Lug-(Hargeysa). Sida ay lughaya News ka soo xigatay ilo xogogaal ah oo ka qaybgalay kulankaas ka dhacay hoolka shirarka ee Guriga uu degan yahay Gudoomiyaha Xisbiga Mucaaradka ah ee Kulmiye (Axmed Siilaanyo) ayaa waxa ay ilahaasi sheegeen in kulankaasi uu ahaa mid aad u culus oo ay labada dhinacba ( Kulmiye & Beelaha M/case) uga soo qayb galeen si culus , kulankaas ayaa ahaa mid aan haba yaraatee saxaafadda loo ogolayn oo ay dhinacyadaasi albaabadaa isu xidheen.
Hadaba sida uu noo sheegay goobjoogahaas oo ka gaabsaday in la sheego magaciisu ayaa waxa uu yidhi maalintii Axadii ee ay taariikhdu ahayd14/10/07 ayaa waxa guriga gudoomiyaha Xisbiga Kulmiye (Siilaanyo ) ka dhacay kulan balaadhan oo ay isu soo hor fadhiisteen Salaadiin , Cuqaal , Odayaal , Xildhibaano , Ganacsato iyo dhalinyaro ka socotay Beelaha M/case ee degaanada Awdal oo uu hogaaminayay Suldaanka Guud ee Beelaha M/case Suldaan Ibraahim Jaamac Samater iyo Hogaanka sare ee Xisbiga Kulmiye oo isugu jiray Xubnihii Gugiga Fulinta iyo Xildhibaano uu hogaaminayay Gudoomiyaha Xisbiga Axmed Sillanyo iyo waliba C/raxmaan Aw Cali Faarax oo ahaa Murashaxii doorashadii 2003 ee M/xigeenka Xisbiga kulmiye.
Ugu horay waxaa kulankaas hadalo ay mahad celin iyo Duur xulba isugu jira ah kasoo jeediyay qaar ka mid ah odayaasha beelaha M/case iyaga oo ku dooday inay maanta yihiin cida ugu xaq badan inay hesho Murashaxa M/xigeenka Js lee Xisbiga kulmiye maadaama ay beeshu ka mid tahay beelihii aas aasay Xisbiga qaybweyna ka qaatay inuu xisbigani u soo gudbo marxakadda Xisbinimo waqtigii doorashooyinkii golaha Degaanka sidaas awgeedna ay yihiin qaar awood u leh inay xisbigan ka caawiyaan doorashooyinka soo socda maadaama ay yihiin beelahani cududa ugu wayn ee xaga codadka ah ee ka jirta Gobolka Awdal.
Sidoo kale waxa ay odayaashu hadalo amaan ah u soo Jeediyeen C/raxmaan Aw Cali faarah iyaga oo dhinaca kale hadalo garnaqsi ah u jeediyay isla C/raxmaan waxaanay sheegeen inay beelahani ahaayeen kuwii garab istaagay C/raxmaan doorashadii 1997-kii markii ay dhamaanba ka jeesatay beeshii uu kasoo jeeday ee ay ka raaceen Daahir Rayaale oo ay waqtigaas tartamayeen , sidoo kale waxa ay sheegeen inay taageero aad u badan u fidiyeen C/raxmaan waqtigii Ururkii Asad oo baalasha kaliya ee uu ku duulayay waqtigaas ay ahaayeen ragii ugu cadcadaa beelaha M/case sidaa awgeed waxa ay u soo jeediyeen inuu taageero murashaxnimada beelaha M/case.
Intaas ka dib waxa halkaas hadalo ka soo jeediyey xubno ka tirsan G/fulinta ee Xisbiga kulmiye oo dhamantood cadeeyey sida ay u soo dhaweynayaan Beelahan iyo damacooda aanay taageeradooda siin doonaan beelahan iyaga oo sheegay inay yihiin Beelo mudan in la siiyo Murashaxan maadaama ay ka mid yihiin beelaha ugu miisaanka culus Soomaliland.
Hadaba waxaa xiiso gaar ah mudnayd markii uu halkaas hadal ka jeediyey C/raxmaan Aw cali oo ah nin la hadal hayo inuu isaguna u sharxan yahay jagadan M/xigeenka ee xisbiga Kulmiye ayaa waxa uu isna goobtaas ka jeediyey hadalo uu aad ugu mahadnaqay Beelaha M/case iyo waliba isaga oo muujiyay inuu diyaar u yahay inuu la shaqeeyo oo garab istaabo beelahan waxaana ka mid ahaa hadaladiisii “ Beelahani waa beelahaygii, Samaroonkuma waa sadex M/case , Makaahiil iyo Habarcarfaan, hadaba Beelaha M/case iyo Makaahiil ayaa hadana walaalo ah oo waxaa la isu yidhaa Makadoor sidaa awgeed waa beelahaygii horena iigumay iman odayaal ka tirsan beelahan oo iga codsaday inaan taageeero laakiin waxaa ii yimid Xildhibaanada Xisbiga ee beelahan iyo Saylici oo ii sheegay inay damac leeyihiin laakiim mar haddii ay maanta odayaashii joogaan waxaan diyaar u ahay inaan taageero beeshaasi waxa ay doonayaan”.
Hadalkaas ka soo yeedhay C/raxmaan ayaa ahaa mid aad loogu sacabiyay maadaama uu ahaa nin markii hore u sharaxnaa jagadan M/xigeenka laakiin muujiyay sida uu diyaarka ugu yahay taageerada beelahan ee kursigan.
Ugu dambayntii waxaa isna halkaas hadal dheer oo waano iyo talooyin isugu jira ka soo jeediyay Gudoomiya Xisbiga Kulmiye Axmed Sillaanyo oo sheegay sida uu ugu faraxsan yahay fadhigan uu la yeeshay beelahan oo uu ku sheegay inuu isaga iyo xisbigiisa macno gaar ah u samaynayo maadaama ay beeshani tahay mid miisaan aad u culus leh codad aad u badana u soo hoyn doonta xisbiga waxaana uu ku tilmaamay in haddii ay maanta beelahani tageereen Xisbiga in macnehedu yahay in Gobolkii Awdal oo dhami taageeray oo ay ka soo quusteen Xisbiga talada haya ,sidoo kale waxa uu beeshan ku amaanay inay tahay beel kala dambaysa oo aan is barbaryaacin.
Source: Lughaya News On-Line
Hargeisa Office
Friday, October 19, 2007
Maxaa Ka Soo Baxay Kulankii 14/10/007 Ku Dhexmaray Hogaanka Sare ee Kulmiye Iyo Hormoodka Beelaha Maxamed Case Guriga Siilaanyo - Lughaya
Posted by
Bahwaynta Saylici
9:23 PM
Labels: Opinion
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Ancient Zeila: Case closed: the Adel empire was an indigenous civilization based in Somaliland - Suleiman Amin
Part I
The clock of time never stops. Our modern times are a continuation of an ancient times. our lives came from other lives that existed in the universe long time ago. Live never begins in a vacuum, one of the major tenants of the living theory or cell theory if you will is, all living things came from pre-existing cells. Which means our modern civilization and existence came from and connected to other people and civilizations that existed before us. Those who will come after us will continue the civilization the place where our existence stops. The cycle will continue and only Allah knows where it will stop. Those of us living today are connected to the people of Zeila, Balahaar, Harrar and Berbera. We did not exist in a vacuum.
The ancient Zeila did not happen in a no man's land. This history has passed from generation to generation. There are stories, culture, way of living, folklore, songs, cuisine, antiquities and other foot prints inherited from that glorious Zeila civilization. Ancient Zeila exists in the psyche and minds of the direct descendants of that civilization. These descendants live in Borama, modern Zeila, Baki, Dila, Lughaya, Hargeisa, Djibouti, Harrar, Berbera and many other places today.
I completely disagree with the latest writer about Zeila. His account is full of distortions, lies and other irregularities. Anytime, somebody has account about Zeila and ignore the significance involvement of the people of the area about the civilization and history of Zeila, Harrar and other historical sites, you will smell distortion. That person will be regarded as somebody attempting to find glory in a desert. You can not talk about the history of Zeila and ignore the people who founded that ancient empire. You can't ignore Gadabursi, Isaak, Issa and Afar who are the ancient inhabitants of the area.These four communities were pivotal to the civilization, glory and the successful wars waged by the empire in defense of Islam. These four communities were the back bone of Awdal civilization and glory of Adel. Of course Adel was a cosmopolitan empire and the ancient Zeila folklore will confirm that.
That means that other people of Somali decent played some role and especially in the defensive wars against Abyssinia. According to the Zeila folklore Arabs, Indians Persians, Turkeys and others were also living in Zeila.The Mahad Asse in particular and Gadabursi in general, the Haber Awal, Isse and Afar were the core architects of Adel civilization.
I would like to underline the fact which says, the Gadabursi has significant contribution to the Adel empire fame and civilization.
Adel's rapid rise, expansion and its growing power intimidated Abyssinian rulers. That fear, and expansionist policies of successive Abyssinian emperors triggered several hundred years of wars between Adel empire and Abyssinia. Versions of those wars are going on in this modern times. The treacherous Abyssinian treaties with the colonial powers to divide and occupy Muslim territories that are inhabited by ethnic Somalis, Oromo and Afar was a huge betrayal that has sowed the seeds of an eternal suspicion between the Abyssinia and its colonized non Abyssinian ethnic groups. The relationship between the latter and Abyssinia was the relationship between a colonizer and colonized.
Colonizing only Muslim territory is not by accident. This age old calculated Abyssinian policies destined to control all the land between Sudan, the Red sea and the Indian ocean. Haile Selassie has many times inadvertently articulated this mentality. This mentality is deeply ingrained in the minds of Abyssinian Ethiopians. If you talk with member of this community, they will regurgitate that philosophy that all the land of the Horn of Africa belongs to them. One may ask where this arrogant and imperialistic philosophy came from. It came from Amod Siyon, Haile Selassie, Mengistu and it is now coming from Zinewi. That philosophy of annexation, conquest expansion and hegemony and aggression was the corner stone and still is of all the rulers of Axum, Abyssinia and the modern Ethiopia.
The then Axum and Abyssinia (Al-Habasha) were at war with the Muslim Adel Empire and other of successive governments of Zeila before them. The Adel Empire was a very powerful Muslim empire leading the confederation of about 7 emirates including the kingdom of Zeila. The seven Emirates comprising the great Adel empire were Ifat/Adel/, Dawaro, Arabini, Hadaya, Sharqa, Balli and Daara. Adel was the the most dominant of the pack. Adel empire comprises all of Somaliland, all the way to Tajourah (modern Djibouti) in the west and Shewa (Addis Ababa region). Somaliland was the major heir to Adel's history and illustrious civilization. The historical foot prints of that empire buried in the old ruins of ancient Zeila, old Amoud, Darbiyada of Abasso, Bulhar, Berbera, Awboobe, Awbarre, Tujorah, Harrar and many other places. The Zeili folklore, the Surbiyaan and the Canbaabur cuisine. Above all the legendary Zeila folklore which comprises an amalgam of many foreign languages such as Turkish, Persian Arabic and Indian is a also a living artifact of that great civilization.
The afore-said evidence and other factors are living evidence that Adel empire is not something alien. This evidence shows that Adel civilization and history is not alien, but an indigenous civilization which is deeply enshrined in the Psyche of the people of Somaliland in general and the particularly those who trace their civilization to Zeila, Bulhaar, Adari, Berbera. The Mahad Asse in particular and the Gadabursi in general usually claim that they are they are the direct descendants and heir apparents of that civilization. While the Haber Awal claim they were the direct descendants of the ancient civilizations of Bulahaar and Berbera.
But evidence shows that Adel civilization was primarily indigenous. Zeila, Harrar, Bulahaar and Berbera were cosmopolitan centers where many people also live. There were Turkish, Indians, Persian, Jews, Arabs, Afar, Oromo and others living in Adel empire's major cities of Zeila, Harrar, Darbyade Abaase, Aw Boobe, Berbera, Bulhaar, Awbarre and old Amoud.
There is still a lot to be discovered about the rich history and civilization of Zeila, Bulahaar and Berbera. All these precious antiquities have been ignored and even attempted to be erased by colonial powers and Ethiopia, but the responsibilities of unearthing this precious history will squarely fall on the shoulders of the people of the area. The people who claim to be the heirs to that great civilization, must uncover the hidden secrets obscured from the world by the colonial powers and their prototype post independence governments.
Those emirates were led by Adel. This empire has been carrying the torch of Islam for nearly three hundred years. The empire especially its two major cities of Zeila, and Harrar were important centers of education, enlightenment, culture, trade, cuisine, folklore and poetry. The Islamic Adel empire have reached its zenith between 14th and the 16th century. The Abyssinian emperors were so aggressive and belligerent against Adel. Among the long chain of Abyssinian leaders who attacked Adel were yaqoba Siyon, Amda Siyon, Zara Siyon and others. All the afore-said waged attacks against Adel. But most of those attacks have been repulsed based on two things, the high motivation of masses of Adel empire.
The second thing was they were defending their dignity, independence, sovereignty, land and faith. These Muslim governments led by Adel were called in Masar and Shaam (Egypt and Syria) "Bilaadal Awdal" From the "14th century until ""1887", there were endless wars of attrition between Abyssinia and the Muslim empire of Adel and other Muslim states and Emirates that came before and after its decline.The "Adel empire" (Awdal) was the largest and the most powerful of the seven Muslim emirates. From 1526-1543 the "Adel Empire" led by the legendary warrior, states man and military commander, Imam Ahmed Bin Ibrahim (Ahmed Gurey), who once annexed all Ethiopia.
The scorched earth defensive military campaigns Imam Ahmed Alqazi-Gurey waged against Abyssinia, were a direct response to the age-old Ethiopian aggression against its neighbors, Therefore, the Muslim people of the area with the help of Ottoman empire organized themselves and founded the "Adal empire" and six other Muslim emirates in a vast land in the Horn of Africa. Adal Empire and the other Muslim Emirates before it were at war with Axum and Abyssinia for nearly 500 years. If Ethiopia continues with its current policies against its Muslim neighbors, the scorched earth wars between Ethiopia and the non Abyssinian communities of the Horn of Africa will come again. if you closely watch the Ethiopian excesses and human rights abuses in Mogadishu, the oppression and mistreatment of the people of western Somalia, the oppression and subjugation of the Oromo nation, the endless meddling into the internal affairs of Djibouti and Somaliland, arming all those who hate to see the well-being of the people of Somali decent, vivid memories of Amod Siyon, Menelik, Haile Selassie, Mengistu and the other Abyssinian tyrants will come to mind.
Short synopsis of history and background information
Axumite Empire was inhabited by Cushitic speaking people in Northern Ethiopia and Semitic speaking people in southern Arabia, who settled around the red sea around 500 BC. The Abyssinians say the Ark of the covenant was brought from Jerusalem to their ancient fortress of Ava by Menelik, the son of king Solomon and the Queen of Sheba , and later transferred to Axum. From the 4th century to the 12th century the Tigrayans dominated Axum empire.The Axumite empire once extended from most of the Horn of Africa, Yemen and all the way to Nubia. The Axumites among other things were famous with their magnificent architecture, entrepreneurial spirit and opulent orthodox Christian monasteries. Axum once dominated the Eastern Mediterranean.They traded with both Rome, Persia, and Byzantine empires, in ivory, gold, frankincense, Myrah, leather, hides, and other aromatics. They were famous in architectural wonders such as towering "obelisks" , beautiful palaces and huge Abyssinian Orthodox cathedrals especially in Gonder, Gojam and Tigray.
Following the decline of the Axumite empire, the dawn of the Solomonic kings dynasty started in Gonder in "1270" by an Amhara noble, called "Yekum Amlak", and continued until the ouster of Haile Selassie by Mengistu in 1974. The Solomonic kings were believed to be descended from king Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. Original Abyssinia comprises of the three states of Gonder, Gojam and Tigre. The Amharas; the group who dominated both Ethiopia and Abyssinia for more than several hundred years were originally confined in the two states of Gonder and Gojam.The other major ethnic component of Abyssinia and Ethiopia are the Tigrayans, who were originally confined also in the state of Tigray only.
Menelik 11 of Shewa; with the help of the European powers especially France, Italy and great Britain invaded the ancient Muslim; walled city of Harrar in "1887".
The new government founded in Zeila eventually became an Islamic empire, which upholds and safe guards the rights and interests of all the Muslim people in the Horn of Africa. The new government took a huge strides for the spread of Islam teachings and culture. That is what made her-the Ifat Muslim state of Zeila in a direct collision course with an orthodox-Christian-based feudal empire of Abyssinia. The latter was a very small poor state based in the remote and Abyssinian highland of Gonder, Gojam and Tigrey. there was some many bitter wars that happened between the resurgent and maritime Awdal empire and the small, poor and highland of Abyssinian. To this day that tension between Abyssinian and the Muslim people of the Horn of Africa. The Muslim of the Horn of Africa who are many times larger than their Abyssinian counterparts, who are a small minority but still enjoy significant connections with the western empire
For over several hundred years the then of Axum and Abyssinia (Al-Habasha) were at war, with the Muslim Adel Empire and other of successive governments of Zeila before them. The Adel Empire was a very powerful Muslim empire leading the confederation of about 7 emirates including the kingdom of Zeila. The seven Emirates comprising the great Adel empire were Ifat/Adel/, Dawaro, Arabini, Hadaya, Sharqa, Balli and Daara. The most dominant Adel was mostly based in Somaliland and the latter are the major heir to the illustrious civilization. The historical foot prints of that empire buried in the old ruins of ancient Zeila, old Amoud, Darbiyada of Abasso, Bulhar, Berbera, Awboobe, Awbarre, Tujorah, Harrar and many other places. The Zeili folklore, the Surbiyaan and the Canbaabur cuisine. Above all the legendary Zeila folklore which comprises an amalgam of many foreign languages such as as Turkish, Persian Arabic and Indian is a also a living artifact of that great civilization. all these precious antiquities have been ignored and even attempted to be erased by colonial powers and Ethiopia, but the responsibilities of unearthing this precious will squarely fall on the shoulders of the people of the area. The people who claim the heirs to that great civilization must uncover the hidden secrets obscured from the world by the colonial powers and their prototype so called government that followed them in the so-called decolonization of 1960.
The once shinning empire in the East was founded in the 13th century. This empire was once in line with the Ottoman empire, the Persian empire and the other great empires of the past. The Egyptian who have a very good relation with them call it Bilaad Al-Zeila. The empire was first founded in the 13 th century by two preeminent personalities, one was bu the name of Amir Omar Walasna Dunyahur. The leader was said to be a descendant of Sh. Yususf Al Kawnin who was also called by Aw Barkhadleh. Apparently the empire was founded by a religious leader and it was based on religious grounds. But it does not mean Zeila is only 700 years old. Zeila before it became the empire sometime in the 13th century was always a self-governing emirate or government since 900 A.D. When the British navy spy Sir Richard Burton disguised as a Muslim Shaikh came to Zeila several hundred years after the end of the Adel empire, Zeila was still a self governing emirate, though it was nominally ruled by the Ottoman empire sultan based in Yemen.
The energy and the spirit of spreading of Islam to the Horn of Africa earned a huge name for Zeila, when some Muslim governments called it "Diraasat Al-Islaam (Islamic studies).
The Adel empire have fought so many wars with imperial Abyssinia and thousands of people on both sides of the con flick have perished. That was a very long struggle that spanned several hundred years. The empire was well-liked by the Muslim world. People were impressed with its great justice, sound governance, activist spirit for all the Muslims around the Horn of Africa and the way they spread around the fast land of the Horn of Africa.
It is the responsibility of the descendants of the ancient inhabitants of the area to uncover the historical facts, wealth of information, great knowledge ranging from Islamic studies and secular knowledge and other archaeological and anthropological antiques. It is our duty to push the United nations to declare Zeila, Bulahar and other areas historical sites which has to preserved by the international community. Harrar the twin city of Zeila was recently declared an area of historical significance by the United nations.
Historical distortions plagues the history of the ancient twin cities of Hararr and Zeila. The history of this very important place by the British and the French colonial powers who colonized the area. Others such as Arab states such as Egypt tried to bury any significant history or historical areas around the red sea.
They were always worried about a historical and strategically located city that may compete with the Egyptian pyramids and so many other ancient historical artifacts. meanwhile the people of the area also neglected to uncover the rich history of Zeila, and the other areas of historical significance.
The empire at its zenith extends southwest to the strategically located Shawa region where Addis Abba, the modern Ethiopian capital is located. Eastward to Ras Hafoon, North West to Eritrea.
Adel empire and the successive empires of Zeila were build and led by the indigenous people of the area notably, Gadabursi, Isse, Isaak and Afar. Other people of Somali decent also contributed to that illustrious civilization.
The ledendary Zeili Folkolore is a living example of the Zeila civilization. The Zeilites belong to all different tribes of the area, but they have a distinct culture and civilization. The way they talk, cook, sing, their huge civil engagement, the spirit of volunteerism, entrepreneurship and how they conduct their marriage ceremonies is unique and different from their other brethren of the area. This means though neglected, the Adel civilization is not not dead but alive and kicking. Therefore, Lets all work together to revive our civilization. To sum it up Adel civilization belongs to the indigenous people of the area in particular and all Somaliland in general. Case closed.
Suleiman Egeh is a freelance writer and a senior science instructor
Posted by
Bahwaynta Saylici
12:37 PM
Labels: Report
If the port at Bol'Ado is rehabilitated, then business at Berbera will decrease greatly...More
First, we would like to make the following statements:
Awdal Roads Company is a completely separate entity from the Principality of Freedonia.
Jim Davidson and Michael VanNotten were not the authors of the material formerly located here. A recent trip to Awdal by Jim Davidson and Michael VanNotten, of Awdal Roads Co., ended up involving Freedonia in a negative way.
Some violence resulted, and many things in Awdal have been called into question. Recently, Prince John sent out a letter to all Freedonian citizens detailing what occured.
This letter appears below, although it has been significantly edited for public disclosure.
Freedonian citizens, In December, Jim Davidson and Michael Van Notten of Awdal Roads Co. traveled to Awdal. While they went solely on Awdal Roads Co. business and not on the behalf of Freedonia, it was our hope that Mr. Davidson could give us an overview of the current environment in Awdal, including attitudes towards foreign investment.
On December 23rd, Mr. Davidson and Mr. Van Notten arrived in Borama, the capital of Awdal.
Once there, they sought to secure transportation in order to travel throughout Awdal. In Borama, they met a man by the name of Haj Nur who happened to be in charge of the local operations of the Red Crescent Society, an Islamic organization similar to the Red Cross.
Haj Nur insisted that Mr. Davidson and Mr. Van Notten meet with the Somaliland Vice President. Awdal's relationship to Somaliland is in debate. According to the Somaliland government, Awdal is a province of Somaliland.
According to the people of Awdal, however, they alone have a say about their affairs. As far back as 1995 they sent a letter to the UN declaring independence.
From what we know, Somaliland does collect some taxes in Awdal by force, although these are pocketed in Hargeisa, the seat of Somaliland government. According to our sources, Awdal receives no government services from Somaliland.
Given the premise of Awdal's independence, Mr. Davidson and Mr. Van Notten were reluctant to to travel to Hargeisa and meet with the Vice President. However, Haj Nur made promises that when they returned, they could use the Red Crescent vehicle to travel throughout Awdal.
Given the proposition, they decided to meet with the Somaliland Vice President on December 24th.
The meeting was cordial, and Mr. Davidson informed the Vice President about the various projects Awdal Roads company wants to undertake. One of these projects is the development of the port at Bol'Ado, a small town on the coast of Awdal.
The Vice President commented several times that it would be much better to develop the port at Berbera, a coastal town of Somaliland. While the meeting was friendly, there appeared to be an ulterior motive.
The Somaliland government currently receives no taxes from the port at Bol'Ado, due to local resistance.
If the port at Bol'Ado is rehabilitated, then business at Berbera will decrease greatly, thereby cutting off a source of income for members of the Somaliland government.
On the 25th of December Mr. Davidson returned to Borama, while Mr. Van Notten stayed in Hargeisa.
When Mr. Davidson arrived, he then went to Haj Nur to secure the Red Crescent vehicle and be on his way.
However, Haj Nur would not provide the transportation, despite his earlier promise. It seems that Haj Nur's purpose in sending Mr. Davidson and Mr. Van Notten to meet with the Vice President was to ascertain if Awdal Roads' projects pass with Hargeisa, and if not, to kill the project.
On December 29th, Sultan Ibrahim Jama Samatar, and other elders, finally met with Mr. Davidson in Borama.
They had been wondering where he was, and were very pleased to see him.
They were surprised that he had gone to Hargeisa, as they reaffirmed that Somaliland has no authority over Awdal affairs. Mr. Davidson, Sultan Ibrahim, and others then made their way to the coastal town of Lughaya.
The people there were very welcoming and happy to hear of Awdal Roads Co. and foreign investment. They then made their way up the coast, stopping in Bol'Ado and the town of Zeila.
All over Awdal the people seemed to be pleased at the prospect of foreign investment and development.
Then on approximately the 2nd or 3rd of January, a fax was sent from a Somali man living in Toronto, Canada. The fax claimed to contain two pages of material from the Freedonian website.
The information in the fax claimed that Awdal Roads Co. was a part of Freedonia (absolutely false), and that Awdal Roads Co. is part of a conspiracy by foreigners to steal Awdal's land and oppress the people (ridiculously false).
The fax also falsely implicated Sultan Ibrahim, claiming he had already reached an agreement with Freedonia to give away the entire Awdal Coast. What apparently happened is that the person in Toronto had taken information from our website and rewrote much of the material, and added in new material he wrote himself.
He then faxed these pages to Hargeisa. This fax was then used by the Somaliland government to try and anger and frighten people in Awdal. Word spread, and Freedonia became a topic of much discussion and confusion throughout Awdal. Mr. Davidson rightfully asserted that Awdal Roads Co. is not associated with Freedonia in any way.
Sultan Ibrahim also rightfully denied that he had reached any sort of agreement with us. In essence, Freedonia was being used as an excuse to close down the Awdal Roads project and protect the corrupt interests of the Somaliland government.
On January 7th, Mr. Davidson and Mr. Van Notten received a message stating they should meet with the Somaliland Foreign Minister. They traveled to Hargeisa for the meeting, and the Foreign Minister proceeded to declare that their visas were not valid and they were in Somaliland illegally. Luckily, Sultan Ibrahim and the elders had been traveling about 1/2 hour behind them, and showed up at the meeting.
There was then a heated exchange; with the elders affirming that Somaliland has no authority in Awdal. They eventually got the Foreign Minister to agree to this, and thinking it was resolved, they departed.
Mr. Davdison and Mr. Van Notten then wanted to leave for the airport, but the Foreign Minister declared that they must meet with the Vice President again.
They went to this meeting, where the Vice President brought up the contents of an Awdal Roads information packet he received at their last meeting. He disagreed with much of the information it contained, and especially called attention to two pages in the packet. These pages were from the afore mentioned fax.
These pages had been inserted into the Awdal Roads packet after the fact, and the Vice President now claimed they were there all along. He proceeded to interrogate Mr. Davidson on these two pages involving Freedonia. In short, Mr. Davidson accused him of lying, and in the end the Vice President threatened to execute him if he ever returns to Awdal or Somaliland.
The Vice President told Mr. Davdison and Van Notten that they must leave the country immediately. They made it to the airport, where their passports were stamped "Deported" as they left. Upon hearing of this, the people of Awdal were outraged.
They were upset that potential foreign investors were threatened and forced to leave. A short time later, the Vice President was passing through Borama on his way back to Hargeisa. The local people were so angry that they formed into crowds and heckled, while some stoned the Vice President's motorcade.
The motorcade stopped, and members of the Somaliland army shot into the crowd. Many people were seriously injured, and the number of dead ranges from 1-4, depending on the source.
The Vice President's motorcade continued on, but met a roadblock in the next town. The Vice President then had to be rescued by a helicopter from the Somaliland Airforce.
Later, we are told, Somaliland sent military vehicles into Awdal and captured six people supposedly related to the incident.
This situation arose due in part to the fact that detailed information about Awdal was available to the general public on the Freedonian Website.
In the future, details of our search to purchase territory will be kept more confidential, and will not be made available to the public.
The Principality of Freedonia will be undertaking some actions regarding these events, although for security reasons I can not divulge information at this time.
Archived News
Source: Freedonian - by Elmi S.
Posted by
Bahwaynta Saylici
7:48 AM
Labels: Opinion
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Qul Lil Xaq Walow Kaana Murrah: The Dilemma Facing Gadabursi
Somalia is divided into autonomous regions along clan system and the prospect of being united is at the present very remote. However, the United Nations is hoping that Somalia will be born again and flourish as one nation under one flag.
But the dilemma facing all Somalis is unprecedented. There were so many meetings, negotiations, and plans which none of them was successful. Worst of all is the kind of federation agreed on in Kenya. There are four levels of governments described in Chapter 4 of the Charter:
Transitional Federal Government at National Level
State Governments comprised of “two or more regions federate, based on their free will”
Regional administrations
District Administrations
In State Governments, “TWO OR MORE REGIONS FEDERATE” system will put Somaliland, Puntland, Galmudug, and Maakhir as State Governments. This system is a modified federal system which is not the same as the Federal system that we know of. In this definition Somaliland State Government will comprise:
• Awdal ( Baki )
• Maroodi Jeex( Hargeisa )
• Togdheer ( Burco)
• Sanag( Cerigaabo )
• Parts of Sool ( Laascaanood )
The federal system proposed is a pseudo federal system and a counter to the Federalism that we are familiar with and under this scenario; the present regions will not govern themselves freely. This puts Awdal under the state government dominated by one clan.
Let me go back to my theme: “The Dilemma facing Gadabursi”. As we see today, it is true that every region claims to be an autonomous region and governs by its people and also uses its resources and armies to protect their larger interests. Awdal was a kingdom and ran its affairs better than all systems we have today in Somalia. It is a wonder that we do not have any agenda of our own and we are not even talking about what the future is in store for us.
It is a wonder why we do not celebrate our history and claim our place in Somalia. Awdalites do not foresee where we are up to. In Somaliland, we are already under domination and in the pseudo federal system we will be even worse and swallowed again by the same dominant clans enforced by the Federal Government. The future of Somalia is shrouded by fog and by bloody civil wars and we have a long, long way to settlement. What is happening around us and close to our home is a wake up call for Awdalites.
In order to be safe from the bloodshed and turmoil to come, CUL HORTII HOP SAMAYSO. I propose, like many Gadabursi people do, to rethink and use the wisdom of our previous elders- not the ones today who are spoiled by bribery ( Biidhi qaatayaasha ) - and claim an Awdal Republic. Of all the Somali regions, the potential resources and education we have surpasses all others. I bet Awdal Republic will be the richest state in Somalia based on the facts in the ground; the evidence of untapped deposits of minerals.
We will prosper in future and we will be leaders for the Horn of Africa let alone Somalia. I also believe our neighbours will favour that because of their interest in Awdal Republic. ( HADDII KALE WAA LAGUU CUNI ).We have to either examine and evaluate all scenarios and get ready for the worst or wait and see our destruction or remain in the statuesque – WHO MARRIES MY MOTHER IS MY UNCLE. I am not proposing war with others but UNITY which is far more lethal than the weapon itself. The competing THREE CLANS will take us no where except to destruction at the end.
AWDAL REPUBLIC IS OUR ONLY SOLUTION. Gadabursi people must stand up for its rights and place in Somalia and unite for the same cause. All we need is to stand unified behind that notion. Leave THE GOSSIP and COMPETITION along CLAN LINES behind and open debates among yourselves and propose ideas and agendas through emails and phones and internet websites. Some of you argue that Adwal is peace. There is peace no without strength. Do not be scared, shy and hesitate to defend your interest. Under the current TNG constitution and the Isak Government, we have no choice except to declare Awdal Republic. WHY NOT US? Every clan has chosen its own destiny and special interest over any system.
Mohamed MOUSA
Posted by
Bahwaynta Saylici
7:51 AM
Labels: Opinion
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Taagan Daba Dheer, Talo Maxaad U Haysaa?
Waxan jeclaystay inaan jawaab saaxiibnimo an uga celiyo saaxiibkay C/Naasir Xasan Tukaale, murtidiisii qiimaha iyo qaayaha badnayd ee:
"Taagan Daba Dheer Talo Maxaad u Haysaa?"
Waxan xusuustaa inaan mar dhexdaasiya ka codsaday C/Naasir inuu kusoo celiyo Murtidiisaas dhaxal galka ah. Mar labaad ayuuna C/Naasir ku soo celiyay oo la odhan karo waa markii ku habboonayd.
Aad iyo Aadbaan kuu salaamay aa Mr Tukaale; Taladayduna waa Sidan ku kooban tixdan an ugu magac daray , TUNKA XIG HALLOO SUDHO:
C/Naasir Tukaaloow
Tahniyadiyo Marka hore
Salaan ah Taaj Sariyo
Duco Tuullan iga hoo
Marka Xiga Tubteediyo
Toobiyahay lahaydba
Murti adaa ku Toosiyoo
Turxantana u diidaye
Markaninna Taagtay
Tamartayda Aniguna
Tusmo Qoraaliyo
Talo aan ka Dhiibtee
Haddaan Tiico Cabdoow
bi’i waaye bal ila Tiiri
Tafiyo Labadan Turuq. (waa Bakaylaha iyo Dabagaalahee)
Waxba Tafeeno is dhaamin
ee hadana is Tir-tiraaya
Quduro Taasi weeyiye
Miyaa Laysku Tafaafulay?
Taahiyo Mayska daayaan
Tuhunka Dhammaaniyo
Tawaawacani hadhaynoo
Ku Tuntuunsadaan Dantooda?
Miyay Taariikhda Duugee
Soo Taxnayd Abiidiyo
Tusaalooyinka Qoraniyo
Tilmaamaha Raacaan?
Togagaa hareer xigiyo
Tuuraha may Jalleeceen
Inta Teetsan Dugaagiyo
Cadaawe aan u Tudhaynin?
Bal inay Tabcaan yihiin
Miyay Tabaha loo dagiyo
Xeeladaha Tashiishaan
Tamartoodana Hubiyaan?
Taakulayniyo hadday
Tuuraan Wada -Tashiga
Tafaraaruq ha ogaadaan
Tahartoodaa ku madhane
Waxba Yuu ila Taraarine
Waxan ku Tu’iyay Hadalkii
Bakaylahan Tallamayiyo
Dabagaalaha Toocsaday
Tafiirtani Ilma Tarbiyee
Tarankana wadaagti
Tanaasul iyo hadayba
Tawfiiqdaba diidaan
Tumaatidiyo wadaana
Taf wareenka dhexdooda
Taladaydu waxay tahay
Waar Intaba halla Tumoo
Tiinkii Boon ku yiilliyo
Tunka Xig halloo sudho.
Maacaleesh Tukaale!!!!
Mar Labaad Hambalyiyo Salaan Mudane Tukaale kuna Ciid Caafimaadsan.
Nabad iyo Caano Aynu ku Ciidno
Abdiqani Ateyeh
London UK
Posted by
Bahwaynta Saylici
5:49 AM
Labels: Opinion
Monday, October 15, 2007
Eight killed in new battles between Somaliland and Puntland
MOGADISHU (AFP) — At least eight people were killed and several wounded Monday in fighting between forces from the breakaway Somali states of Somaliland and Puntland over a disputed border town, commanders said.
The latest violence, sparked by a long-running territorial dispute, broke out early Monday in Sool, a region split between sub-clans backing the feuding statelets.
"I can confirm... that heavy fighting broke out... early morning causing casualties. The Somaliland forces waged the attack against our military positions in the northern outskirts of Las Anod," Burhan Mohamed, a Puntland commander, told AFP by phone.
A Somaliland commander, Colonel Mohamed Barakat Dahir, said the Puntland forces has retreated from the township after rival sides pounded each other with heavy artillery.
"So far, eight people have been killed and most of the dead were fighters. There are also a number of people injured," Dahir told AFP by phone from the township.
Several inhabitants meanwhile told AFP the fighting had begun outside Las Anod but had spilled into the town, located near the Ethiopian border and some 750 kilometres (460 miles) north of Mogadishu.
One Las Anod resident said the fighters were killed outside the township itself.
Speaking from Hargeisa, which has been designated the capital of the self-declared republic of Somaliland, a Somaliland military commander also confirmed that new clashes had taken place.
"I was told that at least five people were killed this morning when fighting erupted between our forces and those from Puntland in Las Anod. They started the fire in the northern frontline area and we repelled them," he said, requesting anonymity.
The border problem has been compounded by calls in July by hardline chiefs in the neighbouring Sanaag region -- which has a history of a Sultanate -- for autonomy, further threatening to split the Horn of Africa nation.
The chiefs had renamed the region Makhir and Badhan as its capital, raising tension with Puntland authorities.
Officials said Ethiopia -- which relies on the Somaliland port of Berbera for its government imports -- has taken a lead in mediating a lasting truce.
Tensions between the two northern Somali regions have been running high for months, and on October 1 at least 10 people were killed in a battle for control over Las Anod.
Somaliland broke away from greater Somalia in 1991, just months after the overthrow of former dictator Mohamed Siad Barre plunged the country into a still ongoing civil war.
The region has since enjoyed relative prosperity but failed to secure recognition as an independent state.
Neighbouring Puntland declared itself autonomous from the rest of Somalia in August 1998 under the leadership of Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, the current president of the Somali interim government.
Somalia has had no functional national administration since former dictator Mohamed Siad Barre was toppled in 1991, touching off a deadly power struggle that has defied numerous internationally backed peace initiatives.
Posted by
Bahwaynta Saylici
9:58 AM
Labels: News
Barbaartii dalkaygaay bilcantii dhulkeeniyo Awdal
Marka hore waxaan ku bilaabay magaca eebe (SWT), sharaf iyo maamuusna waxay u ahaatay nabigeenii suubanaa Maxamad binu c/laahi (SCW).
Intaasi ka dib qormada aan qalinka u cuskaday doorkan ayaa ah mid taxane’ah arimo door ahna xambaarsan, kuwaasoo mudan in xal loo helo waajibna ka saaranyahay qof kastoo wadaninimo ku dheehantahay jecelna horumarka gayiga iyo dadka uu u’nisba sheeganayo,
Si darxumada iyo silica ba’an ee ina hor yaala aan uga xuub siibano.
Qodobadan hoose ayaan shiiska saaraynaa si bal aan u ogaano hadiiba aya jiraan wax caqabado ah oo ku gedaaman oo horumarka gayigani ragaadiyey.
- Taariikhda
- siyaasada
- wax barashada
- kaabayaasha dhaqaalaha
qodobadan ayaa ah kuwo muhiimah oo aan is idhi way mudanyihiin in gole la horkeeno si garre iyo guntanaba (rag iyo dumarba) arin iyo gorfayntiisa la kowsado ileen horaa loo yidhi “ama talo keen noqo ama talo raace”
qodobadan ayaa salka u ah “qormadaydan hawraarsan” waxaanse, kala sheekaystay “Awdal laftarkeeda” mar aan ku kulanay gole ka mida goleyaasha lagu caweeyo, u jeedadayduna ay tahay inaan ogaado waxa ay Awdal tabayso ee ka maqan iyo waxa u suurto galay intaba
Ileen ruuxwalba wixii dhibay dhafoorkiisuu ka muuqdaay, waxaase ii cadaatay doorkan inay Awdal guuxaysay oo aad u cadhysnayd markii aan golaha isugu nimid kulankana xiqiiqdii uu ka duwanaa kula madayadii caadiga ahaa waayo kani way i soo fariimaysay (Awdal) intaas waxaa garab socday dardaaran aan kala go lahayn oon aan halkan uga shaacinayaa dhalintii bogcadkeega ku soo barbaaray ee doc-joog & qurba-joogba’le, waxba yaanan hadal idinku daaline sheekadii aniga (Mukhtaar) iyo Awdal na dhex martay waxay ku bilaamantay sidan:-
Mukhtaar “awdalli”:- ciidaydiiyeey !! waxaan sanooyin badan ku dakeeyay guudkaaga waxaanad dhaxal u leedahay taariikh raagtay oo soo jireen’ah bal waxaad xoogaa nooga garoocdaa taariikhdaada iyo ta dadkaagaba?.
Awdal:- ku ajiibay wiilkaygiyoow!! Aniga iyo dadkayguba waxaan leenahay taariikh balaadhan oo aan halkan ku soo koobi Karin balse hadaan wax ka taabto ,
Waxaan ahaa dawlad, baarlamaan, dastuur, ay hay’aad keegu kamilnaayeen waana xiligii aan marti galiyay boqortooyadii (Adal empire) oo ahayd iftiinka kalihaata ee ka baxaayay geeska Afrika xiligaas taas oo sobobtay inay igu soo hirtaan gaar ahaan dadka soomaaliyeed guud ahaana ummada muslimka ah ee geeska Africa ilaa gacanka carabta.
Boqortooyadaas oo xarun u noqotay beddankayga waaxda ugu da’da weyn ee “Saylac”
Dadkayguna waxay ahaayeen kuwo sharaf iyo magac ku leh baledada kale ee aan ood wadaagta nahay waxaana jirtay in dadkaygu ay ii hiiliyeen caddaw badana iga dhiciyeen gaar ahaan xiliyadii ay i damceen boqoradii mucatab ku dirirka ahaa ee gaaloos (ethiopia) iyo tii Bortuqiiskaba(portugesse conquest) taasoo uu’u ba-bac dhigay geesigii duriyadayda ka mid ahaa ee Imaam: Axmed Ibraahim (Axmed guray) isagoo xidhiidh la lahaa boqrtooyadii muslimka ahayd ee Turkiga.
Wiilkaygiyoow, taariikhda dadkaygu waa mid sal iyo raad ku leh umada soomaaliyeed gaar ahaan qaybta aan dhaco ee woqooyiga soomaaliya/Somaliland, dadkayguna waa dad matali kara bulsha waynta umada soomaaliyeed qaybaheeda kala duwan, waayo waa dad asbaaba dhawr ah u saaxiiba sida:- dad la, dhaqanka, aqoonta, waaya aragnimo iyo bisayl ay u qabaan arimaha maamulka maadaamooy yihiin dadkii ugu horeeyey ee dhul soomaaliyeed xukun adag ka yagleelay.
Hadii aan u gudbo dhinacaa iyo xiligii maxmiyadii ingiriiska ee soomaalida (Somaliland protectorate) waxaan ahaa halkii uu ingriisku ku taamayayin uu soomaali dhulkeeda kadego, sobobtuna ay ahayd halka aan ku yaalo oo ah goob istiraatijiya (strategy territory ) gaar ahaan dhinaca xeebta ee adhaxdayda Saylac si uu isugu xidho saldhigiisa Cadan iyo kan maxmiyada cusub ee dhulka soomaalida, kaasoo xusid mudan in cuqaashaydii xiligaas ee Saylac ku noolaa ay ahaayeen dad u saaxiibah ilbaxnimo dheer marka loo eego deegaanada ku gedaaman, iyaga oo difaacay sumcadayda iyo sharafkayga af iyo adinba intii karaankooda ahaa, maadaamoo waayo aragnimo buuxda u lahaayeen kala danbayn iyo maamulba oo wax kastoo heshiisa oo lagu heshiiyo uu ka dhaco bada guudkeeda iyadoo arinkaas dadkaygu uga gol-lahaayeen arimo waayo aragnimo oo la xidhiidhsanaa ilbaxnimadaasi hore ee ADAL.
Waxaa kaloo dadkaygu ingriiska la sexeexdeen in ilmaha cadaanka ah uuna ku dhalan ciidayda taasi oo ahayd arin siyaasad la xidhiidha ula’jeedadeeduna ahayd in ilmahaasi uuna ciidayda sheegana amaba uu ku ab tirsan, sidoo kale waxaa xudun ganacsi u ahaa qoomiyado badan oo sitay jinsiyado kala duwan, waxba yaaan wiilkaygiiyoow kan iyo keer ku haynine waa taas waax yar oo kamid ah taatiikhda balaadhan ee aan soo koobi Karin ee aan ehelka u nahay aniga iyo dadkayguba.
Mukhtaar Awdalli:- maashaa allaah !! allaylahe waa taariikh guun ah oo dhaxal gal ah Mase jireen xidhiidhyo ama heshiisyo la taaban karo oo aad umada
gayiga ku dhex-dhexaadisay ?
Awdal:- haa way jireen wiilkaygiyoow! waxaan ka ciyaaray door laxaadle aarimaha geeska afrika gaar ahaan dadka soomaaliyeed, waxaase ugu cansanaa heshiishkii seddex geesoodka ahaa ee u dhexeeyay Fransiiska, Soomaalida iyo Canfarta taasi oo ugaaskii saylac oo afar nin (4 nin) oo kabaabula u diray dhinacaa iyo ubukh ( dhulka canfarta ee gobalka woqooyi ee jamhuuriyada Jabuuti ee hadda)Hakaasi oo sulux iyo is afgarad ka dhaliyay siddexdaa dhinac ee is hirdiyayay,waxaa kaloo ergooyin kale oo nabad doona loo diray ismaamulkii xaafuun oo ayaguna sidaasi si lamida nabad iyo waayo aragnimo iga hantay.
Mukhtaar awdalli:- mar hadii taariikhdaasi dahabiga’ah aan lahayd dhulkaygoow la, arkaa in dad badan oo duriyadaada ahi ayna ka war qabin taariikhdaadan halka qaarkalena ay ku dhego barjoobeen taariikho aan sal iyo raad toona lahayn gaar ahaan sabbanka maanta la joogo, ee maxaa talo ah ee aad noo, soo jeedin lahayd cadaydiiyey?
Awdal:- horta waxaa nasiib darro ah oo sun iyo waabay igu noqday hadalka kaaso yeedhay oo ah in ubadkayaga qaar ayan taariikhdayda kawarqabin, waxaase, iga tala ah in taariikhdayda oo dhamaystiran la qoro, waloow aqoonyahanadayda qaarkood wax iga qoreen, si dhaxal ay igu noqoto ubadkayga aad ku sheegtay inay dhego barjoobeen, waayo waxaan ogahay in aqonyahanadayda maanta caalamka wax laga su’aalo, waan se idiin cadhaysanahay waayo waad is fogayseen dhexdiinii oo waad kala socotaan oo waxaad isku noqoteen caddow, oo waad is riiqaysaan waxaase iga dar-daarana oo hadana iga talo, ah in aad wada jirtaan sidii laydinku yiqiinay, waar isku duubnaada waad guulaysanaysaane ,waar garta garasho oo hanoonsama ,waar dadka ladhaqma oo ha isku qaawinina waar is doco-docaysi aan micno lahayn ka gudba oo magacayga dhowra, waar isku gar-gaara kiina doc-jooga ah iyo kiina qurbo-jooga ahba.
waar dalkiina dhista oo illo dhaqaale yagleela waa laydin ku soo hiran mar kalee Waar dantayda iyo dadkayga wax walba ka hormariya illeen xubi wadan waa qayb kamidee ii maanka .
Waar wax qora oo taariikhdayada qora illeen caalamka maanta qalin ayaa laysku
Mukhtaar Awdalli:- ciiddaydiiyey waxaan filaya in aad wax noo tartay doorkan oo aanu is bedel muujin doono ilaahna na hoojin maayo, hadal lays yidhaahdaa mahadhin ee hawl laykugu yimaado ayaa hadhay waa inoo markale iyo qodabka siyaasada oo aad si adag ugu hadashay oon ubadkaagana u shaacin doono insha’allah .
Fadlan lasoco taxanaha “qormadan hawraarsan” iyo qodabada kale ee xiisaha badan.
Qoraaga qormada:
Mukhtaar C/raxmaan C/laahi (Awdalli)
Posted by
Bahwaynta Saylici
6:11 AM
Labels: Opinion
Madaxweyne Ku-xigeenkii Hore ee Somaliland C/raxmaan Aw Cali oo Socdaal Gaaban ku Yimid Magaalada Boorama
Madaxweyne ku-xigeenkii hore ee Soomaaliland C/Raxmaan Aw Cali Faarax oo mudo labo beri ah ku sugnaa magaalada Boorama, ayaa siyaasiinta gobolka Awdal mucaarad iyo muxaafidba u nisbaynayeen inay la xidhiidho loolanka siyaasiin badan oo reer Awdal ahi ugu jiraan tartanka musharaxa madaweyne ku-xigeenka ee xisbiga Kulmiye.
Socdaalka Cabdiraxmaan Aw Cali, ayaa sida wararku ay sheegayaan la xidhiidha wado hadalo uu la yeeshay dad badan oo taageersan inuu isagu ku guulaysto tartanka ka dhex socda xisbiga Kulmiye iyo isaga oo uga waramaya taageerayaashiisa xaalada guud ee uu wadanku marayo. Waxa kale oo wararku intaa raacinayaan inuu socdaal gaar ah ku tegay beer uu ku leeyahay galbeedka magaalada Boorama.
Dhinaca kale, waxa magaalada Boorama aad looga hadal hayaa hadalo kulul oo uu ku weeraray madaxweyne Daahir Rayaale, kuwaas oo ka mid ahaa khudbad uu dhawaan uu ka jeediyey soo dhaweyntii Ismaaciil muumin Aare oo ah siyaasi cusub oo dhawaan ku biiray xisbiga Kulmiye, sida wararka ay sheegayaana Ismaaciil wuxuu ka qayb galayaa tartanka musharaxa ku-xigeenka ee xisbiga Kulmiye.
Socdaalka Mudane Cabdiraxmaan Aw Cali oo ay ugu dambaysay imaatinka magaalada Booram wakhtigii lagu jiray tartankii doorashooyinka Golaha Wakiilada, ayaa siyaasiinta gobolku ka bixiyeen darayno kale duwan, iyada oo dadka qaar wali xusuusan yihiin doorkii uu ka ciyaaray inay xildhibaano badan oo ka mid ah xibiga kulmiye ka soo baxaan gobolka Awdal.
Xildhibaanadii reer Awdal ee ku soo baxay xisbiga kulmiye, ayaa sida la ogyahay ku noqday laf dhuun gashay maamulka Madaxweyne Rayaale, iyaga oo qaar ka mid ahi horseed ka ahaayeen mooshanadii Golaha wakiiladu ku daadifeeyeen miisaaniyad dalka iyo labadii xubnood ee ka mid ahaan komishanka ee ay Golaha Wakiildu diideen inay ansixiyaan.
Madaxweyne ku-xigeenkii hore ee Somaliland Mudane Cabdiraxmaan Aw Cali, ayaan wax tafaasiil ah oo ku saabsan socdaalkiisan gaaban ee uu ku yimid magaalada Boorama ka siinin saxaafada gobolka. Dad badan oo ku dhaw dhaw C/raxmaan Aw Cali, ayaa dhinaca kale aaminsan in imaatinkiisa Boorama uu mar walba xukuumada Rayaale iyo maamulka Gobolkaba ku yahay culays, sida darteedna la hawl galiyo ciidamada sirdoonka iyo kooxo kale oo la shqeeya dawladda sare.
Waxayna tibaaxeen isaga oo si degdeg ah u soo galay, ugana baxay magaalada si loo yareeyo shanqadha socdaalkiisa. Dhinaca kale Cabdiraxmaan Aw Cali oo waayadii hore lagu yaqaannay inuu dadweynaha Boorama kala qaybgalay farxadaha ciidaha, aroosyada iyo aaska macaariifta, balse waayadaan dambe aan lagu arag magaalada, ayaa dadka qaar u qaateen in imaatinkiisa Boorama la mid yahay socdaaladadiisii hore ee uu ku iman jiray magaalada munaasabadaha ciidaha.
Maxamed Cumar - Hyena - (
Posted by
Bahwaynta Saylici
6:06 AM
Labels: News
Sokeeyoow maxaa dan ah?
jawaab ku socota dhallinyartii u kala safatay Maxamad case iyo Makaahiil
waxaan aad uga xumaaday oo aan u arkay arrin ayaan darro ah qoraallada laysugu jaawaabayay maalmahii u danbeeyay ee dhexmarayay qaar ka mid ah dhallinyarteenna, oo ahaa qoraallo aad u foolxun oo dad badani walaac ka muujiyeen, maxaayeelay waxaa doqonniimo ah dunida oo maanta qaarad qaarad u midoobaysa in waraafinta lagu arko labo qowmiyadood oo nasab , dhul iyo diinba wadaaga oo la kala dilayo oo dad aan labada dhinac midnaba matali karini ay fitnad iyo xumaan ka dhex abuurayaan , walow aan rajaynayo inayna marnaba qowmiyadda reer
Sh makador ( Maxamad Case &Makaahiil) dheg u dhigi doonin hadallada aan la garanayn meel ay ka yimaaddeen iyo cid soo qortay toona ee looga danleeyahay in lagu kala fogeeyo dad aan waligood kala fogaan karin.qoraalladan oo ay dhallinyar rag iyo dumar lihiba ka qayb qaateen hurintooda ayaan aaminsanahay inay yihiin kuwo loogu talo gelay in fitnad aan loo baahnayn lagu abaabulo , haseyeeshee beelaha Samaroonka waxa caado u ah oo lagu yaqaan inay yihiin dadka ugu deggen caalamka ama qunyarsocodka geeska Africa,
maxaayeelay waa shacab duqaydooda ka danbeeya sidaa darteed anigu innaba kama cabsi qabo ugu horrayn inay qoraalladani saamayn ku yeelan karaan kastaba ha ahaatee waxaan muran ku jirin in beelaha Maxamad Case iyo beelaha Makaahiilba maanta dulmanyihiin, arrintaasna ay kaga gudbi karaan inay gacmaha is qabsadaan oo ay danahooda iyo xuquuqdooda si wada jir ah u raadsadaan,
waxa kale oo aan aad ugu mahadcelinayaa walaalkeen Xaaji C/Qani Caateeye oo talooyin fiican u soo jeediyay qoreyaasha iyo maamullada websiteska wadaniga ahba oo kula dardaarmay dadka wax soo qora inay si caafimaad qabta u hadlaan saxaafaddana kula taliyay inay ka qayb qaadato dhismaha dalka ee aanay dib ugu soo jeesan burburintiisa,, haddaba aniga oo aan hadalka sii badinayn waxaan jeclahay inaan idinku dhaafo maansadan hoos ku qoran oo guubaabo ah oo aan bari hore ka tiriyay dhacdo noocan oo kale ah oo dhex martay dhallinyar website reer Awdal ah ku murmaysay oo u kala safanaysay beelaha Makaahiilka iyo beelaha Maxamad case waxaanan jawaab ahaan ugu celiyay nin sxbkay ah oo Cilmi Cadaawe la yidhaa oo isagu nabadoon ahaan u dhex gelay dhallintaasi islamarkaana aannu ku wada guulaysannay inaannu qaboojinno fitnaddii iyada ahayd :
siinlayda maansadu:
anigoo saqiirooda`ahaan sideed jira
ayay igu sugnaydooncalankeeda sidi jiray
hadba dunidu siday tahay
waanigii sawiri jiraysidii muuse qalinliyo
sayidkii cubeesh
(1) baantixaha u sargoyn jiray
soomaali iyo carab
sanku neefle oo dhami
marnaba ima saluugayna
nigaase saydhoo
maalmahan ka saahiday
deeq saatir bixiyiyo
suugaantu waa hube
afartaa salkii iyo
ka dhig seeski jiiftada
sowt kalena wuxu yahay
saaxiib caddaawoow
marka hore salaan mudan
siinad iyo wanaag badan
Marka xigana siinlay
saaxiib caddaawoow
suuban maansadaadiitixdii
saajaca ahayd
helay sadarradeedii
markaad danaha samarroon
ku salaysay sheekada
farxad baan la sarekacay
aad baan u sacab tumay
saaxiib caddaawoow
suugaanyahan tafaad tahay
siyid loo bogaa tahay
suldaan la isku raacoo
sokeeyaha u rooniyo
sawjar qiimalaa tahaycilmow
samankan maanta ah
samarroon dhammaantii
nimu sugayay baad tahay
soohaye jawaabtii
afartaa Sanca u dira
iga hooya sood kale
dantu way salguurtoo
waxbadan bay silloonayd
suruqdooy madoobayd
seegtay marinnadeedii
waxaan uga socdaa taasamankii innaga tegay
cahdigii Siyaad iyosoddonkii gu` ee hore
samarroonku gabigiiSubeer noo koryeeliyo
silic buu ku noolaasiyaasigi markaa jiray
samarroonku aaminayseetadaa u gaabnayd
duruufuhu ma saacidinseeftii kacaankiyo
sallid baa hortaagnaawaa su`aal la yaablee
maxaa sobobay waagiiSiyaad inuu Jibriil
(2)dilo: isagoon samayn qalad?
sikastaba ha noqotee
taliskii sidaasaa
dabadeed la sayn goo odaygii Siyaad iyo
lawaa samatarkii
siideete siifad kulul iyo
soomaali layn iyo
wax ka siixun baa yimid
waxan uga socdaa taa
saadadan la quudhsaday
laga saaray maabkiyo
runahaan Sagaal iyo
Saddex baan ka dhiidhiyay
seexan waayay awgeed
waa saami ceebeed
iyo soor dugaageed .
waa siyaasaddeeniyo
sidan maanta joogtee
sirta ma ila garateen ?
malaha waa si kale oo
maddiiday na sudhanoo
sixir bay na taabtee
suuradaha Quraankiyo
akhriya sadarka Yaasiin.
Allow sahal amuuraha
hanna seejin garashada
Saylac ha u horraysee
Allow sabadka noo dhowr
ka jir saaqid iyo tuug
dhibaatana sideedaba
Saxar ha u yaraadee
saatiroow ka nabad yeel
afrtaa sifeeyaye
sood kaleeto wuxu yahay
saaxiib caddaawoow
sidii aad hore u tidhi
saadaashu waa khayr
saakay u rooontahay
hadduu waagii soo baxay
wuu midoobay samarroon
saaxiib caddaawoow
xalaybaan saq-dhexe kacay
waa la igu soo degay
sabadkeenni roob iyo
sareedaa hadhaysoo
samadaa irmaanayd
sabi iyo haweeniyo
dhallintii la sugay
iyooday soo jireenaba
saf qudhaa la taagnaa
waxan uga socdaa taa
faal san baa innoo baxay
jidku saani weeyaan
siinku waa kor dhabanyahay
su`aashuna waxay tahay
sokeeyoow maxaa dana
(1) Muuse qalinle : waa abwaan reer Awdal ah waxaana lagu xusuustaa tartanklii uu abwaan timacadde alle ha u naxariisto dhammaantoode uu kaga badiyay.Cubeesh: ARAYE Cubeesh,waxa uu ahaan jiray gabyaa reer saylac ah oo aad u can ahaa qarnigii 19aad iyo kii 20aad billowgiisii alle ha u naxriistee
(2) Jibriil : waa dr.Jibriil Aamin waxa uu ahaa nin culus oo reer Awdal ah waxa uu ahaan jiray dhakhtar aqoon sare le haystana shahaadada PHD, ugu danbaynna waxaa loo magcaabay xisaabiyaha guud ee wasaaradda caafimaadka waxaana ugu xigtay in lagu eedeeyay weecsashada hanti qaran(xisaabi xil male) 1976. iyada oo uu waxa lagu haystayna ahaa kharash fudud oo iska bixin karayay wallow uu been abuur ahaa haddana laga diiday.
Axmad Ibraahim Axmad
Posted by
Bahwaynta Saylici
5:54 AM
Labels: Opinion
Somaliland MP seeks GCC ties
Posted by
Bahwaynta Saylici
2:59 AM
Labels: News