The academic life is not an enthusiasm as you may believe but demands enormous amount of time to be given on gaining knowledge on the area that you want to become skilled at and universities require hard working student who is keen to finish his courses and related assignments on time with distinction. Currently, students are not serious at least in this part of the world since unemployment is getting higher and higher by the day and students are needed to expect brighter future upon completion of the university.
On the contrary if a person carries out his /her duties seriously than they can make a difference both in education and beyond. Nonetheless, student’s time on preparation and course work is far more less than good old years for a variety of reasons including to that of TV, Internet, rising unemployment etc. However; techniques or ways and means has to be explored to remove barriers that impede student learning abilities to effectively control his / her timings on the workload.
English is a major problem but one has to read as many English books, newspapers and magazines as he / she can find in the local library as reading helps a lot with English improvement, especially with the grammar, also try to listen to radio stations. I recommend on radios and variety of TV channels that broadcast English and also website designed to help English learners. You have to avail the support required to master the art of English and the time necessary to carry out the work. The girls may not be able to concentrate on English and other subjects because they have got other chores especially household tasks to be completed before the school home work is finished and may not be able to follow either the above recommendations because of the said family chores in contrast with the boys in the context of Somali culture.
By the way the more you struggle the more you rise in the ladder of achievement to that end one has to develop a mentality to over come any challenge come what may in order to be glorious in the life and that success does not come through coincidence, chance but with uphill struggle and for that you could do with time management and division of your responsibility in compliance with the tasks available. Unfortunately, girls cannot compete with the boys though with exceptions in the academic life because of time limitations but we hope that parent’s attitudes are changed on girl education and hopefully girls grow to be more engaged in education.
The emerging universities should set up Student Activities Board (SAB) which is a planning and programming body for student activities on the campus. Any student interested in a variety of campus activities should be allowed to contribute his / her/ ideas and talents by actively participating on the board. Inter university teams are fielded in boys and girls basketball, cross country essay competition, tennis, soccer, girl’s softball and boy’s football should be arranged as an extra curriculum activity. Enriching the minds and lives of the students demands a lot from the institutions and parents alike to attain we need cooperation among the stake holders of the sector to enhance and encourage associations of the students within the campus if they are existed or else set up within the universities to make sure that their talents are produced and sorted out properly within academic years.
Abdirahman Ibrahim Abdilahi
Source: Garowe
Saturday, December 01, 2007
the academic life of the emerging Somaliland universities
Posted by
Bahwaynta Saylici
10:22 AM
Labels: Opinion
Friday, November 30, 2007
Intensifying the Hunt Against Somali Pirates - By Mike Nizza
Pirates operating off the coast of Somalia haven’t caused so much havoc by simply being ruthless. Their innovative tactics have enabled them to launch attacks farther out on the high seas than small skiffs should be able to go, and then they evade pursuers by floating closer to the shore, where international patrols can’t follow without permission from Somalia’s embattled government.
Today, signs emerged that both abilities were threatened by diplomatic and military coalitions looking to stop a startling spike in attacks this year.
First, the International Maritime Organization — the United Nations authority on international waters — urged Somalia to grant a blanket consent for any members of an American-led military coalition to pursue pirates into its waters.
In comments to The Daily Telegraph of London, Keith Winstanley, a British Navy commander helping lead the coalition, tied the urgent need to terrorism:
While vast sums of money are involved — ransoms can exceed £500,000 — Cdre Winstanley said that official concern had been expressed over intelligence reports that little of the money filtered down to the Somali regions.
“Piracy and terrorism is a difficult picture to build,” he said. “The extent of money diverted to terrorism is not known, but I don’t see evidence that the money is going into houses, schools and jobs onshore.”
But humanitarian needs are also dire, with pirates hijacking aid shipments. United Nations officials estimate that Somalia “higher malnutrition rates, more current bloodshed and fewer aid workers than Darfur,” The New York Times reported on November 20.
A day before, the French Navy escorted a huge shipment of food from the World Food Program. But that mission was expected to last two months, leaving Josette Sheeran, the W.F.P.’s chief, hoping that “other nations will urgently step up and follow the French example,” according to Reuters.
On the military end of the equation, the American-led coalition have set off on a hunt for the pirate “mother ships,” rather than just the small skiffs that are used to sneak up on targets. The United States Navy recently sank two skiffs that were used to hijack a Japanese tanker off Somalia, but they didn’t make the trip from the shore on their own.
An Associated Press report from aboard the Babur, a Pakistani Navy vessel engaged in the antipiracy battle, explains why:
The Japanese vessel had been attacked some 85 nautical miles from Somalia in the busy lanes used by boats entering the Suez canal — too far for the two small boats carrying pirates to have come from shore. Some attacks are even further from land, as far as 250 nautical miles, [Commodore Khan Hasham of Pakistan] said.
The mother ships are starting to sound like Moby Dick — they’ve been seen by numerous private captains, but never by the international patrol. An expert interview by The A.P. had one possible explanation:
Andrew Mwangura, head of the Kenya-based East Africa Seafarers’ Assistance Program, says the mother ships melt into the ordinary shipping traffic without notice once they have disgorged their deadly packs of speedboats. Coalition warships have frequently passed a mother ship, he says, without even realizing.
The mother ships don’t carry weapons, he says, preferring to arm two or three smaller boats with antitank missiles, machine guns and rocket propelled grenades. They leave the small boats at sea, possibly with another vessel loaded with fuel. When a merchant ship comes into view, the small, fast boats attack as a pack.
Mother ships “are among the fishing vessels,” Mwangura said. “They won’t find it until there are no fishing vessels in Somali waters.”
Asked about the fruitless hunt so far, Commander Robert D. Katz of the USS Stout blamed the lack of access to Somali waters. Which brings us back to the International Maritime Organization’s urgent message to Somalia today. So far, there has been no reply.
Source: New York Times
Posted by
Bahwaynta Saylici
10:44 AM
Labels: News
Thursday, November 29, 2007
jacaylkii oslo iyo ayaamihii qaahira qaybtii 1aad - Cabdifatah Cige
qisadani jacaylka ah, ayaa ah qiso aad iyo aad uxiisa badan ahna, xaqiiqo jirta waliba socota qisadani, waxay kadhacday dalka masar. gaar ahaan caasimada qaahira
sanadan gudeheeda, 2007 bishii 1. aad dhamaadkeedii labada qof ee ay qisadu ku socon doonto, waxay kala yihiin c/raxmaan, iyo (hana) hadii aan si hordhaca wax uga taabto heer nololeedka, c/raxmaan aan idhaahdee waxa uu kusoo koray, dalka djibouti waxbarashadiisana kuqaatay ilaa dugsi sare
c/raxmaan sanadiii 2002 waxa uu kubiiray ciidanka booliska ee dalkaas waxana uu kujiray, muda sanada isku soo wada duuduuboo c/raxmaan waxa uu ubaydhay shaqooyinkale wuxuuna kasoo shaqeeyay dhakhtarka. wayn ee looyaqaano( beeltiyee) ee kuyaala dalkaas (boorka )iyo dhismihii siiteega looyaqaano( hodan)
c/raxmaan waxa silama filaaana baaq ugu soodiray isla waqtigaas abtiyaashii oo kusugnaa dalka maraykanka, oo usheegay inuu tagidoono dalkaasi masar si uu uga siibiirsado wax barashadiisa jaamacadeed, gaar ahaan caasimada dalkaasi ee( qaahira) waqtigu markii uu ahaa 2006 bishii 12 aad ayuu soogaadhay( masar)
hana oo ah garabka labaad eesheekada ayaa iyad na sii
de ganayd dalkaas masar gaar ahaan caasimada, hana waxay kadhalatay qoys aad uga nolol wanaagsan qoyska c/raxmaan hordhacaa yar kadib aan usoo noqdo sheeekadii
c/raxmaan waxa uu kadeganaa qaahira xaafad layidhaa (micaadi )isticmaalka internetkuna maahayn mid kuwayn laakiinse saaxiibadii ayaa ufuray ciwaaan si uu ugala xidhiidho saaxiibadiisii uu kaga yimid ,dalka
c/raxmaan waxa uu caada kadhigtay inuu galo netka waqtiga habeenka ah, saacadu markay tahay 8da inamadii saaxiibadiina waxay ugu dareen ciwaano farabadan oo rag iyo gabdhaba leh si uuna uga xiisa goyna isticmaalkiisa iskuwada geeyoo habeen habeenada kamida waqtigii caadada u ahayd ayuu usoo baxay c/raxmaan netka meel udhawayd xaafada uu deganaa
c/raxmaan waxa uu isku dayay inuu bal, yara furo ciwaankiisa si uu usalaamo dadka ugu jira kadib markii uufuray ,c/raxmaan waxa umuuqatay hana oo markaas taswiirteeda daaqada dhigatay
c/raxmaan damac ayaa galay wuxuuna kayidhi nabad (hana ) hana oo salaantiisii, yaraysatay ayaa waxay sifudud utidhi ayaa tahay,
c/raxmaan waxa kayidhi waxaan ahay, nin hana ayaa waxay kuhadashay ereyo ingiriisi ah oo mac.nahoogu yahay hadii aad afrikaan tahay amaaba aad joogtid afrika is hallee waxayna intaas ugu dartay gaadhiga aad wadato horay udhig ereyadaas oo ahaa kalmada dheel dheela,ah
c/raxmaan waxa taabtay ereyadaas waxayna ku kalifeen inuu kabaxo internetka c/raxman waxa kalootaas udheerayd meesha uujooogo oo ah afrika uuna isciilbaday waxana uu lahaa yurubeey maxaad nacas fariidaysay
laba cisho kadib c/raxmaan waxa uu utagay inamo ay saaxiiba ahaayeen oo kadeganaa meel isaga aad uga fog.
c/raxmaan wali magaalada makala baran waxa uu kukalifay, inamadii lagalayay inay ugeeyaan inamadas kale oo ay isku xaafado ahaayeen djibouti si, uu arinkani qabsaday aw ugu bandhigo
c/raxmaan waala kaxeeyay waxa uu gaadhay meeshii uurabayna waqti saacadu tahay 10.00 habeenimo waxana uu islamarkiiba uu guda galay inuu uga waramo wuxuuna intaas uraaciyay inay usameeyaaan ciwaan cusub oo ah magac gaaleed maadaamaba buu yidhi
lanagu nacayo afrikaanimo wuxuuna labaxay magaca cajiibka ah ee ah (david) waanan wada garankarnaa sida ay dadkeenu uqadarinayaan magacda dadka reer yurub amaaba maraykankaa.
c/raxmaan markiiba waxa uusoo qaaday ciwaaankii, hana waxa uu kudarsadayna ciwaankiisii cusbaa hanana way aqbashay magacii iyada oo umalaynaysa qof ajaaniba waqti laga joogo maalintii ay ladirirtay hana c/raxmaan 7 cisho ayuu c/raxmaan soogalay netkii waqtigii caadada u ahayd wuxuuna furay ciwaaankiisii hore c/raxmaan qalbigiisu waxa uuraadinayaa hana laakiinse ma awhelin.
c/raxmaan wuukabaxay islamarkiiba waxa uu furay ciwaankii cusbaa ee uu kudarsaday, hana( yaaaaaaa salaaaaaaaam).
c/raxmaan waxa uu arkay, hana oo online ah laakiinse kuma deg degin inuu salaamo daqiiqadaba isaga oonan kujirin ayay bilawday hana inay tidhaahdo( hana) sifarxad kudheehan tahay, iyada oo umalynaysa ajaanib kalmad farasiisa oo lamacna ah (nabad).
c/raxmaan waxa uu ugu jawaabay kala soco qaybta danbe daabacaada qoraalkan waxa uu ureeban yahay qoraaga sheekada cidii ubaahata inay qaadatana waxay lasoo xidhiidhayaan isaga.
c/fataax daahie cige/cairo
Posted by
Bahwaynta Saylici
9:58 AM
Labels: Opinion
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Somalia offensive after attacks - BBC
Ethiopian-backed Somali government forces have launched an offensive against insurgents after simultaneous attacks in the capital, Mogadishu.
At least six Ethiopian bases in the city were targeted on Tuesday night by Islamists. Three civilians have died.
Correspondents say rocket-propelled grenades, hand grenades and machine guns were used in the attacks.
The attacks came after Ethiopia's prime minister said his forces are unable to withdraw from the conflict in Somalia.
Meles Zenawi said he had expected to withdraw his soldiers earlier in the year, once the Islamists had been driven out of Mogadishu.
But he said not enough peacekeepers had arrived and divisions within the Somali government had left it unable to replace the Ethiopians.
Their presence is unpopular in Mogadishu. Earlier this month, insurgents dragged the bodies of Ethiopian troops through the city.
The BBC's Mohammed Olad Hassan in Mogadishu says Ethiopian lorries and tanks can be seen patrolling the streets.
Those civilians that have not fled the city are remaining indoors, he says.
The attacks took place simultaneously at about 1930 local time on Tuesday night.
At least six Ethiopian army bases came under fire:
- In the north of the city at two former factories and at Ex-Control intersection
- In the south of the city at the football stadium and an army camp
- In the central Bakara market district where there are bases along the main road.
About three civilian bodies have been found on Wednesday morning around one of former factories.
The dead civilians are said to have been on a bus that was caught in retaliatory fire from Ethiopian troops.
Mogadishu city council spokesman Mohamed Muhyadin has told the BBC there was another attack at midnight.
Militias in Somali army uniforms attacked a building housing government soldiers near Mogadishu International Airport.
One soldier was killed in the attack, he said. The number of Ethiopian casualities are not known.
Correspondents say troops have been sent to the area near the airport to hunt down the insurgents.
The UN refugee agency says 60% of Mogadishu residents have left their homes, including 200,000 this month, following the latest clashes between insurgents and the Ethiopian-backed government.
Our correspondent says the insurgents say they have been encouraged by the admission by Mr Meles that his forces were becoming bogged down in Somalia.
On an Islamist website, the insurgents said they were winning the struggle, and called for further attacks on the Ethiopian forces.
Only 1,600 Ugandan peacekeepers have arrived, from a planned 8,000-strong African Union force.
Somalia has not had a functioning national government since President Mohamed Siad Barre was overthrown in 1991.
Source: BBC
Posted by
Bahwaynta Saylici
12:07 PM
Labels: News
Somalia: Authorities Arrest Two Journalists Reporting On Regional Conflict
National Union of Somali JournalistsHouse (Mogadishu)
PRESS RELEASE28 November 2007Posted to the web 28 November 2007
NUSOJ protests the 26 November 2007 arrest of journalists Abdiqani Hassan Farah and Mohammed Shakale in Las Anod town of Sool region.
Somaliland armed forces arrested the two journalists separately in the city centre of Las Anod, according to news reports and journalists in Las Anod who reported to NUSOJ.
The motive behind the arrest of Farah, a reporter for radio Las Anod and stringer for the Hargeisa-based "Jamhuuriya" newspaper, and of freelance online journalist Shakale, remains unknown. However, some journalists believe that the arrests relate to their media work as both report on the highly sensitive topic of the armed conflict between Puntland and Somaliland.
Both journalists are being held at Las Anod central police station. The Somaliland authorities and the Las Anod administration did not offer statements on the imprisonment of the journalists.
"We protest the detention of these two journalists as an illegitimate move", said Omar Faruk Osman, NUSOJ Secretary General. "We demand from the Somaliland authorities the immediate and unconditional return of the freedoms of Abdiqani Hassan Farah and Mohammed Shakale".
Posted by
Bahwaynta Saylici
12:05 PM
Labels: News
Somaliland: Locals Resist Somaliland Troops, Radio Reporter Jailed
LAS Locals in northern Somalia's Sool region took up arms against soldiers from the separatist government of Somaliland after the soldiers entered the town of Lasadar, reliable sources reported Monday.
One local civilian was wounded in the firefight between armed villagers and the Somaliland security forces.
A Somaliland military source from Sool region confirmed to Garowe Online that the Somaliland unit returned from Lasadar town after facing armed resistance from locals.
He declined to mention any casualties suffered by the Somaliland forces.
Somaliland troops and allied clan militias captured the provincial capital of Sool, Las Anod, in October after rival troops from the neighboring semiautonomous region of Puntland withdrew.
The self-declared republic of Somaliland has since been trying to expand its control over Sool, with neighboring Puntland threatening a counterattack to regain control of Las Anod.
In a signed declaration, a congregation of influential clan elders from Sool region called on Somaliland to withdraw its security forces from Las Anod or take "full responsibility" of anything that happens as a direct result of Somaliland's armed presence.
[ Full story]
In Hargeisa, seat of the Somaliland administration, politicians from Sool region dismissed the clan elders' declaration as "one-sided" and threatened to arrest the elders upon their return to Las Anod.
In related news, a radio reporter in Las Anod was arrested by Somaliland police on Monday for yet-undisclosed reasons.
Abdiqani Hassan Farah, a reporter for the independent Radio Las Anod, was arrested as he was performing his normal journalist duties.
Somaliland's officials in Las Anod have issued threats to local media, including radio stations and websites, according to media sources in the town.
Sool region falls within the borders of the ex-British Protectorate of Somaliland, a colonial territory that united with ex-Italian Somalia in July 1960 to form the independent Somali Republic.
But local leaders, including clan chiefs, argue that they only recognize "clan borders" and not arbitary boundaries erected by European colonizers during the 19th century.
Source: Garowe
Posted by
Bahwaynta Saylici
12:03 PM
Labels: News
gabolada ladoorani mid gargooray weeyaan sog soglayna waad garan_warbixin(maanso) - Abdifatah Cige
galad eebe weeyaan hada garasha nootimid laga kacay ganoodkii lahaleelay guushii gobolana kubiireen gayigeena maantoo lago,aanshay taladii la isla garanayna hadalkii laxamdulilaaah markastaba ilaahay ayaan mahada ucelinaynaa umadwaliba aayaheega inay kataliso iyadaa leh waxaana muhiima amaaba waajiba daryeelka dhulkooga hooyo iyo kashaqaynta mustaqbalkiisa dhaw iyo kadheerba aaan udhaafa dulucdee waxaan maanta faan rayn rayn iyo niyadsamiba noo ah labada gobol ee kusoo biiraya gobolka awdal horaanta sanadka soosocda 2008 goboladaas oo lamataanoobi doona gobolka awdal waxaana ammaan gaara leh gudida kasoo shaqaysay fikirkaas gaar ahaan ragii sida joogtada ah uga qayb galayay shirkii kadhacay magaalada attowa ee dalka canada iayagoo waliba afarta kufiiqay inay ahayd arin miiska dulyaalay mudaba oo ubaahnaa uun kalatuurid iyo amba qaadid waxaana xusid mudan inaa labadaas gobol ee kusoo biiraya gobolka awdal magacdooda loobaandhigay dadka reer awdal meelkasta oo ay joogaanba si uu qofwalba argtida ugaarka ah uga dhiibto runtii anuu waxaan kamidka ahaa dadkii sida aadka ah iskugu hawlay inay keenan magacdaa hadana odhanmaayo nasiibdaro nasiib wanaag waxaa iiga horeeyay magacdii walaaalkay caateeyeh oo kumagacdheer hiildan joiogana dalkan ingiriiska runtiina waaaan kutaageerayaa walaalkay ra,yigaas wanaagsan labada gobol ee uu kadhwaaajiyay magacdooduna waalaba gobol oo uqalma inay qaataan magacdaas sida ay ukala qaadanayaana maansadayda ayaan waxkaga sheegi doonaa waxaanan leehay waaar reer awdalooow waaabaa baryaaa bal toosa isgarabqabsada oo xaqiina xishood iyo cabsi midna ha uga joogina ficil iyo dareen yeesha sidaa aad maantaba ugarateen inuu gobolkiina uqalmo 3 gobol ugarta wixii kasta ee aad xaq uleedihiin bal hadana kusoo dhawaadaqadarkana yar ee maansadaa
daayinbaa awood loo
dunidani abuurteeee
waxa daabad joogtana
isagay udiranyiin
dan ayuu kaleeyahay
kuma dayn sidaasiye
ninba daan ayuu dhigay
waxa lagu ducaystaaa
deeq lagu tilmaamaa
barya lagu dakeeyaaa
waa dalkaaga hooyoo
loodiido foolxumo
laga daaho baylihid
ladaboolo baahida
lamideeyo danahanoo
laga duulo meel qudha
isku digasho laga tago
qabiilkaa dadkala dila
dawadiisaa loohelo
dawlad waa makaahiil
laga daayo hadalkiyo
dulmi bay sameeyaaan
waxka daran ayaa jira
hakudaalin gacaliye
doorbida walaalnimo
daba socod warmaahee
daba furid inaga reeb
soodabaala xaajada
aan kudiiirsanee wada
inkastuu dareen yimid
doorta gobol laleeyahay
waa dahab warkaasiye
damaashaad haloo rido
dabin qool halaga jiro
digtooonoow nin diidoow
darmadaa inatay gu,in
naga durugtu ay dhicin
dagaal ficiltan uu uu dhicin
inta diga gub uu iman
laba dawladoodoo
isku dirira daash qudha
kadilaacin meel qudha
aan udhaafa dulucdeee
sidaan doonay waxa yidhi
waxa doortay magacdiii
degta saartay guushiii
ninka doodayaa jirin
dadoow hiildan weeyee
damacyuu iniga galin
bal udhaga dalooloo
deg deg magacu uma bixin
duntu way isku xidhantahay
darajee garrgooorray
degma saylac maahine
ogow maanta dabadeed
waa gobol dargaara leh
dhaqaalaha dalkiisana
udiyaara qaybtiis
dacalkeeda boorama
sogsoglayna darajee
dalan dool mawado hadal
daljiraan u,ahay doob
iskuduub intaasina
ogow maanta dabadeed
waaa gobol dar gaara leh
dhaqaalaha dalkiisana
udiyaara qaybtii
gobolkaan dabuubtiyo
dood ay kataagnayn
bakki baa udallaayada
awdal weeyi daaantaas
ogow maanta dabadeed
waa gobol dargaara leh
dhaqaalaha dalkiisana
udiyaara qaybtiiis
Cabdifatax Dahir Cige
Posted by
Bahwaynta Saylici
11:58 AM
Labels: Opinion
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Kummannaan iyo Kummannaan, Kulli Wada Muslim Ah (2)...Hiildan
Kummannaan iyo Kummannaan kulli wada muslim ah oo ka kala yimid koonka dunida ayaa mar saddexaad ku kulmay kadinka carwada weyn ee Excel (London), si ay uga qayb galaan Xafladda Koonka ee Nabada iyo Midnimada (The Global Peace and Unity Event).
Sannadkii hore (25- 26 Nov 06) ayay ahayd markii ugu horreysay ee an ka qayb galo xafladdan oo iyada laftarkeeda markii ugu horreysay la bilaabay sanadkaas an ka qayb galay sannadkii kasii horreeyay (2005). Isla sanadkaas iigu horreeyay ee an ka qayb galayna waxan idiin soo qoray maqaalkii xiisaha badnaa ee an ugu magac daray “Kummannaan iyo Kummanaan Kulli Wada Muslim Ah”. Wali maqaalkaas waxad ka heli doontiin iyo khadka:
Maqaalkan imikuna waa midkii labaad ee noociisa ah ee isla xafladaas ku saabsan. Doorkan sidii hore uguma jidbaysni, labo sobaboodba awgood, (1). Waa markii labaad ee an ka qayb-galo isla xafladan oo waxay iile eekaatay war la qabo xiiso ma leh. (2). Waxan soo arkay munaasabad taasi ka barako badan oo malaayiin iyo malaayiin wada muslim ah iskugu yimaadeen oo ah munaasabada adduunka ugu weyn ee Xajka. Taasi laftarkeeda oo an ka sameeyay maqaalkii Xaajiyaysnaa ee “Malaayiin iyo Malaayiin Wada Muslim” ah: ( Sidaa daraadeed waaban yar wahsaday doorkan iyo Excel.
Si kastaba ha ahaatee doorkan maanta ah iyo xafladan, oo sidii caadiga ahayd socotay labo cisho oo isku xiga (Sabti 24 Nov iyo Axad 25 Nov). Kaliya waxan fursad u helay inaan galabta oo Axad ah cagta soo galiyo, bal si an sawirka guud iyo jawiga wax uga soo ogaado. Waxanan idiin sheegayaa in, Soomaali u kala hadhin oo sidii sannadkii hore iyo si ka badanba isku soo daba aguugeen. Waxan aad iyo aad ugu riyaaqay inaan arko carruur soomaaliyeed oo bilicsan oo calankii Soomaaliyeed ee buluuga ahaa ku sawirtay wajigooda. Isla saacadaas anoo qiiraysan ayaan sii daayay heestan oo an ku qoray maskaxdayda imikana qalinka an la raacayo.
Ilaahii Adduunyadan
Udbayee taagayoow
Adigaa awood iyo
Arxan iyo Ixsaan leh
Ku barinaye Eeboow
Yaa Arsaaq na Ilaali
Ubaxaad na siisiyo
Alloow ubadka noo kori
Kuwo Edebsan ka yeeloo
Alloow Ubadka noo kori
Ideyl loo aayo ka yeeloo
Alloow Ubadka noo kori
Arligooda u gargaaroo
Alloow ubadka noo kori
Calankooda u adkeeyoo
Alloow Ubadka noo kori
Alloow Ubadka Alloow Ubadka
Alloow Ubadka Alloow Ubadka
Alloow Ubadka Noo kori…………………..AAMMIIN…………………….
[Heestaas wali way socotaa; laxan aad u macaana isla markiiba waan u saaray. Dib ayaanan iskugu soo habayn doonaa, oo xitaa haddaan rabo iyadoo duubanba waan idiin soo diri doonaa……Insha Allah].
Saacadihii danbe ee galabta ee xafladan an soo galay, ka sokow qiirada an ka qaaday qoommiyada soomaliyeed ee qalbiga fiican ee UK , gaar ahaan carruurta ma yeedhaanka ah. Waxa kale oo an nasiib u yeeshay inaan kusoo beegmo wakhti masraxa lagu soo dhaweeyay haweenay uu dhalay halyeey qiimo iyo qaaya badan ku leh taariikhda islaamka ee dalka Maraykanka, oo caalam weynaha Islaamkana aad looga ciseeyo. Waa haweeynayda magaceeda la yidhaahdo Malikah Shabazz, waxana dhalay MALCOLM X.(Allaha U Naxariisto). Malayko waxay ku nuux-nuuxsatay inuu aabaheed ahaa halyeey dhiiran, una dhintay magaca islaamka. Su’aalo dhawr ayaa la weydiiyay oo dhammaantood ku saabsanaa aabaheed Malcolm X. Si aad iyo aad u xamaasad iyo xiiso badana Marwadaas waa loogu sacab tumay, loona soo dhaweeyay. Aah, aar waxa gacanqaad baan is lahaa Marwo Malayko, waanse la gaadhi waayay gacanta, maacaleesh.!!.
Waxa kale oo nasiib an u yeeshay inaan isla wakhtigaas ku beegmo khudbadii Jermain Jackson. Jermain, khudbadiisa (oo u badnayd taariikh nololeedkiisa) wuxu kusoo daray inuu wadanada Islaamka ah qaar magacdooda sheego. Markii uu yidhi magaca SOOMAALIYA, waxad moodaysay sacabkii iyo qayladii dadka kasoo baxay inay meeshuba ahayd carwo soomaaliyeed. Taasi ayaa kuu cadayn karaysa, tirada dadka Soomaaliyeed ee xafladan kasoo qayb galay. Waxan rabay inaan Jermain ku idhaahdo: walaalkaa Mayklana (Micheal Jackson) kusoo dar Muslimka oo noo keen sannadka danbe, wuuse iga hor tagay, email baanse ugu sheegi doonaa.
Hadal iyo dhammaan: Haday xafladani iyada ahi (THE GLOBAL PEACE AND UNITY EVENT), sidaa ku sii socoto oo sanad walba la qabto. Waxan saadaalinayaa inay noqon doonto xaflad Jaaliyadda Soomaaliyeed ee UK , mar uun ka soo dhex bixi doonaan oo ka dhex muuqan doonaan. Waxa u dhiman inay maamulka iyo agaasinka xafladan dhex galaan oo qayb libaax ka qaataan, soona saaraan caruur soomaaliyeed oo ka qayb qaata nashiidooyinka, aqoonyahiin Soomaaliyeed oo caalamka Islaamka ah wax u sheega; maal qabeeno Soomaaliyeed oo qaadhaanka dhiiba; iwm…iwm. Waanay dhici kartaa, Waana la arki doonaa Insha Allah.
Nabad iyo Midnimo (Peace and Unity).
Cabdiqani Yuusuf Caateeye
London UK
Posted by
Bahwaynta Saylici
12:00 PM
Labels: Opinion
Monday, November 26, 2007
Africans bring new face to changing Nebraska towns
LEXINGTON, Nebraska: Home is a shabby apartment building on the outskirts of town. Work is the late shift at a meatpacking plant.
This is Degmo Ali's life. And it seems to have been misplaced in this rural town: Dressed in ornate African garb, the graceful 24-year-old is hard to picture on a Nebraska slaughterhouse floor.
"I want to go back," she says, referring to her native Somalia.
While Ali dreams of returning to the country she fled as a refugee after her father was killed in the political violence that has wracked Somalia for nearly two decades, she's comforted by the fact she is not alone in this town of 10,250 — far from it.
For years, Hispanic immigrants have moved to small and mid-sized meatpacking towns like Lexington that dot the rural U.S. heartland, taking slaughterhouse jobs considered to be some of the most dangerous in America. Now Africans are coming, drawn by a combination of factors — from a six-state federal raid that cleared illegal Hispanic immigrants from packing houses, to word-of-mouth advertising of meatpacking jobs by African refugees who want to flee big U.S. cities.
The change has been a sometimes jarring one, coming at a time when towns such as Lexington are still struggling to adapt to the large influx of Hispanics. In a poll last year of rural residents by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, just 14 percent of respondents said Latin American immigration had been good for rural Nebraska. And immigration from Africa?
"When we first moved here, they used to look at us funny, but it's all right now," said Somali refugee Omar Abib, who works at the Tyson Foods meatpacking plant. The articulate, serious Abib, who has some college education, originally settled in Texas and slaughtered chickens.
He heard about Lexington, like many others, from a friend. He was attracted to the job, cheap living in a quiet town, and the chance to be surrounded by other Somalians.
"It's a good town with good money. The job is hard, but the money is good," Abib said inside a small apartment he shares with several of his countrymen.
Just how many African refugees have moved to Lexington and other meatpacking towns across the Midwest is unclear. But refugee resettlement officials and local immigration specialists say there has been a sharp increase.
A few years ago, Ana Castaneda barely knew what a refugee was. An immigration specialist with Lutheran Family Services who helps immigrants in Lexington get legal status.
"I have more African refugees now than Hispanics," as clients, Castaneda said. "I always thought there would be more Hispanics looking for benefits, it surprised me."
"They start in big cities — New York, Columbus, Ohio — and this is really good for them," Castaneda said. Ali came to Lexington from Seattle. "They're kind of afraid of a lot of people and traffic and the freeways, they're not used to that. They don't come from big cities originally, they come from rural areas."
Conveniences most Amricans take for granted are sometimes completely foreign. One problem landlords faced when African refugees first began flowing into Lexington: burning wood on top of indoor stovetops to cook food.
"They may not have seen an automobile or a telephone," said Christine Kutschkau, the state coordinator for refugee resettlement. "Some of our refugees come from very primitive areas."
The rapid change in towns like Lexington has been a shock to the system of services immigrants rely on, such as health care. Kutschkau said there has been a shortage of medicine for an influx of refugees who needed to be treated for tuberculosis.
Because of trauma from experiences that drove them from their home countries, many also need mental-health services, she said.
The word-of-mouth advertising about Nebraska that is passed among refugees in distant U.S. cities gained steam late last year after U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials raided Swift & Co. meatpacking plants in six states, including the one in Grand Island. It resulted in 1,200 arrests at the plants in December.
Word of the raids and open jobs encouraged many refugees to come to the state. And the new and growing population is self-perpetuating: As more Africans live in rural Nebraska, more Africans may come to live alongside them.
Some, however, have lived the life of Ali long enough to aspire to more than long days in a small-town slaughterhouse.
Asha Mohamed, a fresh-faced, charismatic young woman who moved to Lexington from Minneapolis dreams of going to California, maybe New York.
"It's too hard," she said of her life now.
On the Net:
African Refugees in the U.S.:
Posted by
Bahwaynta Saylici
6:43 PM
Labels: News
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Somali parliament swears in new premier - AFP
MOGADISHU (AFP) — The Somali parliament on Saturday swore in a new prime minister, hoping to bolster the feeble government faced with a deadly insurgency in the capital and to restore stability across the shattered nation.
Nur Hassan Hussein, 69, took the oath of office after 211 of the present 212 lawmakers endorsed him in the provincial town of Baidoa where the parliament is based, about 250 kilometres (155 miles) northwest of Mogadishu.
"I promise that I will lead the country honestly and I will do everything that I can to stabilise Somalia," Hussein told lawmakers.
"I ask the parliament to support me and correct me if I go wrong," he vowed before the 275-member clan-based assembly.
United Nations chief Ban Ki-moon hailed as "an important step" the appointment of Hussein, who headed the Somali Red Crescent Society (SRCS) since 1991. He has also served as a top Somali police official and attorney general.
"The secretary general expresses the hope that the appointment of the new prime minister will increase the momentum among Somalis to unite their efforts and complete the implementation of the key tasks of the transitional federal charter," Ban's press office said in a statement.
"This will be an important step toward making reconciliation and reconstruction a reality."
But rebels based in the Eritrean capital have refused to recognise the new prime minister and vowed to continue their insurgency.
Hussein's appointment follows the naming Thursday of President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed as the veteran law enforcement and aid official to replace Ali Mohamed Gedi, forced to resign last month after a long-running power struggle with the president.
Hussein becomes the second premier in Yusuf's three-year-old transitional government that is struggling to end years of violence and an Islamist-led insurgency ravaging the capital.
The Somali violence has resulted in a growing humanitarian crisis, with around one million people displaced in the country, of which 600,000 have been uprooted from Mogadishu since February.
Bloody clan conflict and power struggles that erupted after the 1991 ouster of dictator Mohamed Siad Barre have scuppered numerous initiatives to restore national stability.
Source: AFP
Posted by
Bahwaynta Saylici
6:35 PM
Labels: Opinion