the latest blow to efforts to unify a government paralysed by years of infighting.
At Nairobi Hospital, Somali Ambassador to Kenya Mohamed Ali Nur said the president -- who gives his age as 72 but is said by some to be nearer 80 -- was having a "routine check-up" before seeing doctors in London where he had a liver transplant.
"We don't like the allegations (that his condition is worse)," he said. "I can tell you that he is OK, he was actually exercising."
Two sources close to the president said Yusuf had a chest complaint that was being treated prior to the stress of intercontinental travel.
Having lived with a transplanted liver for nearly 13 years, Yusuf routinely flies abroad for check-ups and what might be a normal malady in others his age must be closely watched.
But a diplomat tracking Somalia said officials were hiding the truth after Yusuf was flown into Nairobi on Tuesday.
"He is very, very bad. His stomach is inflated 10 centimetres and he is permanently on an oxygen mask," he said, citing conversations with Somali officials on Wednesday.
If anything were to happen to Yusuf, Somali parliamentary speaker Sheikh Adan Madobe would take over for 30 days while a successor was found, according to the government's charter.
In Eritrea, Sheikh Sharif Ahmed, chairman of the opposition Alliance For the Re-Liberation of Somalia (ARS) and considered a relative moderate among the Islamist movement, scoffed at the new prime minister's call for dialogue.
"Our problem is not with the old prime minister or the new prime minister. Our problem is Ethiopia's occupation," he said.
Ahmed's Islamist courts' movement ruled Mogadishu for six months last year, until it was routed by Ethiopia's army backing forces from the interim Somali government.
Hardline Islamists have led an insurgency against the government and Ethiopian troops throughout 2007.
U.N. officials say the humanitarian situation is Africa's most extreme, with red tape and restrictions hampering aid to the one million people uprooted by the fighting.
But restrictions on U.N. World Food Programme (WFP) aid to the Lower Shabelle region were lifted on Wednesday, a day after the Somali government blocked two shiploads of food to the area.
Regional governor Abdulqadir Sheikh Mohamed said the government security agency had reached an agreement with WFP.
A WFP official in Nairobi confirmed the ban was lifted.
U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, on a brief trip to sub-Saharan Africa, was due to meet Hussein in Ethiopia, with a message for the prime minister to promote inclusive government.
"It's got to be broad," she said. "The extremists are going to have to be set aside. The problem is not to call everyone extremists who are in the opposition."
In Mogadishu, three independent radio stations closed by the government said they had been allowed to re-open after negotiating conditions for reporting with Mogadishu's mayor.
"After we compromised with the mayor on conditions presented to us last month, we were permitted to reopen our radios again," Muqtar Mohamed Hirabe, acting director of Shabelle radio, told Reuters. Radio Banadir and Radio Simba also re-opened.
It was unclear how the mayor's strict rules, including not reporting on the opposition, had been modified.
And in the northern Somali port of Bosasso, negotiations between pirates who seized a tanker full of benzene 43 days ago and the ship's owners were under way, said the U.S. Navy's Fifth Fleet, based in Bahrain.
U.S. Navy and allied ships had cornered the ship on Tuesday.
"The ship has not yet been released. The U.S. coalition is not involved in the discussions, but is monitoring the situation," Navy spokeswoman Denise Garcia said.
The German military on Tuesday said that its ship was not involved, contrary to reports from local officials on Tuesday.
(Additional reporting by Aweys Yusuf in Mogadishu, Guled Mohamed, Bryson Hull and Andrew Cawthorne in Nairobi, Sue Pleming in Addis Ababa, Jack Kimball in Asmara, Mohammed Abbas and Louis Charbonneau in Berlin; Editing by Bryson Hull and Mary Gabriel)
Source: Reuters
Posted by
Bahwaynta Saylici
8:21 AM
Labels: News
Somalia: NUSOJ Slams Somaliland for Forcing Out Journalists
Somalia: NUSOJ Slams Somaliland for Forcing Out JournalistsWed. December 05, 2007 - By Mohamed Abdi Farah.
The National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) is calling on the authorities of Somaliland to stop forcing out Somali journalists who fled from the mayhem and violence in Mogadishu particularly targeted attacks on journalists and media because they were at risk of grave human rights violation and they sought protection in Somaliland.
The Somaliland Police Chief General Mohammed Saqadhi Dubad and the head of Somaliland Criminal Investigations Department (CID) General Ahmed Ali Shabel went yesterday (Tuesday, 4 December) to journalists' Safe House in Hargeisa and ordered to leave Somaliland within 24 hours. General Mohammed Dubad justified their order that the journalists are endangering the "security and stability of Somaliland".
The police chief added that they will take the journalists to court if they don't abide this order. "We strongly protest this harsh order, which apparently violates international human rights principles" said Omar Faruk Osman, NUSOJ Secretary General. "It is really outrageous to say these journalists who sought protection are endangering Somaliland security and stability, and we attest that they have not done or intend to do anything that can endanger the security and stability of Somaliland".
The Somaliland order has an effect on twenty-four (24) journalists who fled from Mogadishu as they were at risk of being killed or mistreated. NUSOJ in collaboration with Somaliland Journalists Association established Safe House for most of these journalists. The other ordinary people who also fled from Mogadishu will not be affected by this order. "This order clearly states that it is only meant to journalists because of their professional work of journalism and we believe that it was made to appease outsiders" Omar Faruk said. "Ordering journalists to go out is a deliberate attack on the freedom of the press". "The expulsion and intimidation of journalists in Somaliland is intolerable and raises legitimate concerns about the Somaliland's commitment to a free press and democratic values" Omar Faruk declared.
This shocking order against Somali journalists comes out as International Mission from Amnesty International that included a delegation from East & Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Network is in Hargeisa. Following efforts made by Somaliland journalists, Somaliland Human Rights Activists and the International Mission, the journalists were given five more days to leave Somaliland. But NUSOJ sources, who don't want to be mentioned, stated that it seems unworkable to overturn this order as it came from senior leaders of Somaliland. "The Somaliland order is shameful act that contradicts the democracy that Somaliland states, and authorities must allow journalists to come in with restriction, stay freely and report without fear" Omar Faruk said
Source: Somalinet
Posted by
Bahwaynta Saylici
8:17 AM
Labels: News
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Africa: U.S. Secretary Flies in for Great Lakes, Horn Summit
United States Department of State
(Washington, DC) DOCUMENT
4 December 2007
United States Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice arrives in Addis Ababa on Wednesday for wide-ranging talks with leaders from the Great Lakes and Horn regions of Africa on issues of regional peace and security, including the situations in Somalia and Sudan.
Rice's assistant secretary for African affairs, Jendayi Frazer, gave this briefing on the trip in Washington, DC, last week.
ASSISTANT SECRETARY FRAZER: Thank you very much. The Secretary will travel to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, arriving Wednesday, December 5th. She is going to hold a Great Lakes summit, essentially a meeting of the Tripartite plus heads of states and ministers, foreign ministers and defense ministers from Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and Congo.
The Tripartite Plus group was established by the United States to facilitate dialogue and build confidence among the four countries in the Great Lakes region. This meeting is expected to further develop strategies and common security mechanisms to address what are known as the negative forces in the Congo, groups like the FDLR, the former Rwandan genocidaires, the Lord's Resistance Army and other groups in the Congo.
The meeting will also foster dialogue between the governments and seek common efforts to eliminate gender-based violence. We expect it to be attended at the head of state level, from the officials of the four countries as well as observers being invited from the United Nations, AU Chairman Konare, and the Great Lakes envoy for the EU.
She will also hold a Somali ministerial with regional countries and, again, attended by the AU Chairman Konare, the UN Special Rep for the Secretary General Ould-Abdallah. The Somalia ministerial will also have present President Yusuf and the new Prime Minister of Somalia, Nur Ade, attending the meeting. The goal is to consult and further coordinate a regional response to the crisis in Somalia. We're hoping that the consultation will focus on how to achieve a more inclusive political dialogue and reconciliation to move the country towards 2009 elections, how to mitigate the impact of the current violence, especially in Mogadishu on the civilian population and address the humanitarian emergency, working together to further isolate extremists and spoilers who continue to use violence, and then to push for quicker deployment of the African Union force into Somalia, the AMISOM force.
The countries attending the meeting, the ministerial, will be the Somali president, prime minister, Uganda, Djibouti, Ethiopia. We hope Kenya will be there. Kenya is in the midst of an election campaign, a very close election campaign. But also, the AU Chairman Konare will attend and the UN Special Rep to the Secretary General Ould-Abdallah.
The Secretary will also hold a ministerial meeting on Sudan to continue the U.S. focus on the Comprehensive Peace Agreement implementation. It will be held with the regional countries, particularly those who are members of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development, IGAD. These are the countries that were, in a sense, semi-guarantors of the CPA, having helped to negotiate it under Kenya's leadership. And so we want to consult on how to move the process forward or to get the CPA back on track.
The expected participants from these IGAD countries, ministers will be from Djibouti, Ethiopia, Uganda, we hope Kenya, as well as Sudan, the AU, Chairman Kanare and the UN Special Rep to the Secretary General Qazi.
In addition to the head of state summit on the Great Lakes, the Sudan ministerial and the Somalia ministerial, the Secretary of course will hold bilateral meetings with the Ethiopian Government, including a meeting and dinner with Prime Minister Meles and Foreign Minister Seyoum, in which we would expect a discussion to focus on regional stability, fighting terrorism, democracy promotion, economic development and food security in Ethiopia, including issues of the Ogaden and, of course, the robust program that the United States and Ethiopia are partnering on dealing with HIV and AIDS, TB and Malaria.
The bottom line is that the Secretary has been very much focused on the Great Lakes, Sudan and Somalia, and she wants to now to go Africa, go to Addis Ababa, in order to have the regional consultations because in all of these cases we've found that the key to the conflict prevention and promotion is to work with the regional countries themselves and their leadership. And so she has been involved on all of these issues, doing phone calls, meeting with these leaders here in Washington, and now she's going to go to the region to have an opportunity to bring them together once again so that we can try to promote conflict resolution.
And with that, I will answer any questions that you may have.
QUESTION: Can I ask you about a subject that you didn't mention, which I think is very likely to come up, and that's Ethiopia-Eritrea. As you know, today the Boundary Commission's mandate expired with no demarcation on the ground and tensions high despite what Meles and others seem to be saying, things are just as fragile as they were when perhaps when the war ended. How much is that going to be a part of the agenda? And also, how much of just plain Eritrean -- the Eritrea issue on its own, the state sponsor designation, how much is that going to play into her (inaudible)?
Source: US Department of State
Posted by
Bahwaynta Saylici
7:28 AM
Labels: News
Darfur distracts from Somalia’s needs
by Andrew Traverse
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
The worst humanitarian crisis might not be unraveling in Darfur, but on a 20-mile strip in Somalia. The road between the market town of Afgooye and the war-torn capital of Mogadishu is brimming with suffering and anguish, with 200,000 displaced people living in camps that lack the proper amount of food. Children there are so malnourished they can’t even swallow. But where is the help? It’s stuck in Sudan.
According to a recent article in The New York Times, top United Nations officials who specialize in Somalia say the country has higher malnutrition rates, more current bloodshed and fewer aid workers than Darfur, which is often regarded as the most pressing crisis by the media.
The urban combat in Mogadishu is endless. Civilians have stuffed themselves onto the Afgooye road to avoid fighting between an unpopular transitional government, which was actually installed with partial American aid in December of last year and Islamic extremists. The people in Mogadishu are hungry, sick and dying. Yet too few aid organizations are brave enough to enter the area to help them. These organizations simply do not have the capacity to reach all of the people that are suffering.
Ever since the incident in Mogadishu in 1993, where Somali militiamen shot down two Black Hawk helicopters, Somalia has been a no-go zone. That is until 2006, when an extreme Islamic faction took control of most of the country. This faction was popular until it declared a holy war on Ethiopia and provoked a devastating Ethiopian reaction. Ethiopian troops were fed satellite imagery, courtesy of the U.S. military, while U.S. planes bombed fleeing extremists.
This operation was regarded as an anti-terrorist success. Unfortunately, when that Islamic faction was in control, the country was in much better shape. And we have yet again another instance of U.S. intervention gone poorly.
Also, since 1993, when the U.S., along with much of the world, gave the cold shoulder to Somalia, the situation in this country has been overshadowed by Darfur, which has been given a multitude of press by the media. A movie, “Darfur Now,” and an entire album, “Instant Karma: The Amnesty International Campaign to Save Darfur,” have even been dedicated to the cause, with the likes of George Clooney and Don Cheadle leading the way. Now, I am not trying to undermine the 200,000 deaths that have occurred in Darfur, but perhaps what the media portrays as the largest humanitarian crisis center in Africa is not that at all.
Let’s compare the situation in the two countries. Darfur has a billion-dollar aid operation and over 10,000 aid workers, whereas Somalia receives less than $200 million in aid and nothing but empty promises from the African Union. The Union promised 8,000 aid workers to Somalia, but because of the misguided focus on giving Darfur a 26,000-strong aid force, only 1,600 Ugandans have arrived to help solve the crisis.
Piracy dominates the seas near Somalia, blockading any aid and hijacking ships. Militant groups, the government’s greatest rivals, inflate travel taxes as high as $400 per truck. The government itself lacks direction — it imprisoned a United Nations official who was providing aid because it thought he was conspiring with terrorists. The official has since been released.
Is it really the Somali government’s fault that it is facing these problems? While some may say yes, consider this: Its situation has included floods, droughts, locusts, suicide bombers, roadside bombs and near-daily assassinations. In areas hit the hardest by plagues, the malnutrition rate is 19 percent, compared with approximately 13 percent in Darfur — 15 percent is considered the emergency level. Most Western diplomats believe that this government will fail.
How encouraging could that be, especially knowing that 13 governments have failed before them? While it’s an incredibly hard decision to put one humanitarian crisis over another, the timeline for Somalia is reason enough. After seeing what inaction results in by way of the genocide in Darfur, allowing Somalia to descend into a similar catrastrophic set of circumstances is unacceptable. If we can prevent Somalia from becoming the next Darfur, then it should be at the top of our priorities in the region.
As great as it is to take up a cause like the one for Darfur, how can we as one of the greatest nations in the world ignore a problem that has become so urgent like the one Somalia? Where is the “Somalia Now” movie? Where is the Amnesty International follow-up album that helps feed Somali children? Where are the George Clooneys, Don Cheadles and Arnold Schwarzeneggers in Mogadishu? More importantly, where are all of the humanitarians that were promised to this country, and when is Somalia going to take priority over the media-inflated Darfur?
Andrew Traverse ( is a freshman majoring in business.
Posted by
Bahwaynta Saylici
7:27 AM
Labels: Opinion
Somali president flown to Kenya hospital amid walkout
By Ahmed Mohamed
BAIDOA, Somalia, Dec 4 (Reuters) - Turmoil struck the Somali government on Tuesday as a fifth minister resigned in a power-sharing dispute a day after being appointed, and the president was urgently flown to a hospital in Kenya's capital.
A security official described President Abdullahi Yusuf, 72, as being in a "serious condition" when he arrived in Nairobi from neighbouring Somalia on Tuesday.
But the government and diplomats played down the threat to his health.
"He is not as serious as we thought. He was not carried by an ambulance. He went in his Mercedes to the hospital," Ali Mohamed Sheikh, chief of protocol at the Somali embassy to Kenya, told Reuters.
Yusuf is a long-surviving liver transplant patient and for years has flown abroad for specialised treatment. He had been due to go to London for a checkup this week.
Government spokesman Abdi Haji Gobdon said: "I guess he is just tired because he had a long meeting with the prime minister last night, but he is not in a serious condition."
Five ministers have quit the cabinet of new Prime Minister Nur Hassan Hussein, striking a blow to his plans to unify a government paralysed by infighting for nearly three years.
Deputy minister for religious affairs, Sheikh Jama Haji Hussein, said he resigned after talking to elders and politicians from his Jarerweyne sub-clan, a part of the Fifth clan -- a catch-all grouping of Somalia's smallest clans.
"The clan that I hail from has always been discriminated (against) and has never been given its fair posts in any government formed in Somalia from the day the country gained independence," he told reporters in the southern town of Baidoa where parliament sits.
Hussein's government is the 14th attempt at establishing effective central rule since clan warlords toppled military dictator Mohamed Siad Barre in 1991.
The clan issue -- paramount in Somali life and politics -- has beset the interim government since it was formed at peace talks in Kenya three years ago.
Four ministers from the Rahanwein clan -- one of the big four clans -- quit late on Monday, including National Security Minister Hassan Mohamed Nur Shatigadud.
"We decided to resign because we, as Rahanwein, have been scorned and we have not been given our fair share in Nur Adde's new government," Shatigadud told a news conference, referring to the premier by his nickname Nur Adde.
The squabbling highlights the difficulty of Hussein's task to unite the lawless Horn of Africa country whose 10 million citizens are more likely to pledge allegiance to their clan than a national government.
Hussein's inauguration last month was seen as an opportunity for reconciliation in Somalia where fighting between government troops and Islamist insurgents has killed almost 6,000 civilians, and uprooted hundreds of thousands this year.
On Sunday, Hussein named what he said was an "all-inclusive" cabinet.
Formed in 2004, the interim government was created on a "4.5" clan formula -- by which major positions were shared between the four main clans and the Fifth clan.
Many ministers returned from earlier cabinets, and only a handful came from outside the parliament -- permitted for the first time by constitutional change made earlier this year in hope of bringing on board more experienced technocrats.
"We gave the government an opportunity to inject fresh blood from outside parliament but it has not. We feel the prime minister was misled," said a senior parliament figure who spoke on condition of anonymity.
(Additional reporting by Aweys Yusuf in Mogadishu, Abdiqani Hassan in Bosasso, and Bryson Hull and Guled Mohamed in Nairobi; Writing by Katie Nguyen; Editing by Keith Weir)
Source: Reuters
Posted by
Bahwaynta Saylici
7:01 AM
Labels: News
Ninka Sheega Ma Dhaafto: Harowo Ma Dhaafto!!!
Horta, walaalahay bulsho weynta beelaha Samaroonoow, waxan idin odhan lahaa: Ilaahaybay tiisu u nagidahaye maalinkaa maanta ah, mid maku heshiinaa?. Oo maku heshiinaa in beelahan la yidhaahdo Maxamad case, waaba beelo buuq badane inaynu Badda Cas ku wada gurno dhammaantood xitaa anigana igu daroo?.!
Taasi haddii aynu ku heshiin Karin, isla mar ahaantaana aynu ogsoonahay inaanu jirin haba yaraatee qooys reer Awdal ah oo qooysnimo ku wada heshiis ah?. Hadana maku heshiin karnaa inaan beel iyo qooys toona lays wada raacin oo la odhanin way wada xun yihiin ama way wada fiican yihiin?.
Taasi laftarkeeda haddii aynu ku heshiin Karin, hadana ta ugu foosha xun ee ugu fog uguna danbaysa maku noqon karnaa heshiis, oo ah inaynu waligeenba waxba ku noqon heshiis?. Tolkoyoow, su’aalaha an idin waydiiyay dhammaantood, iigu soo jawaaba HAA iyo MAYA, miduun oo hadalka haysku kay dhex dhigina oo ha i odhanina HAA iyo MAYA isla wada socda, I hate that so much and I mean it.!
Hadal halkiisaa loogu tagaaye, waxan dhawaan arkay oo wariyahooda u fadhiya Awdal ee Maxamad Cumar Hyena, usoo gudbiyay Warqad la yidhi baa la yidhi waxa qoray odayo-dhaqmeed ka mid ah beelaha Maxamad Case oo ay kaga cabanayeen guddodmiya Awdal. Warqaddaas meel kale kuma arag, meel kalana kuma maqal. Kumana doodayo inaanay warqaddaasi jirin iyo inay jirto midkoodna. Waxanse ku doodayaa in warqadaasi ahayn mid dadkii qoray haddiba ay qoreen aanay usoo dirin Sidaa daraadeed hadii wariyayaasha Harowo iyagu jeclaysteen inay soo xadaan xog Qaran , dee iyaga iyo Harowo haku koobnaato, oo waa ninka sheega ma dhaafto, Harowana ma dhaafto.
Aniguba waxan hayaa nuqul (Copy), warqaddii loo qoray wasiirka Caafimaadka Somaliland oo an magaciisa durba iska illaaway (Sorry) ee lagaga cabanayay Dr Hadi. Ma illaawin qooyska uu Wasiirku ka yahay Isaaq, oo waxayba abti u yihiin Ilmahayga an ugu jeclahay adduunka. Isaga kii ka horreeyay oo ay hayb wadaagaana, London ayaa lagula kulmay, anuu ma arag. Hadaladii laga soo xigtayna waxa ka mid ahaa isagoo reer gooniya farta ku fiiqaya inay reer kaasi: “iyagoo is wada daba socda oo qaarkood odhanayaan waxgaradbaan nahay, qaar kalana odhanayaan cuqaal iyo musheekh iyo Salaadiin baan nahay, qaar kalana odhanayaan siyaasiyin baan nahay, hadana dhammaantood ku odhanayaan hebel naga badal oo hebel kale noo dalici ama hebel kale noogu badal, halkii ay odhan lahaayeen horumarka noocaas ah wax nagala qabo”. Sidaa daraadeed lama yaabin waxa ku dhacay DR Hadi.
Hadaba an u soo noqdo warqada an hayo nuqulkeeda (copy) ee ku saabsan Dr Hadi. Dadkii ka cabanayay Dr Hadi ee warqadaasi qoray magacdooda uu buuxa ayaa ku saxeexan. Hadana waxan door biday oo dammiirkaygu i siin waayay inaan meelnaba u gudbiyo. Sobabtoo ah aniga la iima soo qorin ee Wasiir Qaran ayay ku socotay. Sidaan ku helayna; It really doesn’t matter.!
Intaa ka sokow; an ka hadlo, warqadan ba’as ee lagu cambaareeyay Maxadcase oo dhan oo xitaa dadka qaarkood durba Harowo kusoo jawaabeen iyagoo leh, reerkaasu ma rabaan Somaliland iwm . Waxan odhan lahaa, Ilaahaybaa laga helaa, oo haddii an arki lahaa Maxamad Case oo dhan oo diiddan Somaliland , aniguna waaban ku biiri lahaa. Horeybaan u sheegay oo Somaliland waa QooysLand, an noqon Karin QaranLand. Hadaba fadlan yara fogeeya reerahan buuqa badan ee Maxamad Case la yidhaahdo oo yara gugujiya si ay u caddeeyaan inay ka hor jeedaan Somaliland . Marka taasi dhacdo aniguna waan ku jiraa. Dabadeedna, dee Badda nagu wada gura, waana Happy End.!!!
Nabad iyo Caano
Cabdiqani Yuusuf Caateeye
London UK
Posted by
Bahwaynta Saylici
7:00 AM
Labels: Opinion
Monday, December 03, 2007
Somali PM unveils new cabinet, hints at talks with Islamists
MOGADISHU (AFP) — Somali Prime Minister Nur Hassan Hussein on Sunday announced a new government and indicated for the first time that he might be ready for talks with Islamist rebels who have turned the capital into a murderous battleground.
The 31 ministers, 11 state ministers and 31 assistant ministers were sworn in at the Villa Somalia presidential palace in Mogadishu.
Salim Ali Ibrow, former second deputy prime minister, was elevated to deputy premier.
Mohamed Ali Hamud and former police commissioner Abdirahman Abdi Hussein -- who are not members of parliament -- were made foreign and information minister respectively. It was the first time non-lawmakers were brought in.
"I believe they are the best people for the positions they are taking," Hussein said while handing over the cabinet list to President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed.
Yusuf, a former warlord in charge of the northern semi-autonomous region of Puntland, urged ministers to work honestly as his administration struggles to restore stability.
"Take your positions and start your job as soon as you are announced. I hope you will work for your country honestly," Yusuf told the ministers.
Ali Mohamed Gedi resigned as prime minister on October 29 after a long-running feud with the president, who had accused him of failing to end the insurgency, draft a new constitution or bolster federal government.
A key upset Sunday was the omission of influential former deputy prime minister Abdullahi Sheikh Osmail from the cabinet.
Sea and air transport deputy minister Mohamed Sheikh Abadir and deputy defence minister Salad Ali Jelle are the only pro-Gedi ministers who survived the reshuffle.
Hussein became the second premier in Yusuf's three-year-old Ethiopia-backed transitional government, which is battling an Islamist-led insurgency in Mogadishu.
Husein has hinted at launching talks with the Islamist leaders based in the Eritrean capital Asmara.
"We are ready to speak with the Asmara group as long as they are ready to discuss with us," Hussein said in an interview Kenya's NTV television, in his first comments on his strategy to restore order in Somalia.
"We are not naming anyone from the opposition leaders, but we are ready for positive advice and criticism," added Hussein, while conceding that naming the cabinet was a "challenge."
Hussein, 69, a former Somali attorney general and head of Somali Red Crescent Society, is seen as the most able Somali to steer the nation of out acrimony.
But the Islamists, who governed much of Somalia for six months before they were ousted in January, have repeatedly warned that will never talk with the government while Ethiopian troops remain in the country.
Hussein also faces Africa's worst humanitarian crisis with around one million people displaced, of whom 600,000 have been uprooted from Mogadishu since February.
Meanwhile, five civilians were killed in new fighting in the capital.
Bloody clan conflict and power struggles that erupted after the 1991 ouster of dictator Mohamed Siad Barre have scuppered numerous initiatives to restore stability.
Posted by
Bahwaynta Saylici
3:26 AM
Labels: News
Low expectations as Rice heads to Ethiopia to defuse African conflicts
WASHINGTON (AFP) — US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice flies Tuesday to Addis Ababa to consult regional leaders and ministers about how to defuse tensions and conflicts in the Horn of Africa, the Great Lakes and Sudan.
Rice will join leaders of Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in the Ethiopian capital on Wednesday to tackle the "negative forces" in the Great Lakes region, US officials said.
"I want to lower your expectations that this meeting will result in ... (renegade General Laurent) Nkunda and FDLR all leaving," Rice's pointwoman on African affairs, Jendayi Frazer, told reporters in a pre-visit briefing.
Rice is expected to discuss existing security mechanisms, including a DRC-Rwandan plan to disarm the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda, which has been implicated in the 1994 genocide of Tutsis in Rwanda.
Another source of instability is Nkunda who claims to protect the minority Tutsi population.
The troubled eastern province of Nord-Kivu has seen heavy clashes since the end of August between some 4,000 insurgents loyal to the former general and more than 20,000 troops serving under DRC President Laurent Kabila.
Yet another destabilizing force is the Ugandan rebel Lords Resistance Army, which hides out in the DRCongo.
Frazer, assistant secretary of state for African affairs, said the summit will build on a US-backed regional approach to help "build the capacity of the Congolese to address these negative forces in their country."
The region has been wracked by violence since the early 1990s with the civil war that began in Burundi in 1993, the Rwandan genocide in 1994 and the regional war that raged in the DR Congo between 1998 and 2003.
During her two-day visit, Rice will also discuss Somalia, the Horn of Africa country which has been locked in civil war since 1991.
The international community is divided over the usefulness of sending UN peacekeeping forces to ensure stability in Somalia, where violence continues despite the rout of Islamist forces 10 months ago by Ethiopian troops.
Ethiopia intervened in support of Somalia's Transitional Federal Government.
Rice will meet Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed and Somalia's new Prime Minister Nur Hassan Hussein, Frazer said. Also represented will be the African Union, United Nations, Uganda, Djibouti, Ethiopia and possibly Kenya.
"We're hoping that the consultation will focus on how to achieve a more inclusive political dialogue and reconciliation to move the country towards 2009 elections," Frazer said.
It will also aim to tackle a humanitarian emergency and "isolate extremists and spoilers who continue to use violence and then to push for quicker deployment of the African Union (AMISOM) force into Somalia," she said.
Frazer said the talks will also touch on role of Eritrea, which she said supports not only extremists operating in Somalia but also "legitimate" non-violent opposition groups there.
Rice will also discuss efforts to shore up the fragile 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement between the Arab Islamist government of President Omar el-Beshir in Khartoum and the mainly non-Muslim southern Sudanese.
Participating will be ministers from Djibouti, Ethiopia, Uganda, and possibly Kenya, as well as the African Union and United Nations.
Rice has also planned bilateral talks with Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi when, Frazer said, the two are likely to discuss renewed tensions with neighboring Eritrea.
The Horn of Africa neighbors fought a border war from 1998 to 2000 that left 70,000 people dead.
The secretary is due to leave for Brussels on Thursday to meet with her European counterparts and attend a ministerial meeting of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
Discussions are expected to focus on Kosovo, Afghanistan and the Conventional Forces in Europe treaty.
Rice, who canceled a trip to Africa in July to focus on Iraq, returns to Washington on Friday.
Posted by
Bahwaynta Saylici
3:24 AM
Labels: News
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Pirate Mother Ship Hunt Off Somali Coast
By KATHARINE HOURELD – 17 hours ago
ABOARD THE BABUR, Arabian Sea (AP) — Pirates from two small skiffs seized the crew of a Japanese vessel off anarchic Somalia's coast. American forces fired on the skiffs and destroyed them. Now the navies of the U.S. and 19 other countries are after bigger prey.
The U.S.-led coalition working to secure sea lanes beset by pirates believe skiffs like the ones used in the attack on the Japanese ship must have come from elusive "mother ships."
"The small boats which are used for piracy could not travel" from shore as far into the ocean as ships have been attacked, said Commodore Khan Hasham of Pakistan, one of the U.S. allies in the anti-piracy operation. "So they needed a mother ship from which the pirates could launch skiffs."
Aboard the Pakistani navy ship Babur, Pakistani special forces load their rifles and meticulously go through their drills, readying themselves to board suspicious vessels and search for weapons. U.S. Navy officers aboard swap theories with their Pakistani counterparts about where the mother ships could be.
Coalition officials are reluctant to name all the countries involved or the number of warships involved because of security concerns, and because cooperating with America is a delicate political issue in the tense oil states of the Persian Gulf.
Pakistan's relations with the U.S. have also been strained since President Pervez Musharraf imposed a state of emergency Nov. 3. But Musharraf remains a necessary partner and ally in the U.S. war against terror — al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden may be hiding on the Pakistani frontier with Afghanistan.
This week, Pakistani sailors on the Babur and Americans on the USNS John Lenthall waved at each other across the waves during a refueling exercise, their captains chatting over short wave radio.
Their patrols address a growing problem. The International Maritime Bureau has recorded 31 attacks off Somalia this year but believe many more go unreported.
The 31 includes the seizure a month ago of a Japanese tanker carrying as much as 40,000 tons of highly explosive benzene in the Gulf of Aden.
Initially, American intelligence agents worried terrorists from Somalia's Islamic extremist insurgency could be involved and might try to crash the boat into an offshore oil platform or use it as a gigantic bomb in a Middle Eastern port.
When the Japanese vessel was towed back into Somali waters and ransom demanded, the coalition was relieved to realize it was just another pirate attack.
The more recent attack on a separate Japanese vessel occurred some 85 nautical miles from Somalia in the busy lanes used by boats entering the Suez Canal — too far for the two small boats carrying pirates to have come from shore. Some attacks are even farther from land, as much as 250 nautical miles, Hasham said.
The pirates boarded the Japanese vessel before their skiffs were destroyed and remain aboard. The U.S. Navy has in the past persuaded pirates to abandon ships they have boarded and still hoped to do so in the case of the Japanese vessel — though that might be complicated now that the pirates no longer have skiffs on which to leave.
No warship has located a mother ship yet, although that could be due to the continuos radio chatter they put out to warn pirates that they are patrolling the area in an effort to deter attacks. However, numerous ship captains have reported seeing the bigger pirate vessels.
"I thought it was an ordinary ship, then I saw two small fast motorboats coming from it toward us," Capt. Ling Xinshen, now safely in Mombasa, Kenya, said in recounting his vessel's seizure by pirates. He and his crew were held for ransom for seven months on the ship by pirates who killed one crew member.
Ling said he never again sighted the mysterious mother ship that loomed up so suddenly the sunny afternoon his ordeal began.
Everyone has a theory about where the mother ships hide. Cmdr. Robert D. Katz of the USS Stout says Somali national waters remain a blind spot for the coalition forces because they are barred from patrolling that territory. International maritime law says a country is responsible for law enforcement within 12 miles of its own coast, but Somalia is a failed state.
Somalia has not had a functioning government since dictator Mohamed Siad Barre was overthrown in 1991. Now the weak transitional government and its Ethiopian allies are battling an Iraq-style Islamic insurgency.
The chaos, combined with connections between the pirates and powerful figures in key Somali clans that receive multimillion-dollar ransoms, mean that pirate ships can cruise the ragged coastline with relative impunity.
Andrew Mwangura, head of the Kenya-based East Africa Seafarers' Assistance Program, says the mother ships melt into the ordinary shipping traffic without notice once they have disgorged their packs of speedboats. Coalition warships have frequently passed a mother ship without even realizing, he says.
The mother ships don't carry weapons, he says, preferring to arm two or three smaller boats with anti-tank missiles, machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades. They leave the small boats at sea, possibly with another boat loaded with fuel. When a merchant ship comes into view, the small, fast boats attack as a pack.
Mother ships simply blend in among the fishing vessels, Mwangura said. "They won't find it until there are no fishing vessels in Somali waters."
(This version CORRECTS name of ship from USS John Leventhal to USNS John Lenthall.)
Posted by
Bahwaynta Saylici
9:39 AM
Labels: News
At least 80 illegal Somali immigrants die on the Yemen coast
At least 80 Somali migrants from Bossaso harbor in south Somalia died Friday when their boat, carrying about 126 passengers sank Friday in Mukala, on the Yemeni coast, while trying to escape the violence in the country, a Somali embassy official in Yemen said here Saturday.
About 45 of the migrants were rescued by fishermen early Friday morning.
« It was around mid night when the boat they were travelling in sank. Those rescued were handed over to officials of the United Nations refugee agency UNHCR, » said Hussein Hagi Ahmed, an official of Somali embassy in Yemen.
Some migrants try to cross from Somalia to Yemen, which they see as a gateway to other parts of the Middle East and the West because it is cheaper compared to other means of travel.
More than 27 people, including women and children, drowned in the Gulf of Aden as they were trying to cross from Somalia to Yemen last week, according to Somali embassy officials in Yemen.
It is reported that every week, at least two to three boats carrying such illegal immigrants reach the Yemeni coast, while many more people die on the way from suffocation and lack of food, even if their boat succeeds in crossing the sea.
Somalia was plunged into anarchy after the 1991 ouster of dictator Mohammed Siad Barre, and since then, many Somali migrants have died trying to cross to Yemen looking for better life.
HO/daj/APA 01-12-2007
© APA News
Posted by
Bahwaynta Saylici
9:23 AM
Labels: News
Wariye Abdifitahaam Ahmed oo beeniyay war ay ka faafisay
Shabakada ayaa maalmahaan wada warar been abuur ah oo dacaayad ugu fidineyso Saxafiyiinta Soomaaliyeed.
Bogaan oo uu maamulo nin la yiraahdo C/raxiin Ciise Caddoow oo aan Saxaafad shaqo ku laheyn isla markaana bartay sida loo qoro oo kaliya erayada Murtad iyo Jaajuus ayaa maanta qoray warbixin been abuur ah oo uu Somaliland wax ugu sheegayo.
Warbixintaan ayuu ugu magacdaray "Daahir rayaale oo ka codsaday Mujaahidiinta Soomaaliyeed in haddii ay ku guuleystaan Hawsha ay kujiraan ay heshiis la galaan Somaliland " , taasoo ku sheegay inuu soo diray wariye Abdifitahaam Ahmed.
Abdifitahaam ayaa beeniyay warkaasi inuu qoray waxuuna sheegay inuu yahay war lagu been sheegtay oo uusan shaqo ku laheyn taasoo Qaadisiya ku dooneyso inay isku horkeento isaga iyo Somaliland .
"Shaqo kuma lihi warbixintaan ay Qaadisiya igu qoreen, waana yaab in Qaadisiya oo aniga igu tilmaamtay Murtad Jaajuus ah oo wariyaashii xamar kasoo qaxay been ka sheegay shalay inay maantana qaataan warbixin aan aniga qoray, waana wax caruurta xitaa ay fahmeyso" ayuu yiri Abdifitahaam 30 bishii aynu soo dhaafnay ee November ayay Shabakada soo galiyeen war ay Abdifitahaam ugu sheegayaan inuu yahay Jaajuus gaalada u shaqeeya, halkaan ka aqri
“Waxaa jira dhowr email oo ay ii soo direen rag magacyo kala duwan wata kuwaaso isku
sheegaya inay yihiin Al-Shabaab iyo kooxo kale, waxeyna igu goodiyeen inay i dili doonaan oo banana yahay in dhiigeyga dharaar cad la qubo” ayuu yiri Wariye Abdifitahaam Ahmed.
Abdifitahaam Ahmed ayaa kamid ah wariyaasha Soomaaliyeed ee dhexdhexaadka ah, waxuuna beeniyay inay jiraan warar uu si toos ah qof Soomaali ah ku dacaayadeynayo.
Saraakiisha sar sare ee Somaliland ayaa sheegeen inaysan Somaliland aheyn dal dadkeeda iyo dowlada la iskaga horkeeni karo wax ay qoreen Warbaahin Somalia ka dhisan.
Hadaba qaar kamid ah warbaahinta Soomaaliyeed iyo Somaliland ayaa aad ugu xumaatay wararkaan been abuurka ah ee Shabakada ka fidisay wariye Abdifitahaam Ahmed.
Cabdikariin Maxamed Cali
Hargeysa - Somaliland
Posted by
Bahwaynta Saylici
9:03 AM
Labels: News
Boqor Professor Axmed I. Samatar Ma Eexdo; Bahdiina Ma Mooga...Hiildan
Ummadyahay garaadka qabtaayi, ma gefbaa?; ma godobbaa; ma gardarraa?; hadduu Professor garaad iyo garaado badani, sida Axmad Ismaaciil Samatar yidhaahdo: “Gabilaybaan u dhashay, Gadabuursina waan ahay”?.
Maqaalkani waa jawaab culus oo an u celinayo qaar ka mid ah shabakadaha Somaliland gaar ahaan HadhwanaagNews iyo GabileyNews oo iska soo xigtay isla mar ahaantaana si isku mid ah ugu wada hindhisooday oo ugu faar-daacay, hadal hufan, oo xariir ah, oo xalaal ah, oo taariikhi ah, oo Professorku ka jeediyay magaalada The Hague (Danhaag) ee dalka Holland. Hadalkaasi isagoo maqal iyo muuqaal ahba waxad ka heli katiin khadkan:
Waxa la yidhi, oo la yidhi, oo an horey u maqlay, in cayayaanka loo yaqaano oday Oday-gurguurka ama oday fulfuulka (ninba siduu uyaqaano) ku hindhisoodaan ama xitaa kuba bakhtiyo wixii kasta ee udgoonba, illeyn isagu qudhunka uu ku jiro ayaaba u udgoone. Waxan taas uga socdaa, dadka shabakadahan wax usoo qoray waa dad halkaas oo kale taagan oo ku jira bullaacad, oo an rabin qof ka dhex saara qashinkaas ay quudanayaan oo si cilmiyaysan ama caqliyaysan labadaba ama midkoodba wax ugu qeexa. Horeybuu Prefessorku uga hadlay siyaasadda bullaaacada ah (Dirty Politics), iyadoo maqal iyo muuqaal ahba waxad ka heli kartiin khadkan:
Hadba Kuwani imika butaacayina haday hadalkiisa hore, oo waraysi ahaa dhagaysan lahaayeen, kan imikana si fiican u dhuuxi lahaayeen. Dabadeedna labadaaba isku xidhi lahaayeen, oo fogaal aragnimo iyo fahmad badan ku fadhiisin lahaayeen. Hadana yihiin dad wax isku falaaya oo dareen iyo damiir sare leh, dee waaba ay ka xishoon lahaayeen inay Professorka professorada soomaaliyeed Boqor Professor Axmad Ismaaciil Samatar ku sheegaan nin caadifadaysan ama qabiiliya ama dhaawacan.
Sida oo warbixintooda ciwaan (Title) uga dhigay: "Waxan ahay Gadabursi Dir ah, Walaalkayna Dahir Rayaale shooladduu ugu dhacay markuu London yimi" Axmed I. Samatar”. Iyo oo an aad u qadarin jiray, balse iyagana ay ka hoostay doorkan oo ka soo xigtay, hadana nasiib darro ciwaan uga dhigay faaladooda: “Ahmed Ismaciil Samatar mawuxu ka hinaasanyahay Madaxtinimada Daahir Riyaale? mise wuxu mucaarad ku yahay jiritaanka,somaliland”?. Taasi waa diraa diraalayn, mana jecla reer Awdal, imisaase gadabuursi ah oo ka hor jeeda Rayaale?, sideedse ugu malayseen inuu Samatar dan iyo muraad toona ka leeyahay madaxnimada Somaliland?.
Anuu si fiiacanbaan u dhagaystay una dhuuxay walina u dheehanayaa una dhagaysanayaa hadalkiisan danbe ee uu ka jeediyay The Hague iyo waraysigii ka horreeyay ee Waxana intaas ii dheer inaan shaqsiyan anigu arkay oo an Professor Axmed laftarkiisa kula kulmay London UK . Hadaladii an horey uga soo joogay iyo Hadaladiisan danbana waxaban u arkaa Muxaadaro (Lecture) ku dabbaqan Diin Islaam ah iyo Cilmi Diimuqraadi ah labadaba, oo aradaygii muta-adibka ahina wax weyn ka faa ii daysan karo, kuna faani karo. Dhammaanteena inteenna dhiirran ee dhiig uus lihi waxaynu nahay ardayda Boqor Professor Axmad Ismaaciil Samatar, rumaysta ama ha rumaysanina.
Intiinan dudaysa ee dan qarabo kiil iyo qudhun-qadhaadh wadaayina, waad ku qamaanteen kuna qaldanteen, walibana ka qoommamayn doontiin inaad dabin-qool u xidhaan kuwii qabriga laydiin qoday idinka fiqi lahaa. Muhiimmadii muxaadarooyinka Boqor Professor Axmad Ismaaciil Samatar, macal Asif waxa idinkala mug weynaaday meheradiina qabiilnimmo, oo markuu qooyskiisa sheegaad ka qandhooteen. Hadaba, Nasab ninkii ahina ma naco ubadkii nuugay naaska walaashiis ee hooyo iyo aabo la dhaleen.
Hadal iyo dhammaanna hadduu Professor Axmed yidhi; waxan ahay Gadabuursi oo waxan ku dhashay Gabiley, isagoo waliba idiin macneeyay inuu qabiil dan ka lahayn, waa hadaad si fiican u dhagaysateen hadalkiisa’e. Waxay taasi inta garaadka iyo gobnimada Ilaah u dhaliyay uga dhigan tahay, “Boqor Ma Eexdo, Bahdiina Ma Mooga”. Amma Boqor Professor Axmed ma eexdo, bahdiina ma mooga.
Waxan kusoo gaba-gabaynayaa maqaalkan heestii boqor Professorku ku gabagabeeyay hadalkiisa oo ahayd:
Heeeeeeeeeeeeey hooooooooooooooooowaaaaaaaaaCalankaaaaaaaaaaaan lahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaCisibaaaaaaaaan ku qabayeeeeeeeeeey hoowaaaaaaaAllaaaaaa caawaba, ma cidlaaaaaaan ka jogaaaaaaaaaaaa.
Wa-Billaahi Tawfiiq.
Cabdiqani Yuusuf Caateeye
Posted by
Bahwaynta Saylici
9:02 AM
Labels: Opinion