Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Changing Political Winds - By S. Egeh

Suleiman Egeh
12 September 2007


"Justice is conscience, not a personal conscience but the conscience of the whole humanity, those who clearly recognize the voice of their own conscience usually recognize also the voice of justice" Alexander Solzhenitsyn

"To accomplish great things, we must dream as well as act" Anotole France

The changing political winds

Can Kulmiye take charge and seize the golden opportunity at its door step?

Equality, fairness and justice must be inscribed on the banner hanging from the coming Kulmiye party conference. These are the building blocks of peace, harmony and justice. These attributes are the ingredient for a peaceful coexistence, progress and trust. They make the difference that distinguishes the functional and healthy communities, from the unhealthy and dysfunctional ones.

Kulmiye party must change its image. It needs to clean up itself. It needs to rid itself of its non pragmatic fringe that are frozen on the past. kulmiye party must seize the moment and utilize this great opportunity that avails itself to them. They must act as a major prominent party. They must shake the rebel image, the renegade image and act as a major player in Somaliland politics. It is time to clip the wings of the troublesome fringe and their radical rhetoric. The time to tame these lone voices in the wilderness is now. Kulmiye must become a big diverse tent which accommodates many different groups, who at the end of the day have the same vision, which is the well-being, safety/security, progress and prosperity of all Somalilanders. Kulmiye party must become the party for all Somaliland. Kulmiye must give especial consideration to most neglected areas in all regions of Somaliland, and particularly the Eastern regions. They must become the party that is fully integrating our regions with the rest of the country. Development projects must be proposed and eventually implemented in these regions.

What we are witnessing these days in Somaliland is democracy in action. I am very optimistic about the future of our nascent democracy. The transitions from the tribal society into pluralistic non tribal democratic society, where people are divided according to party affiliations seem to be in full swing. Some people may say that tribe so and so is conducting business in the old tribal ways. My answer to that is the transition from the tribal society, into a modern society is a slow but steady process. The tribes will be with us for some time. But our transition from the tribal society into a nation state society structured in the form of political parties, interest groups, business groups, non profit groups, corporate and religious groups across clan lines, is under way. There will be so many challenges ahead, but we are in the right direction.

The joining of the majority of Mahad Asse subclan to the Kulmiye party was a bold move in the right direction. I see that as another sign of a society moving away from the tribal state into a nation state. It is a sign of society not voting in block for merely tribal affiliations. This signifies that Somalilanders are close to a political maturity. That daring move demonstrates that citizens, have the ability to make alliances across clans and vote for politicians on the basis of issues, political positions, leadership qualities and track record.

Gone are the days when people vote for politicians for their tribal basis alone. Politicians must get over that hiccup which is in the past. Politicians must earn the attention and the votes of citizens. Politicians must sell ideas, policies and issues to the voters. We belong to the same clan mentality is no longer enough?

In this transitional period, there is no problem if all clans/sunclans or some clans or subclans agitate for their rights or perceived rights. I don't care if they are Mahad Asse, Makahil, Mamaasan, Haberarfan, Haber Yonis, Haber Awal, Isa Muse, Haber Kilo, Hatti, Caboose, and Muse Dari yo. All of our clans and sub clans have to demand their rights under the Sun. That is the essence of democracy. I am sorry if I missed anybody, I am not an expert on tribes and tribalogy. But the idea is equal justice for all. The idea is the building of a healthy society based on social justice, civil rights and merit. We are envisioning a society that cherishes human rights, morality, Virtue, human dignity and safeguards every citizen’s rights.

A new trend was started in the state of Awdal, when a maverick politician Honorable Ikam H. Daud Warsame declared her candidacy from the Kulmiye party in the last parliamentary elections and won. MP Ikram H. Daud Warsame crossed both the clan and party lines. Despite the huge odds stacked against her, she handily won her parliamentary seat over seasoned politicians of the old paradigm. That was a shocker in Somaliland. A the time few others also won parliamentary seats from Kulmiye and UCID parties. Most Somalilanders often think the whole Awdal region and Western Gabiley districts are Rayaale country. The latter suspicion has been disproved by the several parliamentarians that won seats in kulmiye and UCID parties. But the suspicion persists despite the above named facts. The Mahad Asse exodus from UDUB has put that argument to rest once and for all. The Mahad Asse subclan must be commended for their bold move. Their courageous step will be a model of a radical change, assertiveness and strong conviction.

I hate to talk about tribes, but until the transition from the tribal to a non tribal democratic society is complete, it is inevitable to use the names of clans and subclans. In that back drop I would like to mention, the Mahad Asse exit from the ruling UDUB party to Kulmiye was a great step forward for Somaliland:
(1) that was a testament to our on going societal transformation.
(2) It is vivid proof that all Awdal citizens are neither monolithic nor a Rayaale strong hold. The Mahad Asse, other Samaroon tribes and many other Somalilanders voted for Rayaalle in droves in the 2003 elections. Why? Because, they thought he is the right man for the job. They thought he is a unifier who will continue the legacy of the policies of our late president Mohamed H. Ibrahim Egal (May Allah bless his soul).

The sudden Mahad Asse switch from the Rayaale camp at this time has surprised many people. This even angered some people who started hurling insults against that community. The government gave deaf ears to the long lingering grievances of the people regarding, the delivery of government services to the people of Somaliland, and especially to those residing in small towns and rural areas.

The same people who yesterday voted for president Rayaale are demanding the change of guard today. Why? Because they think president Rayaale and his administration came short of delivering a lot of their promises. Of course they did a lot of good things but their over all report cards did not convince many Somalilanders to keep them in office for another five years.

All they-the citizens are saying to the administration today is, with all things considered, you did fairly well, but we want to give the opportunity for new faces this time around. We thank you very much for what you have done for our beloved country, but it is time for a peaceful change.

The winds of change are blowing through the breadth and length of Somaliland from east to west, north and south. Currently the political typhoons for change are sweeping through out this land in full speed. There is no hamlet, mountain side, village and farm spared from the fever for political change.

Apparently the country is crying for a peaceful change for the better. The sudden shift in the political party fortunes is not about a clan. It is not against any clan or subclan. It is about social justice, equal rights, civil rights for all and fairness. All Somaliland clans and subclans have the right to stand up for their rights. Peacefully demanding for once rights is the attributes of democracy.

The huge change that transpired in Awdal is just like a tectonic plate movement. The massive gravitational pull has severely disrupted the political equation. It changed the configuration, structure and the political equilibrium. They have thrown the political equilibrium into a state of chaos and confusion. Obviously the emerging new cosmic forces for political change, has tipped the political balance in favor of Kulmye party. These seismic forces have put the complacent government into confusion and bewilderment.

In the heat of the moment the government dispatched about eight ministers to Borama apparently to do some damage control, following the Mahad Asse departure from UDUB and stop the bleeding. The minister’s congregation told the local media, they came to Borama to condemn the mistreatment of Awdal athletes in Hargeisa. But the people of Borama did not believe the afore-said is the only reason they came for. On the contrary locals believe the reason for the sudden visit of a large number of government ministers to Borama at this time was damage control, and an attempt to lure back the community that has left the governing party. Unfortunately those efforts end up as futile attempts which came at a very late hour. Clearly they were too little too late. The huge ministerial entourage came back from Awdal empty handed. Some claims of meeting with some prominent members of the new opposition groups in Awdal were denied by those leaders.

At the end of the day all the groups under Kulmiye's big tents must speak in one voice, which strongly believes on strong, sovereign, independent and recognized Somaliland Republic. Remember we already recognized ourselves. That is even more important than any recognition by anybody

Suleiman Egeh

Senior Science Instructor. MS: Molecular Biology

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