sida aad lawada socotaan aduunka waxaa la isku dhaafey warbaahinta la,aanteedna waxba kama ogaan kartid waxa ka dhacaya xataa garabkaaga .aan usoo dhaadhaco waxa aan ugu soo qaatey mowduucan ee igu kalifey waxa weeye markaan arkay nin dhaleeceynaya warbaahinta gobolka ee maanta hana qaadey una soo jeesatey horumarka gobolka ha ahaato dib udhiska.Wacyi galinta iyo waliba haqabtirka wararka gobolka.
somalida aan aragno cid walba waxey leedahay website ugaara oo danteeda ka hadasha anagoo nalagu tilmaamo dadka somali ugu aqoonta badana maanu laheyn sanadihii ugu danbeeyey wax warbaahina oo magaca gobolka ku hadasha hadaba maxaa ku kalifey ninka la yidhaahdo DAAHIR ASKAR dhaleeceynta warbaahinta iminka noo soo baxdey halkii uu ka taageerilahaa?
walee anuu garan maayo hadii cid gaara uu ninkaasi saluugey lakiin waxaan odhan lahaa wax walba oo aad dhaliileyso bedelkeeda ayaa la keenaa markaa hadii ninkaasi leeyahay qolooyinka wax soo qora ayaan dhaliilsanahay waxaan leeyahay aduu ku soo dhawoow wax qoritaankoo danta gobolka iyo tan beelaha awdal ka hadal warbaahin ayaa la isku dhafee .walalayaal waad aragtaan kolkii warbaahinteenu soo bandhigtey ciyaartoydeenii lagu dhagaxeeyey bartamaha hargeysa in sagaal wasiir iyo udubadoodiiba iney yimaadeen caasimada awdal ee boorame kana raaligaliyeen shacabkii iyo dhalintii sportigaba waxii ku dhacey ,waar ma cid ayaa ogaan jirtey hadeyna warbaahintaas laga akhrisan sida lughaya, boramenews,, iyo saylicipress jawaabtu waa maya.
horaa loo yidhi ninaan hadlin hooyadii qadisey dhalinyarada u istaagtey iney wixii warara naga haqabtiraan iyo wixii fikira ee maskaxdeena ku jirana soo bandhigaan aad ayey u mahadsan yihiin ayaanu leenahay marna ha ka xumaanina inta yar ee faro ku tiriska ah ee wax walba u aragta khaladka ,waxaan kaloo idin xasuusinlahaa garoonkaas biroole ee maanta loo wada istaagey dhiskiisa warbaahinta ayaa qeybta kowaad ka qaadatey ha ahaato ururinta lacagta dhiiri galinta inta aan hore wax u fahmin jecelna wax qabatka warbaahinteenan hana qaatey waa afkii gobolka awdal cid walba oo akhrisataana baahideena iyo u jeedkeena ayey ka dhadhamineysaa halkaa waxaa nalagu xantaa dad aan sheegan waxa ay jecel yihiin iyo waxa ay neceb yihiin si xantaa u baaba,do waa inaan ka wada qeyb qaadanaa gacan qabashada warbaahinteena wixii yaree khaladaadana sidii wanaagsan aaan ugu sheegnaa.
ogaada cidina mushahar kuma siiso ragaa isxilqaamey ee danta shacabka soo qoraya had iyo jeer ee dadaalka dheer muujinaya ,warbaahintuna wax walba wey u banaan tahay iney ka hadasho xaga caafimaadka,dhaqaalaha ,siyaasada iyo wax walba oo markaa jiraa waxaan idin leeyahay jidka wanaagsan ayaanu iminka dhabaha saarnee ha ka daalina waxa la isku dhaafeyna waa warbaahintee wax qabadkiina sii hormariya aad iyo aad ayaana u mahadsan tihiin hadalka aan jawaabta ka bixinayeyna wuxuu ahaa qoraalkii ninka la yidhaa daahir askar ee cinwaanka uu uga dhigey MAXAAD KA TAQANAA LIXDA WEBSITE EE RER AWDAL.
Cairo, Egypt
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Dadka Waxaan Uga Danbayney Warbaahin La'aan - By: M. Kahin
Posted by
Bahwaynta Saylici
8:20 PM
Labels: Opinion
Graduation of Medical Doctors from Amoud - By: Abdirahman Adan
Sunday August 5th, 2007 was not a normal day for Borama residents. It was like a feast day. Unlike the other days, the streets of Borama were occupied by well-dressed people destined at the university’s main campus, where the graduation ceremony was planned to take place. Similarly, the high movement of vehicles was easily discerned as many dignitaries were invited from Hargeisa and beyond. The joy and jubilation aura filled up the hearts and minds of all the people in Borama including the delegates as they were preparing to witness one of the most important achievements of all Somali speaking communities- the graduation ceremony of the first home-trained medical doctors ever held in this part of the world.
On last Sunday, the road that connects Borama to Amoud valley was very busy and as a result, the traffic jam made the short drive to Amoud a long trip. Amoud University students other than those who were graduating were busy in receiving guests and keeping the order. All, dressed in their best available suits, and identified by their student cards, were involved in many activities. These included receiving dignitaries, keeping the order, guiding delegations and even assisting traffic policemen to avoid car accidents. The university management team and the teaching staff were also working very hard and making sure that everything was in order.Graduating students dressed in graduation gowns and caps were making the scenery more attractive. Early in that morning, these students were busy in taking historical photographs, as it was the last day to be together and united.
Around 8:00 am in the morning, the otherwise silent and quiet valley of Amoud was full of vehicles and people. Amoud University supporters and well-wishers came from every corner. Moreover, the presence of the government was remarkable whereby high-ranking officials attended the graduation ceremony. In this regard, the Minister of Education and the Minister of Interior represented the government. In addition, the chairman of UCID political party came to Borama to attend the ceremony. Furthermore, representatives of UN and International organizations, civil society leaders, business community, and representatives of teaching hospitals in Hargeisa and Borama and Diaspora were among the countless invitees enjoying the euphoric ambiance and rarely-seen events in the auditorium Hall of Amoud University.
Without a shred of doubt, the crowd’s mood was put in a state of elation and enjoyment when graduating students dressed in graduation gowns and caps entered the room and all the people inside applauded and gave a standing ovation for their honor. In fact, only those who were eye- witness and fortunate enough to attend the graduation ceremony can accurately describe that very laudable and heart-touching moment!Professor Sulaiman Ahmed Gulaid, the President of Amoud University reported the achievements and challenges facing the university to the gathering. He mentioned that currently seven faculties are functional at Amoud and the enrollment stands at 1297 students. In an effort to prepare the future cadre of academicians that would run the university, 9 students were awarded post-graduate degrees in Kenya and some of them are in the final months of their study.
Professor Sulaiman mentioned that 104 students are graduating today from 3 different faculties. The first time in history, 5 doctors completed their courses at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery and 58 students graduated from the Faculty of Education whereas the remaining 41 students graduated from the Faculty of Business and Public Administration.Dr. Said Ahmed Walhad, the Dean of Faculty of Medicine and Surgery glanced back the history of the faculty. He mentioned that the faculty was inaugurated in January 2000 with 15 students. He also mentioned that the teaching staff of this faculty mainly comes from Borama and Hargeisa.
Dr. Walhad stated the strong relationship that the faculty maintains with King’s College Hospital of London and that its input and contribution in the areas of curriculum development and lecturing was indispensable. Mrs Edna Adan, the founder of Edna Maternity Hospital and the former foreign minister of Somalland made also very thorough speech. She described the new medical doctors as qualified and definitely would contribute to the enhancement of the country’s health condition. Since her hospital was one of the teaching centers whereby these students jointly carried out medical exercise, she had acquaintance with the graduating doctors. In this manner, she mentioned how confident she is with the knowledge and medical skill of the graduating doctors.
On the other hand, Mohamed Hashi Dhama’ “Gaarriye” a well-known poet and a lecturer at Amoud and Hargeisa Universities spoke on behalf of Amoud’s teaching staff. Gaariye drew the attention of the audience how the mother tongue is increasingly becoming an alien on its land. He urged the government and the participants to review the curriculum of the primary schools and give Somali language a greater consideration. Also, the other dignitaries that made speeches on the occasion included Faisal Ali Warabe, Head of World Health Organization’s Hargeisa office, an elder from Borama, Mayor of Borama town and the Governor of Awdal region, who urged the graduating doctors not to hastily open pharmacies and clinics but instead aggressively pursue further studies.Dr. Abdirazak Farah Hassan “Barako”, one of the graduating doctors, spoke on behalf of the graduating students and pledged that they will work for their community with integrity and professionalism. Dr. Abdirazak thanked their parents whom without their unequivocal support, their study would not have been as successful. He also thanked the management and teaching staff of Amoud University.
Finally, this was the sixth time that Amoud University produces young professionals in different fields. The university has been producing high school teachers, business administrators and economists. More importantly, the university now produced the much-needed medical doctors who will contribute to the improvement of the health status.This is not another landmark for not only Amoud University but also for the whole education system of all Somali-speaking communities. This fact was demonstrated by the delight and overjoyed environment in which the graduation ceremony convened. What is more, this is a direct indication of how the community is proud of Amoud University and its role of producing young professionals.Amoud University was officially inaugurated on November 4th, 1998. Since then, the university has managed to produce around 500 graduates in a number of fields. Most of these graduates succeeded to secure employment in the country and are presently underpinning the efforts to develop the country.
Abdirahman Adan Mohamoud
Borama, Awdal
Posted by
Bahwaynta Saylici
8:14 PM
Labels: Opinion
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Hanbalyo: Camuud University - Saylicipress
Hanbalyo!!! (05 August 2007) Ardaydii ka qalin jabisay jaamacada Camuud!!!Bahda Saylici waxaan ugu baaqaynaa dhamaan ardayda qalin jabisay oo aan ka dooran doono labada arday ee ugu saraysa dhibco ahaan marka la isku celceliyo imtixaanada laga qaaday ama (cumulative GPA-ga ugu sareeya haysta), iyo kuwa qoraalkoodu ama ujeedadooda waxbarasho ay muuqato.
Jaa'iisada ugu saraysa waxaan siinaynaa ardayda xisaabta iyo sayniska qaatay ee raba inay caafimaadka iyo wixii saynis la xidhiidha inay mustaqbal ka dhigtaan, kuwa dhaqaalaha iyo maamulka ayaa ku xiga ilaa kuwa kale la gaadho.
Soo dir: magacaaga oo saddexan waxa aad baratay (your Major) waxa aad rabto inaad noqoto (Career: future profession or occupation) qoraal aad kusoo koobayso sidii loo hore marin lahaa Gobolka Awdal iyo waxa aad u aragto inay ugu horeeyaan ee aan u baahan nahay inaan qabano.
Halkeed jeceshay inaad ku noolaato ama wax ku barato Xidhiidhka macalinka iyo ardayda jaamacada Camud? is you teacher fair?Bahda Saylici dhinacayga (what to expect from us) Jaa'isad lacag ah (Scollarship or Immigration to Canada or U.S.A) Dibad u dhoofin adigoon joojinayn waxa aad qabato ama aad rabto inaad qabato; sponsor-ka oo qaata sanado dartii marka la joogo geeska Africa mudo afar todobaad ah waan kusoo jawaabaynaa (we will respong in 4 weeks)
Language of Communication at this time (afka aan ku xidhiidhayno immika ahaan): Somali
we will not publish any information you sent without the permission of the student. We will respect the privacy of the students. Female science students will be given the priority.warbixin taadu waa mid gaar ahaaneed waxa keliya oo aan gudbin doonaa qaybta aad rabto inaan gudbino. ardayda haweenka ah ee sayniska bartay ayaa la siinayaa mudnaan gaar ah.Send it:
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Posted by
Bahwaynta Saylici
8:10 PM
Labels: News